Covid-19 Update Aggie Physician

1,276,617 Views | 3660 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by tamc91
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Is querceptin intended to be quercetin?
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Not exactly the same but would like to give a point of similarity of sorts. During the H1N1 crisis I worked at Baylor Dallas. The only hospital I can think of that sees more people on a daily basis is Parkland. I'd say that's also comparable to both Herman and Ben Taub. I'm also familiar with all four as a firefighter. Anyway I was working as an ER Tech which is the fire equivalent of a paramedic, we just basically work under the physicians guidance. In many ways it gave us the ability to do things without permission that the nurses had to wait and get a signature for because hospitals have archaic rules and ridiculous standards that are unfair to the RNs. So we were in a large room doing swabs with about 300 people in it. Eventually we had both the room and a tent. Plenty of healthy unsick people sitting right beside very sick people and all of them wanting a test swab. I don't know today how many people walked into that area without the H1N1 and walked out with it, but my point is if you don't think you have it, or don't show symptoms, try not to find out. It was the most tired I've ever been, the most tired my colleagues had ever been, we wer terrified of bringing it home. Some of us showered at work and then again at home. Even saying all that, I can't fathom what it's like right now for these health care workers. God bless every single one of them.
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Thank you all who are in the profession! Thank you also for your responses here.

IANAL - But all of the responses here should fall under the Good Samaritan Law - they are well intended, helpful, etc.
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HLH is the result of an overblown immune response associated with a "cytokine storm". Much of the lung pathology in Covid19 may be a result of cytokine storm, at least I've seen comments to this effect, so this is a logical off label application of this drug.
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TAMUallen said:

Is querceptin intended to be quercetin?

Yes typo
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Reveille said:

Latest Update - BTHO Covid-19

Thanks for the time you and others are taking to provide calm and professional advise.

In your update above you finish off talking about zinc. The brand I have comes in 50mg tablets, which is 500% plus over the recommended daily allowance. Assuming you find a zinc ionophore to take concurrently, is there a number of consecutive days at this dosage where your cells would be sufficiently saturated/have access to available zinc? Should you then take a break from it for a few days? I guess what I'm asking is...Can you take too much zinc/take it for too many days? Some vitamins pass the excess harmlessly away, but I'm guessing some vitamins in mega-doses can have side effects and/or you could take too much?
“It ain’t like it used to be.”
-Jimbo Fisher
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BiochemAg97 said:

tonytx05 said:

Forgive me if someone already posted this, I lose track of what info I've seen where with so much going on. I'm curious what the docs think of this report from Imperial College that says we may have to cycle on and off the social distancing long term until a vaccine is widely available. If this turns out to be correct, this is going to be much more than just work at home and eat take out for a few weeks.

Also, thank you for all the info y'all are sharing here!
I think you cycle the isolation, but keep the social distancing in place. Also, when we get over the peak or have flattened the curve and have the testing capability, we can switch to a test, quarantine, trace like SK. We don't have to stay in lockdown if we can keep a lid on the issue with extensive monitoring.

It would be good if we got some guidance on criteria for when to ease restrictions and when to ratchet back up. So far, the feds are leaving the shelter-in-place orders to the states, which makes sense because each state is in a different place.

Thanks, the idea of switching from widespread to targeted isolation of people makes sense, and would have a much more limited economic impact on the country. Hopefully that's a place we can get to soon.
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tonytx05 said:

BiochemAg97 said:

tonytx05 said:

Forgive me if someone already posted this, I lose track of what info I've seen where with so much going on. I'm curious what the docs think of this report from Imperial College that says we may have to cycle on and off the social distancing long term until a vaccine is widely available. If this turns out to be correct, this is going to be much more than just work at home and eat take out for a few weeks.

Also, thank you for all the info y'all are sharing here!
I think you cycle the isolation, but keep the social distancing in place. Also, when we get over the peak or have flattened the curve and have the testing capability, we can switch to a test, quarantine, trace like SK. We don't have to stay in lockdown if we can keep a lid on the issue with extensive monitoring.

It would be good if we got some guidance on criteria for when to ease restrictions and when to ratchet back up. So far, the feds are leaving the shelter-in-place orders to the states, which makes sense because each state is in a different place.

Thanks, the idea of switching from widespread to targeted isolation of people makes sense, and would have a much more limited economic impact on the country. Hopefully that's a place we can get to soon.

My only concern with being able to match SK's success is they have used some pretty invasive methods such as tracking credit card usage for contact tracing. I'm not sure that would pass muster here, then again these are unique times. I never thought we would see widespread shutdowns like we are seeing so who knows.
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Doc, how much quercertin, green tea, and zinc should we take? (Assuming our doctors ok'd it with any other medicines we are taking) I looked up quercertin and it looks like it comes in cranberries. Can I just drink a glass of cranberry juice with some green tea and zinc?
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Also have you heard anything about gargling and drinking warm fluids every 20 minutes? I heard through the grapevine that the Chinese are recommending this to help keep the virus out of the throat.

Thanks for everything you are doing! Praying that you and other front line workers stay safe!
3rd Generation Ag
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Ok follow up on this. I am drinking green tea decaffinated daily anyway. It seems to calm me and I am having some anxiety issues for the first time ever.

So that is covered and I the other vitamins in your update are the ones I am taking anyway.

However question on the strange one that might be in cranberry juice.

I take AZO cranberry pill daily rather than drinking the juice. Normally since I am prone to UTIs and when school is in session can't go to the bathroom for hours at a time. That makes it worse.

Do the pills provide the same benefit or do you know?
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ccaggie05 said:

tonytx05 said:

BiochemAg97 said:

tonytx05 said:

Forgive me if someone already posted this, I lose track of what info I've seen where with so much going on. I'm curious what the docs think of this report from Imperial College that says we may have to cycle on and off the social distancing long term until a vaccine is widely available. If this turns out to be correct, this is going to be much more than just work at home and eat take out for a few weeks.

Also, thank you for all the info y'all are sharing here!
I think you cycle the isolation, but keep the social distancing in place. Also, when we get over the peak or have flattened the curve and have the testing capability, we can switch to a test, quarantine, trace like SK. We don't have to stay in lockdown if we can keep a lid on the issue with extensive monitoring.

It would be good if we got some guidance on criteria for when to ease restrictions and when to ratchet back up. So far, the feds are leaving the shelter-in-place orders to the states, which makes sense because each state is in a different place.

Thanks, the idea of switching from widespread to targeted isolation of people makes sense, and would have a much more limited economic impact on the country. Hopefully that's a place we can get to soon.

My only concern with being able to match SK's success is they have used some pretty invasive methods such as tracking credit card usage for contact tracing. I'm not sure that would pass muster here, then again these are unique times. I never thought we would see widespread shutdowns like we are seeing so who knows.
We shouldn't expect either shelter in place or test, quarantine, trace to completely stop the spread. Indeed, it is probably good to have a low level of spread to build population immunity, especially if we are waiting until fall '21 for a vaccine to put this all to rest. We want to keep below hospital capacity.

Thus, we don't have to have perfect containment, as long as whatever tools we are using result in an effective r0 of 1 or less, we can go about our daily lives. Right now we are assuming 2.3, so 2-3 new infections per infected person. If you can catch 1-2 of those and quarantine before they spread, we are probably fine. Also, keep in mind, according to the China data (fwiw), there appears to be a low likelihood of spread with casual contact. The bulk of your spread will come from people in close contact for extended time periods, so living in the same home, coworkers in meetings, and large gatherings. With the exception of large gatherings (unless you isolate and test everyone attending a show or football game if one person in attendance ends up positive), the others are relatively easy to trace.
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maroonbeansnrice said:

Reveille said:

Latest Update - BTHO Covid-19

Thanks for the time you and others are taking to provide calm and professional advise.

In your update above you finish off talking about zinc. The brand I have comes in 50mg tablets, which is 500% plus over the recommended daily allowance. Assuming you find a zinc ionophore to take concurrently, is there a number of consecutive days at this dosage where your cells would be sufficiently saturated/have access to available zinc? Should you then take a break from it for a few days? I guess what I'm asking is...Can you take too much zinc/take it for too many days? Some vitamins pass the excess harmlessly away, but I'm guessing some vitamins in mega-doses can have side effects and/or you could take too much?
Any amount of Zinc is good. I take 50mg of Zinc but that is for my prostate. If you have a balanced diet you might not need any extra Zinc but I think considering how important it appears to be in fighting off this virus I would take a supplement every day. Even 4mg should be adequate.
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Player To Be Named Later
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What brand of Quercitin do you recommend? I bought some off Amazon but concerned whether it will have sufficient bio availability. I bought the "NOW" Quercetin with Bromelain.

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Reveille said:

maroonbeansnrice said:

Reveille said:

Latest Update - BTHO Covid-19

Thanks for the time you and others are taking to provide calm and professional advise.

In your update above you finish off talking about zinc. The brand I have comes in 50mg tablets, which is 500% plus over the recommended daily allowance. Assuming you find a zinc ionophore to take concurrently, is there a number of consecutive days at this dosage where your cells would be sufficiently saturated/have access to available zinc? Should you then take a break from it for a few days? I guess what I'm asking is...Can you take too much zinc/take it for too many days? Some vitamins pass the excess harmlessly away, but I'm guessing some vitamins in mega-doses can have side effects and/or you could take too much?
Any amount of Zinc is good. I take 50mg of Zinc but that is for my prostate. If you have a balanced diet you might not need any extra Zinc but I think considering how important it appears to be in fighting off this virus I would take a supplement every day. Even 4mg should be adequate.
I assume taking a multivitamin with 15 mg of zinc plus all the other vitamins and nutrients equating to the kitchen sink is beneficial as well. Agreed?
Aggie Pharmer
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Player To Be Named Later said:

What brand of Quercitin do you recommend? I bought some off Amazon but concerned whether it will have sufficient bio availability. I bought the "NOW" Quercetin with Bromelain.

Another poster on the Hydroxychloriquine thread posted some really interesting papers on a modified type of quercitin called quercitin phytosome.

One of the papers detailed a clinical study in which quercetin phytosome had a much higher bioavailability than did quercetin.
JD Shellnut
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Aggie Pharmer said:

Player To Be Named Later said:

What brand of Quercitin do you recommend? I bought some off Amazon but concerned whether it will have sufficient bio availability. I bought the "NOW" Quercetin with Bromelain.

Another poster on the Hydroxychloriquine thread posted some really interesting papers on a modified type of quercitin called quercitin phytosome.

One of the papers detailed a clinical study in which quercetin phytosome had a much higher bioavailability than did quercetin.

I bought this brand of quercitin phytosome.
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Madagascar said:

Doc, how much quercertin, green tea, and zinc should we take? (Assuming our doctors ok'd it with any other medicines we are taking) I looked up quercertin and it looks like it comes in cranberries. Can I just drink a glass of cranberry juice with some green tea and zinc?
Those are questions we don't know the answer to yet. In clinical trials they used 6-7 grams but I don't think that is practical. I am taking 1000mg or 1g twice per day since my exposure is high. If I get ill with the virus (first off I hope we have hydroxycholoquine available) but if not I will likely increase that to 6-7g but not on a daily basis.

As for foods containing it eating leafy green vegtables, apples, fruit juices and even red wine have some in them.

Green Tea I don't know how much they were using in clinical trials. But I would I suggest 1-2 tabs per day.

Zinc you may not need any but as I said previously anything with zinc in it is sufficient.

Remember these are supplements and while they might not keep you from completely getting sick hopefully they limit the infection to mild by slowly viral replication.
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3rd Generation Ag said:

Ok follow up on this. I am drinking green tea decaffinated daily anyway. It seems to calm me and I am having some anxiety issues for the first time ever.

So that is covered and I the other vitamins in your update are the ones I am taking anyway.

However question on the strange one that might be in cranberry juice.

I take AZO cranberry pill daily rather than drinking the juice. Normally since I am prone to UTIs and when school is in session can't go to the bathroom for hours at a time. That makes it worse.

Do the pills provide the same benefit or do you know?
Don't know the answer to that but I you might look at the ingredients and see what else is in it.
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Player To Be Named Later said:

What brand of Quercitin do you recommend? I bought some off Amazon but concerned whether it will have sufficient bio availability. I bought the "NOW" Quercetin with Bromelain.

I think any is fine. Get what you can find. If you can't find any eat foods rich in it.
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czechy91 said:

Reveille said:

maroonbeansnrice said:

Reveille said:

Latest Update - BTHO Covid-19

Thanks for the time you and others are taking to provide calm and professional advise.

In your update above you finish off talking about zinc. The brand I have comes in 50mg tablets, which is 500% plus over the recommended daily allowance. Assuming you find a zinc ionophore to take concurrently, is there a number of consecutive days at this dosage where your cells would be sufficiently saturated/have access to available zinc? Should you then take a break from it for a few days? I guess what I'm asking is...Can you take too much zinc/take it for too many days? Some vitamins pass the excess harmlessly away, but I'm guessing some vitamins in mega-doses can have side effects and/or you could take too much?
Any amount of Zinc is good. I take 50mg of Zinc but that is for my prostate. If you have a balanced diet you might not need any extra Zinc but I think considering how important it appears to be in fighting off this virus I would take a supplement every day. Even 4mg should be adequate.
I assume taking a multivitamin with 15 mg of zinc plus all the other vitamins and nutrients equating to the kitchen sink is beneficial as well. Agreed?
Yes a multivitamin is fine
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Player To Be Named Later
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My plan was to take that NOW brand, drink a glass of green tea a day, and take my Zinc supplement.

As well as Vit D, A, C, and Selenium daily.
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Reveille said:

Madagascar said:

Doc, how much quercertin, green tea, and zinc should we take? (Assuming our doctors ok'd it with any other medicines we are taking) I looked up quercertin and it looks like it comes in cranberries. Can I just drink a glass of cranberry juice with some green tea and zinc?
If I get ill with the virus (first off I hope we have hydroxycholoquine available) but if not I will likely increase that to 6-7g but not on a daily basis.

It seems a lot of front-line docs are sold on hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus and are taking it themselves and prescribing for the sick.

So why aren't we seeing an outcry from the medical community to get it FDA-approved right now using long-established safe dosages as a treatment for the virus?

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All supplements are not the same. They need to be tested. If you go to, it is an independent testing company completely funded by subscribers only that test supplements for content, purity, etc. They also supplement their testing with references with scientific and medical study references for claims.

If you search their site for Covid-19, a free article comes up which supports your recommendations for supplements. Excellent site which I have used for a while. It lets you know what you are getting as far as supplements go and whether there is any truth to claims of efficacy for ailments, etc. It also gives you information about safe doses, etc.
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Player To Be Named Later said:

My plan was to take that NOW brand, drink a glass of green tea a day, and take my Zinc supplement.

As well as Vit D, A, C, and Selenium daily.
That looks like a sound plan and similar to what I am doing.
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Big Al 1992
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Dr. Rev,
What do you say to the deniers - friends that are going about their business, drinking w friends, kids running in and out of their house, "there's only 51 cases in Harris County - this is overblown"
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74OA said:

Reveille said:

Madagascar said:

Doc, how much quercertin, green tea, and zinc should we take? (Assuming our doctors ok'd it with any other medicines we are taking) I looked up quercertin and it looks like it comes in cranberries. Can I just drink a glass of cranberry juice with some green tea and zinc?
If I get ill with the virus (first off I hope we have hydroxycholoquine available) but if not I will likely increase that to 6-7g but not on a daily basis.

It seems a lot of front-line docs are sold on hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus and are taking it themselves and prescribing for the sick.

So why aren't we seeing an outcry from the medical community to get it FDA-approved right now using long-established safe dosages as a treatment for the virus?

I am sold on it too but it has been pulled off the shelves just about everywhere. We are going to have to mass produce it. I am talking tens if not hundreds of millions of pills if we are all going to take it for prophylaxis. In addition you have to some for treatment.
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..........and why the lack of outcry from docs to get it promptly FDA approved as a virus treatment?
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74OA said:

..........and why the lack of outcry from docs to get it promptly FDA approved as a virus treatment?
It doesn't have to be FDA approved for doctors to prescribe it off label.
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RM1993 said:

74OA said:

..........and why the lack of outcry from docs to get it promptly FDA approved as a virus treatment?
It doesn't have to be FDA approved for doctors to prescribe it off label.
Yes, but that's not my question. If it's a good treatment for the virus, approve it as such and promote it.

Right now we have the federal medical folks still saying it's unproven and potentially unsafe.

Which is it? No company is going to up production to meet the need until the FDA commits.
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Big Al 1992 said:

Dr. Rev,
What do you say to the deniers - friends that are going about their business, drinking w friends, kids running in and out of their house, "there's only 51 cases in Harris County - this is overblown"
I not Dr. Rev, but I'd say there is little you can say that will change their minds or behavior. Sadly, it can have the opposite effect. You know the type "ain't no one gonna tell me how to live my life" or "we're healthy so those rules don't apply to us." Best advice is stay clear of them and take notice where they've been so you and your family can avoid. If they do something against an imposed ordinance, you can call the police. Depends on what they're violating as to whether the police take action or not. What's infuriating is that they'll be deniers until it happens to one of them; then they'll be the ones pushing to cut in line for medical care. Good luck and stay away from them. Just my opinion. Other docs may have a different take.
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Reveille, if a patient is administered the drug as Prophylaxis, will that prevent developing an immunity to the virus?
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Rock1982 said:

Reveille, if a patient is administered the drug as Prophylaxis, will that prevent developing an immunity to the virus?

No it will not if the patient at some point catches the disease after/despite prophylaxis.
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Saw my first really sick people from this thing over the past few days in Waco. Moving this from another thread where it might get more traffic. I think it needs to be seen and heard.

Shagga said:


MARCH 23 9:48 a.m. Despite speculation and rumors, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo says she will not issue a "shelter-in-place" or "stay-at-home" order at this time. Hidalgo also says the term "shelter in place" is not the correct term for the Houston-area community. That term, she says, is typically reserved for hurricanes, active shooter drills, etc. She says local officials, from both the county and the City of Houston, continue to evaluate the needs of the Houston area and may provide an update later in the day Monday with "next steps" for our community.
Wow. This is completely unexpected - common sense displayed.

Wrong... Every major and minor city in Texas should be sheltering in place yesterday. Waco has started to see the first really sick people from this after getting our first confirmed cases about a week ago.

I can tell you from experience that this disease is a different animal. It will flat kill anybody with poor lung reserve or function.

Waco actually had the good sense to order a shelter-in-place this morning going into effect at midnight. Other cities would do well to do this before the bad cases start showing up in ERs.

Don't fool yourself. This stuff is everywhere and it looks and acts differently from anything I have ever seen.

I was cautious but not really scared until I saw the first people really sick from this. I am scared now
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I'm a little nervous being an asthmatic. I'm in good shape, but when I get a cold or flu I do tend to have a little heavier breathing. Not sure what this will/can do to me. The bad news? I'm in construction and WFH right now doesn't seem to be an option, though I'm debating on putting the ultimatum on my company to allow me to otherwise just not showing up.....
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