Depends on what was in the house.
Also, something else to keep in mind is you can always request a new adjuster if you dont agree with the one you have. After hurricane rita my parents were first offered 10k by their insurance company adjuster for structure and contents. They went through 6 adjusters between structure and contents. If one wasn't beinb realistic my mom would call the insurance company and get another. By the time it was done they ended up getting well over 100k. This was a long drawn out process, but my parents refused to settle for less than what they thought was fair. Their house was almost a total loss.
I realize FEMA is the organization that manages the national flood insurance program, but when most people talk about FEMA it's not the flood insurance portion. From my understanding you contact your insurance agent that wrote the policy. They will send an adjuster and go from there. FEMA doesn't do the adjusting for national flood insurance program from my understanding.