7 thoughts from an insider

32,323 Views | 127 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by 87_Was_Long_Ago
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deer corn said:

Wait Aggie Dance team on the dugouts turned away black players?

This is bizarre world.

there is a period between those two sentences. They are different thoughts.
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mulch said:

Why did Schloss leave?

Insider's perspective:
  • He never liked the culture. He couldn't wrap his head around why people were freaking out about dancers on the dugouts. He felt he had a really hard time recruiting black players.
  • Once Jimbo was fired, word got around the buyout had to come from somewhere and it could be the baseball project. He never felt secure about the project.
  • Bjork hired him and then left.
  • Trevor Alberts fired senior staff including his baseball sport supervisor Chris Park. Why didn't they keep him on through the post season run? That tweet Schloss put out about the George Straight concert was rather telling. This was the tipping point. If baseball was important to the university, why let your guy go during the season? Trev BOTCHED this.
  • The decision to fire Childress was made before the second weekend of baseball in 2021 and Schloss was already the guy. This deal was all but done in April a week after the Texas loss to UTRGV. These deals are done long in the future.
  • Schloss' relationship with CDC cannot be underestimated. They talk on a weekly basis.
  • This could have been leaked the week after the regionals but Schloss lied about it to close people to protect himself. People close to him started asking questions since O'Connor got his extension and UT didn't hire Jay Johnson after LSU's regional loss. Schloss was ALWAYS their guy.
  • [/ol]

    I chatted with a decent source of mine in Mississippi about the Schlossnagle situation. Word is (among a number of baseball fans of other SEC schools) that the deal started to be "in the works" after our series with Georgia. If that's the case, it was a done deal long ago. Whatever the circumstances, "May the name of Schlossnagle be stricken from every obelisk, …" Im ready to move on. Let's hire the coach from Kentucky or Florida State.
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    Ag1188 said:

    black players not wanting to play for the albino. Dancers? One old guy with a newspaper a year ago or so? Lol

    Baseball coach worried about dancers and a fan in the stands.

    Dude cannot close in championships. That's his MO at 2 programs now.

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    OP are these your 7 reasons to justify the manner in which he left?

    I don't think anyone could find 7*77 complaints to warrant that stab in the back.
    “You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
    - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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    Who is Chris Park?
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    BadAggie said:

    Lmao. 'I can't recruit black players because dancers'

    Doesn't seem to matter for other sports

    What a lame bag of 'grievances'

    Or was he thinking with his pineapple
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    3 sentences can express a related thought. Issue was A&M's "culture" which doesn't appear to be an issue in recruiting non white athletes in other sports. What then is the reason?

    A&M has a large fanbase and a tremendous amount of resources. It looks like we learned our lesson from the last time a coach with a relationship to an AD at a rival school wanted to poach him.

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    $240 Worth of Pudding said:

    Schloss is a whiny biatch. Was never happy with anything. **** him.

    Mark Turgeon 2.0
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    The decision to fire Childress bullet is not a reason Schloss left. That makes no sense.
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    Just a guess that the money would've been there for him.

    AG 05
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    Jugstore Cowboy
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    Do other colleges have dancers at baseball games? I watch other college baseball besides A&M, and I never notice cameras lingering on dancers or cheerleaders. That was a really weird thing for Schloss to focus on.

    Hell, most 2 & 3A parks have less entertainment/atmosphere than Olsen Field.
    Ag Tag
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    Jugstore Cowboy said:

    Do other colleges have dancers at baseball games? I watch other college baseball besides A&M, and I never notice cameras lingering on dancers or cheerleaders. That was a really weird thing for Schloss to focus on.

    Hell, most 2 & 3A parks have less entertainment/atmosphere than Olsen Field.
    Almost every college has sexy dancers at basketball games, but you never see them on TV because they perform at half time, and the talking heads in the studio are shown instead.
    Jugstore Cowboy
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    We've had dancers at basketball for years too, have we not? (I do confess to most of my post-college bb attendance being at another school, which has dancers).

    But for baseball?

    *and I don't really care about having dancers at Olsen, I just think it's a silly point that wouldn't change much on the field or off.
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    Jugstore Cowboy said:

    Do other colleges have dancers at baseball games? I watch other college baseball besides A&M, and I never notice cameras lingering on dancers or cheerleaders. That was a really weird thing for Schloss to focus on.

    Hell, most 2 & 3A parks have less entertainment/atmosphere than Olsen Field.
    Easy way to look at that: Do high schools or pro teams do it? Colleges typically follow them.

    The reason why football teams and basketball teams in college and pro leagues have cheerleaders/dance teams is because they're part of the high school game experience. Same for the band. People stick with what they grew up with.

    That was never normal in baseball and other sports never had them.
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    TCU does. I'd bet you anything tu will next year too.
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    el_guapo said:

    The decision to fire Childress bullet is not a reason Schloss left. That makes no sense.

    I read that more as he had decided to leave some time ago. That seems to be the story here, he opted to join his special male friend in Austin and all else was secondary.
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    Killzone3abc said:

    TCU does. I'd bet you anything tu will next year too.

    Need some T&A when things aren't going well
    Jugstore Cowboy
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    The more I waste time thinking about it, and looking at Schloss's resume, I think what a lot of the OP adds up to is that Schloss's background was at small schools where there just weren't so many voices and opinions on baseball operations.

    But I'm sure he'll find things to be totally different at Austin....
    Ag Tag
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    Jugstore Cowboy said:

    We've had dancers at basketball for years too, have we not? (I do confess to most of my post-college bb attendance being at another school, which has dancers).

    But for baseball?

    *and I don't really care about having dancers at Olsen, I just think it's a silly point that wouldn't change much on the field or off.
    Baseball? No, I've never known of a Womens' dance team at a baseball game.
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    Jugstore Cowboy said:

    We've had dancers at basketball for years too, have we not? (I do confess to most of my post-college bb attendance being at another school, which has dancers).

    But for baseball?

    *and I don't really care about having dancers at Olsen, I just think it's a silly point that wouldn't change much on the field or off.
    Schloss wanted the dancers around so he could get to know them well enough to have their cellphone numbers. Makes it easier for him to send them his dick pics.
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    TexasAggie81 said:

    mulch said:

    Why did Schloss leave?

    Insider's perspective:
  • He never liked the culture. He couldn't wrap his head around why people were freaking out about dancers on the dugouts. He felt he had a really hard time recruiting black players.
  • Once Jimbo was fired, word got around the buyout had to come from somewhere and it could be the baseball project. He never felt secure about the project.
  • Bjork hired him and then left.
  • Trevor Alberts fired senior staff including his baseball sport supervisor Chris Park. Why didn't they keep him on through the post season run? That tweet Schloss put out about the George Straight concert was rather telling. This was the tipping point. If baseball was important to the university, why let your guy go during the season? Trev BOTCHED this.
  • The decision to fire Childress was made before the second weekend of baseball in 2021 and Schloss was already the guy. This deal was all but done in April a week after the Texas loss to UTRGV. These deals are done long in the future.
  • Schloss' relationship with CDC cannot be underestimated. They talk on a weekly basis.
  • This could have been leaked the week after the regionals but Schloss lied about it to close people to protect himself. People close to him started asking questions since O'Connor got his extension and UT didn't hire Jay Johnson after LSU's regional loss. Schloss was ALWAYS their guy.
  • [/ol]

    I chatted with a decent source of mine in Mississippi about the Schlossnagle situation. Word is (among a number of baseball fans of other SEC schools) that the deal started to be "in the works" after our series with Georgia. If that's the case, it was a done deal long ago. Whatever the circumstances, "May the name of Schlossnagle be stricken from every obelisk, …" Im ready to move on. Let's hire the coach from Kentucky or Florida State.

    If this is true, then Schlossnagle started talking to tu a few days after Chris Park got laid off (announced on 4/24/2024). The Georgia series began on 4/26/2024. Did Trev speak to Schlossnagle before the layoffs? I can imagine Schlossnagle complaining to CDC about it and the move to tu was put in motion. If Trev broke it, he'd better fix it right and ASAP.
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    Lol Lossnagle whining about things to his bff.

    There's a lot of material here Ags, a grown ass man complaining to his male friend about nonsense
    Maroon Flash
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    Biggest stab in back in history of Aggie athletics.
    Maroon Flash
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    NotalentAG said:

    We should never have a head coach in any sport that says or tweets "Y'all Aggies" in their 3rd year. In hindsight, that is a very telling tweet. We should have known and the deal was probably already done at that time.

    Yes, pretty much a jab at his boss at that moment. Which you can only do when you are heading to another boss.

    Who knows. Maybe Park was in his swingers club.

    Brauny is stating Schloss started talking to CDC for a move around the Georgia series. We were ranked number one in the land at that time. Possibly it took place at that time bc Park was let go. Whatever Schloss. Your team is ranked number one and you start thinking about a move. Whatever. Shows me you are most likely a person that will never have true happiness in your life.
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    In the video staff made tonight there was a comment about him being fickle and throwing fits over **** behind the scenes which is a wild description for a grown ass man. Seems to lineup with him being butt buddies with CDC and crying to him about his woes.
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    Killzone3abc said:

    TCU does. I'd bet you anything tu will next year too.
    Wouldn't it be great if the trans population at t.u. had a big presence on the new baseball dance squad.
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    NotalentAG said:

    We should never have a head coach in any sport that says or tweets "Y'all Aggies" in their 3rd year. In hindsight, that is a very telling tweet. We should have known and the deal was probably already done at that time.

    It is interested now that I think back on all of Schloss comments over the last few years. He did seem to complain about some of the traditions. Even felt he somewhat softly mocked Aggieland traditions. He certainly was never truly engaged in them and was mainly proud of how he influenced change to tradition.

    I like change and disuption but you can only take that so far with Texas A&M. And I think Schloss came to see this fairly quickly during his time here. He would never have full control like CDC could offer and did offer.

    Stinks but Schloss simply was not a fit for A&M. Just sucks he is a ****ty person. Have some balls and simply say it....rather than lie, lie and lie. Maybe if you voiced your concerns honestly? Or who knows maybe he did and our new AD gave him a middle finger.

    I hope he knows what he has coming to him. I do believe in karma. We also look like complete jackasses which is probably more painful after Fisher.
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    The stuff with Trev is what sticks out to me too. Seems like he might've seen the change between Ross to Trev as not what he signed up for and decided it wasn't for him and so he's going to head back to working with his buddy.

    I hope A&M hiring some penny pinching dbag AD isn't going to **** us over more than it already has. It's great to balance the budget, but A&M finally gets a coaching hire right in a major sport and is set up for long term success and it can't help but **** the bed and allow that coach to leave after the most successful season in program history.

    The way he left after what he said in the press conference on Monday is inexcusable, but our leadership sucks and I have no confidence that they'll replace him with someone that can produce at the level we've seen for the past 3 years. We'll be watching texas have that success for the next 10 years while we cycle through more ADs and head baseball coaches.
    Frank Grimes
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    Agthatbuilds said:

    Sounds like it worked out for us

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    BadAggie said:

    Sterling82 said:

    I suspect the list of grievances were developed after Schlossnagle determined he wanted to leave. That's the typical process…a guy wants to have an affair, he starts making a mental list of all his wife's negatives to justify his actions.

    With that said, Alberts worries me. You can't go around cutting costs to the point that your product becomes unmarketable. That's a road to even bigger financial problems.

    Are we cutting costs or opting to make better moves?

    Let's see how this progresses, sounds more like Schloss wanted to be closer to his special buddy in Austin

    In my opinion it's too early to tell. I felt like some our assistant hires in football were limited by salary…bad and costly move if we become a mid-tier team as a result. The cut in staff across the AD may have been warranted to a degree but it seems to have been handled in draconian fashion and, in the case of Schlossnagle, was apparently viewed as a lack of support.
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    NotalentAG said:

    We should never have a head coach in any sport that says or tweets "Y'all Aggies" in their 3rd year. In hindsight, that is a very telling tweet. We should have known and the deal was probably already done at that time.

    Exactly, that stood out the most. And telling Ags what to do as if we need him to explain to us Ags what he would do if he were one of us. He was never one of us
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    It makes me wonder if we offered Schloss a pay increase to get him to stay. If we did, was it more than what keeping Parke around would have cost? These are the kinds of false economies I fear will become a part of Alberts AD and it's not going to help us compete on the field. We shall see. Bottom line, if we're not pursuing excellence in every single sport, what's the point.
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    This is what it looks like to me…we play second fiddle in this state. No matter how big we are, or how much money we have, or whatever support we get from the fans, we just had a coach leave us for Texas after having lost the CWS final by one measly run.

    It's a bitter pill to swallow, but swallow it we must…
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    The interest in the job at UT probably started when they got into the SEC. With NIL money, lots of teenagers would rather be rich in Austin. UT baseball was embarrassingly bad and UT is desperate to one up ATM. This is like Lisa Su leaving AMD for Intel. Only schlossnagle and co can fix UT baseball immediately.
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