CapCityAg89 said:
Yea. I'm low key trying to get my wife to consider BCS for retirement. I'd swap FB tickets for basketball and baseball. But for the time being, no way I can make that game.
My wife and I moved to BCS from ATX five years ago. We've had season tickets to football and basketball until this season when we dropped fb.
That "hard choice" was pretty easy. The tickets are significantly less. The seats are fantastic. The parking is a breeze; even for a highlight game (like UK). And there are more games to go to. All of that said, the only way this is possible is that we ARE local… we live very close to West Campus.
As has been observed earlier with hilarious LOTR metaphors, Reed is an ugly facility. And I had not thought it too big, until now, but it is. The student sections are stuck at the ends of the courts and just are not fun venues for them to watch the game. There are almost always a sea of empty seats, game after game. If I were Coach Williams I would _very_ strategic about which games I invited recruits to attend. It's embarrassing.
We love Aggie basketball. And I think Coach Williams is about as perfect a fit here as anyone else. I actually think this team has the best chance to go far since we have been here. However, last night's game was won on hurt pride and not strategy. Buzz needs to get his team working together as a team offensively as he does defensively.
Sorry for the rant. Happy for the win. Hope this lights a fire for Vegas.