torchy's queso
Great, now I'm craving Torchy's queso and a Mr. Pink. I guess I know where I will be eating in Austin this weekend.
torchy's queso
Tree Hugger - I'm a big fan of Dairy Palace. Also cool to see your son is in Boy Scouts. What rank is he? I'm an Eagle Scout. Had two different Cub Scouts from the neighborhood come by selling popcorn and I was a sucker, I mean very generous, and bought from both. I'll grab my food porn from Facebook and post here in a little bit.
Tree Hugger, are you guys looking to hire IT support? I think I could fit in well at your office. I'm pretty handy around a grill.
soft shell crab po'boy at goode co seafood in houston/katy
It's his first year with the troop after five years with the cubs, he's currently second class.
Sorry, we don't have on-site IT at my office. If we need anything it comes from our corporate headquartes in Richardson.