Hefty pour to celebrate the Ags not losing this week!
anonymousAg05 said:
I thought BTAC was all in the lottery toward the end of the year.
Tom Cardy said:
So a 20% markup over SRP - seems like the exact kind of thing I'm talking about
They stopped doing distillery release so people would stop camping out. You have to win the online raffle to go pick it up at the distillery. Some limited distribution still, but not sure how muchcena05 said:
Thought it was distillery release only, no?
I'm a big fan of ECBP, LBP is a bit cheaper and on the shelf at a local now at $68. I'll have to stop by tomorrow.HouseDivided06 said:
Picked one up today at Specs in Plano along with a ECTB. Toasted barrel was a bit too oaky for me but curious how it opens up. Larceny BP was very tasty. Hot at 126 but I like high proof stuff. Was my first experience with either and enjoyed the Larceny much more than the ECTB. Would recommend grabbing one if you see it at retail.
AlaskanAg99 said:
Haven't had ECTB yet.
AgCzar said:
I know that some people don't like toasted bourbons, but EC Toasted is one of my favorite bottles. I always grab it when I find it and it's always a favorite when I pour it for guests.
FancyKetchup14 said:
Eagle Rare 25 year can be yours for a modest price of $10,000