thoughts on 2022 OF Birthday Bourbon for $700 cash?
srob2004 said:
Got some Old Forester King Ranch from a local shop... thoughts on it?
reedsterg said:
I saw a bottle at a local shop the other day wayyy overpriced. The guy said it was because they don't make it anymore.
reedsterg said:
I saw a bottle at a local shop the other day wayyy overpriced. The guy said it was because they don't make it anymore.
That's highway robbery. I use to see them at my twins but passed on it every-time. I'd be happy to give it to you at cost if I ever find it again.reedsterg said:
Definitely over $100, I think it was in the $200 range if I remember correctly. This place has some good finds sitting on the shelf, but there's a reason they're still sitting there. $$$$
SALEM, Ore. A thirst for rare bottles of bourbon appears set to have cost the executive director and other top officials of Oregon's liquor and marijuana regulating agency their jobs.
An internal investigation by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, obtained by The Associated Press via public records request Wednesday, concluded that Executive Director Steve Marks and five other agency officials had diverted sought-after bourbons, including Pappy Van Winkle's 23-year-old whiskey, for their personal use.
The officials were paying for the whiskey, which can cost thousands of dollars a bottle, but they had used their knowledge and connections at the commission to obtain them, and consequently deprived members of the public of the spendy booze, the investigation said. And that violated Oregon statutes, including one that prohibits public officials from using confidential information for personal gain, the commission's investigation said.
In his responses to questions from the investigator, Marks denied that he had violated Oregon ethics laws and state policy. However, he acknowledged that he had received preferential treatment "to some extent" in obtaining the whiskey as a commission employee. Marks and the other officials said they never resold the whiskeys they obtained.
I saw one at Spec's the day they got a shipment in, but I'm new to Bourbon so I didn't know if it was anything special so I passed on it. A week or so later I was at a local store that had one. I knew it was in the $60-70 range so I asked for it and they got it down off the top shelf. I didn't notice the price until he handed it to me…$150. I put it right back and then he said he could let me have it for $140. I just told myself, "I'm sure you could."wofo_db said:
I saw the king ranch over Christmas at 2 local mom and pops above the counter and they wanted $129..what a farce...i knew it was 65 at toal wine a few wks before
You find a time machine?MarathonAg12 said:
I have a dream, that one day I'll be at Spec's and see W12 sitting on the shelves. And two guys walk by and say "Hey man you getting one?" and he responds "Nah dude, I got one a couple weeks ago, I'm good".
AgInSingapore said:
Bardstown Bourbon Co. Origin Series BiB and KY Straight Bourbon found on the shelf at Specs this afternoon.