In Response to DryFly's Commenents:
"Yes I have tried it and I also had a conversation with the Texas rep for Buffalo Trace at the Specs downtown in Houston last week and he said the exact same thing. Don't believe me or him? Well, I read an interview with the master distiller at BT and he said it as well. One would think he knows what he's doing. Are Pappy 15 and 20 different than Weller 12? Sure, but not so much that it warrants the difference in price. That's what the people at BT have to say. Why do they sell Pappy for more? Because they can.
The story on Pappy is very similar to that of BMH. It has a kicks @ss label and a cult following. People want it because they can't get it. People want what they can't get and the price goes up. When the price goes up, people think that means higher quality, which makes them want it even more, which means the price goes up, and on and on and on..."
Brother, you are wrong on just about everything. First off, do you really believe what a Buffalo Trace Rep at the Downtown Houston Specs tells you??? He is a SALESPERSON selling a product. I have probably spoken to him before, and sadly know more about the bourbon he sells than he does. He is trying to sell you Weller 12, which is on the shelf. Pappy is not on the shelf, it sells itself. No, they don't sell Pappy more because they can, because it is different. Yes, the current ORVW 10/107 and 12 Year Lot B are Buffalo Trace Distillate. But keep this in mind, Weller 12 is probably comprised of dumps that include 100+ barrel that are not Quality Controlled. Julian VW tries every barrel that goes into the VW line. Basically, when you buy a VW product, you are getting Honey Barrels. Also, in prior years, Pappy 15 and 20 have not been 100% Buffalo Trace juice, rather a combination of S-W, Bernheim, and possibly some BT mixed in. Is Pappy worth the secondary market pricing, probably not, but it is in a class of its own. I buy Weller 12 by the case as my House Bourbon, based on the recipe and VALUE of its pricing, but it is night and day from Pappy 15 and 20.
Come on now, current Black Maple Hill bottling's is not the same story as PVW.
Keep on Keeping on and don't believe everything you read on the internet...