I arrived around 9:30 and was 520 in line, so right behind you. Bought the exact same lineup minus the EC.
Great haul relative to the time spent. I think the ideal time to arrive would've been ~7…would've got WFP and Stagg (and maybe EHT?) and wouldn't have been there in total much longer.
I thought about heading back down there after work today with my wife, but between already having spent a ton on holiday season alcohol and only having the opportunity to buy a $400.00 purple top, I decided it wasn't worth it.
Consolation is the quantity and selection of bottles was great, especially the "pick 1" table at the end. The line was much shorter than last year overall, as well. I'm happy with the haul.
I showed up at 1:00 in austin, was out the door at 3 with the same stuff that Therapist posted. 2 hours in the sunshine and meeting new people was worth it
I had a fun blind taste test last night. My wife poured and I drank. Left to right was the order I preferred. The 4R was freshly opened. They were all good, just what I was feeling last night.
Beam has been pretty consistent with 10 bucks per year. Even less so with some. KC18 was 160. Hardin's was 135 for the new 17 year. 150 for the terrior series. Nothing crazy like WT.