Well I have the say the Rare Barrel is an awesome place. Not only is the beer spectacular, but they do a stellar job on their food too. Highly recommend it if you are in the Bay Area! Their 6th anniversary ale smelled and tasted like a tootsie roll.

This is a bottle I took to go. I had the Sauvignon blanc variant but I am excited to see what the cab and Tempranillo one is like.

We are not home yet. We are both working remotely as able and monitoring the situation from afar. Upwards of 180k people had to evacuate. The zones are shifting as the fire continues and changes. Tonight is supposed to be a last wave of high winds in the area (fingers crossed), so hopefully tomorrow going forward it is only going to decrease in scope.
To make it beer related even more, RRBC Windsor is closed on the west side of 101 near Shiloh rd. The fire spread to east and northeast Windsor, but has not crossed 101. They are heavily defending this barrier to try to contain the fire. Meanwhile, the downtown Santa Rosa brewpub is actually open! They are offering anything free to first responders, as are a lot of local businesses. It is crazy how differently seemingly close places are being handled, in terms of evacs and power shut offs. Our apartment is okay. My office is much closer to the fire and all, but currently okay.