I really want to try the Sin Mint but that didn't make it to Houston that I know of. We got FQ, Mole, and Raspberry but not the mint.
not to get in the way of yalls potential trade, but sin mint definitely made it to houston. I haven't been to jersey village specs in a few months, but when I was there regularly it seemed like they always had it in stock. not sure what part of town you're in, but you might try there. im sure other bigger specs locations got some too, but jv is the only one I'm sure on. hopefully they're not out of them now.
I'm jealous of those making it to jk for funk metal. back when it was distributed, that was the first sour stout I fell in love with and it's still one of my favs today. I might have to try to work out some way to score one.
rodenbach grand cru is the specs "import of the month" whatever that means. it's been ages since I've had one, the only rodenbach beer I've bought in the last year or so is caractere rouge. but for $12 a 4 pack, I had to pick some up. I seem to appreciate it more now than when I last had any years ago now. it's a really good value. I've set a couple bottles aside to sit on for a while, and I'll probably grab more.