How was the Hell's Cellar?
It was pretty good, a little more sour than I prefer but not too acetic. Body was very thin which happens with aged beers with multiple bugs. It was totally flat which was a bummer. I was glad I got it but wouldn't buy another.La Fours said:
How was the Hell's Cellar?
I tried some 903 beers several years back. I did not like any of them at all. I talked to the rep from Green Light a couple month sago and she said they have recently hired a new head brewer and the beers were good. I will give them another try.La Fours said:
I think this is my first 903 beer. Pretty good beer. Excellent can art.
I was kind of worried about it because the cap was set with too much pressure. You can tell because it was dented in the middle. This (imho) causes it to spring back and let gas escape. I have had the same problem with my home brews in the past. You could tell that there was plenty of fermentation to bottle condition. The underside of the cap as well as the neck of the bottle had kreuzen residue. The cap just let the CO2 escape.La Fours said:
Iirc, the carb on that beer was bad when it was released.
betadawg1 said:
Not the best I've had, but sitting on Copacabana beach much them taste just that much better.
Crawdaddy said:
Just grabbed a can of something at HEB on Saturday without thinking too much.
Last time I do that again. Holy moly this was TOUGH to finish. Maybe I'm just not a passionfruit guy but if left a BAD taste in my mouth. Sticking with the Shiner staples and doing a little more research before I branch out from now on.