1. Favorite beer of 2019
Top 3 in no order
Burt Macklin (triple IPA) by Turning Point
BBA Adoration (Belgian dark ale) by Ommegang
Abraxas (imperial stout) by Perrenial Artisan Ales
2. Beer you drank the most of in 2019
Tupps DDH (and in particular, series 11)
3. Favorite brewery you visited in 2019
Perrenial Artisan Ales in St Louis, MO
4. What brewery would you want to visit in 2020 that you have never been to before.
Tupps and Turning Point
5. Any other notes...did your favorite style of beer change, did you get to do anything "beer bucket list" like, etc.
Bought a Utopias that I'm terrified to try but was a beer bucket list item. Thought I'd get tired of hazy IPAs but I can't quit them.