Nice hall this week. About to be 2 KBS bottles less. Thanks for the heads up jah.
La Fours said:
For the fulfillment of the march madness pool, I would suggest just sending him a box. Then after that you can work out any trades.
jayelbee said:
I'm not getting anywhere searching out the Abyss variants around Houston. They're a unicorn.
Looks like they're popping up pretty consistently around Austin.
What is, how can I tell Dave is an Aggie fan?dave99ag said:
I actually tried several times because auto-correct wanted to call you Fumble.
I agree. I wouldn't be able to resist drinking a few before they all come in.Represent830 said:
As they come in
Hudson2508 said:
Rep, I still have your beer and I need to get it to you soon......My cellar fridge is about to overflowing.