Our view from March.

Nice eye...but not this one. The rocks you see when he holds up the medallion are actually in Canon Beach just north up the coast. This one is also called Haystack Rock and is very similar to the other one. It's about a mile out to shore, which will give you an idea of how big it is.La Fours said:
Is that where Goonies was filmed?
That's Cannon Beach. Similar looking rock though. Only a couple of hours north.La Fours said:
Is that where Goonies was filmed?
They had tables outside there? Perhaps they do this during the busy season since it's a beach town. One of the best parts was that it was out of the way and a well kept secret. I don't think so anymorejh0400 said:
Our view from March.
Hmm Aggie family....12th man, 2 stars...not a poor.....this could workdave99ag said:
Congrats! Be careful if you ever bring her down to CS. My 7mo old son is a flirtatious sun-of-a-gun.
You my fish 'ol lady?ChipFTAC01 said:
Congrats wonk, y'all made a cute baby
I was picking up my kid the other day (2 year old), and one of his female classmates walked up to him and checked behind his diaper.. like pulled his pants and diaper away from his back and looked down at his butt crack.dave99ag said:
Congrats! Be careful if you ever bring her down to CS. My 7mo old son is a flirtatious sun-of-a-gun.
All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
yeh I'd say you have, oh, a few thousand different beers to chose from.AggieStout said:All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
corndog04 said:
As far as new releases, Deschutes has 2016 Dissident out already and might have The Abyss + variants by the time you are there. Slight chance you can find some Pelican Mother of All Storms around - I struck out looking last week when I was in town, but if you head to the coast at all I bet they have some at the brewpub. I have a 6 year vertical of Abyss and was hoping to enjoy some at their Bond Street tap house, but it's now released in mid-December. Sucks. I still plan to stop by for some Dissident
As far as newer-ish brewpubs, here are ones off the top of my head:
10 Barrel in downtown. Like Deschutes, they are based out of Bend but they still have a pretty solid Portland facility. They are InBev now just FYI. Been to the one in Bend before. It was good quality beer, though I've heard there was a backlash when they sold to IMBEV or whoever
Double Mountain in SE Portland. Haven't been here yet myself, but heard good things. I've been to their main brewpub in Hood River a number of times and always enjoyed the beer and food. You no doubt have had the great pizza then! I have also been to the one in Hood River, along with Full Sail (now I know why they call it that), but not the one in town
Ex Novo: Smaller place, but good food and beer. If you've never seen/toured Widmere's production brewery you should do that as well while in this part of town. Never tried this...may need to!
Other thoughts:
If I remember correctly you are a fan of Cascade. damn straight Check out The Commons in the same neighborhood if you haven't been there before. I haven't. Will do if I can
The Upper Lip is on my list of go-to spots when I visit to try to find rare stuff on tap. Had some Brewfist/Prarie Spaghetti Western and Rodenbach Caractere Rouge there last week. last week....in town still and want to grab a beer or 5?
We moved back to Texas earlier this year, and in the year leading up to that settled down quite a bit with a baby of our own so I've fallen behind a bit in the scene up there. There are a lot of new places that opened within the last couple of years that I haven't gotten to check out yet.
I wouldn't call Avery a short drive from the Springs. It'd be two hours in good traffic.AggieStout said:All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
With the exception of Crooked Stave of courseNColoradoAG said:I wouldn't call Avery a short drive from the Springs. It'd be two hours in good traffic.AggieStout said:All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
Great Divide is meh,
We all hate AB/In-Bev so Breckenridge is out.
All the good beer is north of Denver.. I'd make sure you get an EZ-Pass.
Crooked Stave is SOOOOO 2014p-wonk01 said:With the exception of Crooked Stave of courseNColoradoAG said:I wouldn't call Avery a short drive from the Springs. It'd be two hours in good traffic.AggieStout said:All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
Great Divide is meh,
We all hate AB/In-Bev so Breckenridge is out.
All the good beer is north of Denver.. I'd make sure you get an EZ-Pass.
There are about 10 regularly available pale ales/ipas/dipas better than Pliny available on shelves. If Pliny is your thing, it comes around about once a month.hennyj15 said:
Is there Pliny in the stores? I might have Yellow Rose withdrawals if I can't find an equal IPA.
NColoradoAG said:There are about 10 regularly available pale ales/ipas/dipas better than Pliny available on shelves. If Pliny is your thing, it comes around about once a month.hennyj15 said:
Is there Pliny in the stores? I might have Yellow Rose withdrawals if I can't find an equal IPA.
You won't have any trouble trying it if you're in Colorado. It's on draft a lot. Bottles come around, but lot's of liquor store owners are stupid about it. Particularly one of the shops in the Springs.hennyj15 said:NColoradoAG said:There are about 10 regularly available pale ales/ipas/dipas better than Pliny available on shelves. If Pliny is your thing, it comes around about once a month.hennyj15 said:
Is there Pliny in the stores? I might have Yellow Rose withdrawals if I can't find an equal IPA.
Actually I've never had a Pliny but the way people talk about it on this thread made me think it would be my go to replacement if it was available.
black project, dry trve, dock, station 26, spangalang, resolute, fermaentra.. to name a few not north of Denver!p-wonk01 said:With the exception of Crooked Stave of courseNColoradoAG said:I wouldn't call Avery a short drive from the Springs. It'd be two hours in good traffic.AggieStout said:All the amazingness that Colorado breweries have to offer. Avery, Great Divide, Breckenridge are all short drive away. Then there is a ton more that around Denver and Boulderhennyj15 said:
I recently applied for a job in Colorado Springs. It's by no means a sure thing but what kind of beer options would I have available there?
Great Divide is meh,
We all hate AB/In-Bev so Breckenridge is out.
All the good beer is north of Denver.. I'd make sure you get an EZ-Pass.
p-wonk01 said:corndog04 said:
The Upper Lip is on my list of go-to spots when I visit to try to find rare stuff on tap. Had some Brewfist/Prarie Spaghetti Western and Rodenbach Caractere Rouge there last week. last week....in town still and want to grab a beer or 5?
thanks homie.jetch17 said:
ive got 3 extra regulars you can have towards your hoard
I really enjoyed the Regal when I had it in Chicago last year. I only have one at home. Speaking of Chicago, I'll be there next weekend...but with my son. I'll still try to sneak out to find a bottle of Prop at a bar.jayelbee said:
I grabbed a couple of plain and I've seen a couple here and there over the last few days, but I'd love to get a taste of Regal rye. Unfortunately, I'm not hardcore enough to camp out or be on someone's speed dial to get a chance at it. I may have to just buy one online.