I've searched and looked and am getting several conflicting answers about privacy laws in Texas. Short story, I came home after the weekend and noticed a new security camera installed on my neighbor's front corner of the house, near the garage, that is pointed directly backwards, away from the street towards both theirs and my backyard. The angle of the camera points directly at the side of my house and several windows, office, kitchen, and living room, and a corner of my backyard. I know the answer is to go speak with them, but I needed a night to cool off and wanted to get my facts straight in case being nice about it doesn't work as planned. I'm all for security in the front, which they had installed as well, but this camera is completely unnecessary as the gate to their yard is on the opposite side and the only window on this side of the house is bathroom window. (I was here when the house was built and knew the previous owners for 5+ years). I also looked earlier and didn't see one in the same location on the other side, which is the gate side, but I could be wrong. If I'm on my back porch I'm now on camera, if I walk down the side of my house, I'm on camera, and If I open the blinds on the front corner and all rooms along the side the camera is pointed towards all of these locations. Anyone have any experience dealing with something like this and any recommendations on how to resolve it?