Sorry to not bore you all with update photos of plumbing, framing, and HVAC.
Lets start with my great adventures in plumbing. I noticed Wednesday night that we didnt have any hot water. I had been turning the water on and off to the house a lot during the day so I thought maybe that messed with the hot water supply somehow, but after opening the faucets for almost 10 minutes and confirming the hot water line out of the tank was indeed hot, i knew I had an issue. Well after almost 90 minutes of ripping the subfloor up, checking all my connections to make sure I didnt connect the hot and cold lines together, and almost calling a 24/7 plumber, I discovered the issue. Turns out if you install a Delta rough-in valve, you better have your finish trim ready to go at the same time. The rough-in valve does not come with the actual operating valve that directs the water to the faucets, it simply has a test cap on to help check for leaks. Between the shower rough-in valve and discovering one of the sink faucets was in the on position, I had effectively connected the two water lines together. Following that into Thursday morning, I cut not one but two different water lines making penetrations into the floor. So yeah, did I tell you all how much I love plumbing.
Now for some good photos updates.
The hot water discovery came from cleaning out my brushes from staining all my ceiling boards. I am the General Finishes line of water based stains and clear coats. I chose these because they can been applied by sprayer. However, I ended up apply the stain by hand because I liked how the grain looked. You lose a lot of the grain contrast if you spray the stain on. Spraying the clear worked out great. It applies in such thin uniform coats, that it is dry to the touch and ready for an additional coat after on 15 minutes. So I got four coats of clear on all my boards in only a hour.

The four foot board is a piece of Walnut that has one coat of stain on it. Considering I am dealing with two different species of wood, I felt like this was the closest I was going to come to matching colors. I am putting a total of fours coats of clear on the walnut pieces so it should darken it up a bit more.

Using a 60/40 blend of Walnut and Mahogany to try to get the color right. One was too gray and the other too red.

HVLP spray kit I got off Amazon. The whole set was $95. I have no point of reference on how to judge these against but for what I need them to do they have worked great so far. The 1.4 sprayer will be used for all the stains and clears. The 1.8 is going to be used for all the primers and paints. I will be using latex based paints but have seen multiple videos and forums where as little as a 10-15% thinning with water, and it comes out just fine. Most of those videos were with 1.7 tips, so the 1.8 should be more than enough. Kobalt actually advertises a sprayer made specifically for latex paints and the only difference between that sprayer and their other ones is it has a 1.8 tip so I may not even need to thin my paint out.
Here is the ceiling and I ended up three boards short so those are being stained and cleared today and will go up after I get the walls up

Also, yesterday afternoon and early this morning, I finished up the tub installation, sound insulation, and the kerdi-board. The kerdi-band is getting installed when I put down the Ditra this afternoon so I only have to mix one batch of mortar.

The plan is for walls to be finished today and the ditra and kerdi-band installed. Will also probably be working on fixing all my cabinet drawers, as well as getting all the electrical components installed in them, since I have plugs in switches in the actual cabinets instead of the walls. Also on the agenda is the pocket door installation.
With any luck, I will be installing the tile Saturday morning. I am using Schluter's quickset mortar. So while that is curing, I will mainly be in the garage getting the cabinets painted, and the Walnut sealed up. The quickset mortar will allow me to get back in there that night and start installing all the trim pieces, and get a coat of paint on the walls. I will also be able to get the floor and shower grouted in.
That leaves me Sunday morning and afternoon to get the cabinets and all the different fixtures installed in time for the lady of the house and little one to move back in that night.
Fingers crossed.