Randolph Duke

769,367 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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Try 66k for CS campus. Edit again. Ugh. CS, Galveston and Qatar. At least I correct my mistakes unlike others.

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Just too easy.


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He's definitely at least a half bubble off level. And he's a liar or can't Google. Our share of the money from the PUF also supports the Ag and Engineering Extension and Experiment systems.
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CanyonAg77 said:

He's definitely at least a half bubble off level. And he's a liar or can't Google. Our share of the money from the PUF also supports the Ag and Engineering Extension and Experiment systems.
And no one in their right mind wants to open up the debate on PUF funding anyway. Every other University will want a cut.

While a benefit obviously, the fund isn't a large chunk of the overall budget.
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p_bubel said:

CanyonAg77 said:

He's definitely at least a half bubble off level. And he's a liar or can't Google. Our share of the money from the PUF also supports the Ag and Engineering Extension and Experiment systems.
And no one in their right mind wants to open up the debate on PUF funding anyway. Every other University will want a cut.

While a benefit obviously, the fund isn't a large chunk of the overall budget.

Wow, you mean the other universities funded by Texas taxpayers might want a share of state assets?
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Does Crazy Charlie have a job?
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p_bubel said:

CanyonAg77 said:

He's definitely at least a half bubble off level. And he's a liar or can't Google. Our share of the money from the PUF also supports the Ag and Engineering Extension and Experiment systems.
And no one in their right mind wants to open up the debate on PUF funding anyway. Every other University will want a cut.

While a benefit obviously, the fund isn't a large chunk of the overall budget.

It makes a significant difference and creates some jealousy.

Non PUF schools rely upon revenue tuition bonds approved by the lege to fund building construction. And those don't come up and pass every session. PUF schools get their funding annually and don't have to beg the lege for funding, plus they can issue bonds against those moneys without lege approval.

A few years back, A&M caught tu off guard and built a med school in Round Rock. Our med school model has been 2 yr of classroom in CS followed by 2 yrs of clinicals, so adding another option for clinicals next to a nice shiny new hospital and a couple of nursing programs was an easy sell.

But then there started to be talk about doing classes in RR and making it a full 4 yr med school in tu's back yard. This caused tu to scramble to put together their own medical school in Austin. Hard to sell a brand new med school in Austin if there is one just up the road in RR, so tu had a limited window of opportunity if they wanted a school in Austin.

In the middle of all this, A&M and Texas State hatched a plan. Texas State needed another building for their nursing and teaching programs in RR, but they didn't need all of it right away. A&M needed classroom space. So Texas State sought funding for a new building and A&M was going to lease the excess space until Texas State needed it. The only problem was getting the funding from the lege.

There was a large funding bill for the non PUF campuses that comes up every so often and the money for the new building was included. No one came out and opposed the spending, but it died that year because it just sat around too long. Thus schools across the state were delayed in constructing new facilities because somehow no one bothered to get the bill to the floor for a vote. I don't think it was a coincidence that tu was playing catch up on a medical school at the same time and the dead bill delayed plans for A&M to expand giving tu enough time to get their med school off the ground.

Anyway, my friend who teaches at Texas State complained how A&M and tu get funding to build whatever they want and the other schools don't get their funding. All the other schools would love to tap the PUF to have freedom to build without having to go to the lege for funding.

It may be a small part of the overall budget but it is specifically for construction and not general operating expenses. And creates a huge advantage for the PUF schools.

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twk said:

Hood said:

Actually, no one will know.

This is not a person with friends or family.
That's why you have to hope it happens on a weekday. Meals on Wheels doesn't deliver on the weekend, and he might get a little ripe by the time they come around.
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His most recent undertaking is to "sever the branch relationship between tu and A&M." What a deranged lunatic...
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Hi, Randy
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DeepEastTxAg said:

His most recent undertaking is to "sever the branch relationship between tu and A&M." What a deranged lunatic...
Will he discover that there never was a relationship and declare victory?
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CanyonAg77 said:

DeepEastTxAg said:

His most recent undertaking is to "sever the branch relationship between tu and A&M." What a deranged lunatic...
Will he discover that there never was a relationship and declare victory?
Not going to happen, he's too far into this fairy tale to back off now. He's claimed this for many years. Every time the lege is in session, he claims there is someone who is "about to bring a bill forward" to severe the Ag, tsip ties. Just like all his other wild ass claims, "tomorrow" or "coming soon" or "just wait" is always his answer and he gives Ags crap about "wait 'til next year.

For a long time, I thought his rants were hilarious and looked forward to reading his lunacy on line, it was always good for a laugh or three. I was amazed at the simple things he took time to delve into and write about, right or wrong, truth or lies. Lately though, he has shown signs that he really is losing it, I just hope when he completely goes off the deep end, he does it alone, not Whitman style in B/CS
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Smithjg said:

CanyonAg77 said:

DeepEastTxAg said:

His most recent undertaking is to "sever the branch relationship between tu and A&M." What a deranged lunatic...
Will he discover that there never was a relationship and declare victory?
Not going to happen, he's too far into this fairy tale to back off now. He's claimed this for many years. Every time the lege is in session, he claims there is someone who is "about to bring a bill forward" to severe the Ag, tsip ties. Just like all his other wild ass claims, "tomorrow" or "coming soon" or "just wait" is always his answer and he gives Ags crap about "wait 'til next year.

For a long time, I thought his rants were hilarious and looked forward to reading his lunacy on line, it was always good for a laugh or three. I was amazed at the simple things he took time to delve into and write about, right or wrong, truth or lies. Lately though, he has shown signs that he really is losing it, I just hope when he completely goes off the deep end, he does it alone, not Whitman style in B/CS

Hopefully he's a "Cocks not Glocks" kinda guy.
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I think that's more than a possibility...
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He will not like this article

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His ex-wife is named Reality. Of course he hates that article.
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Don't care about all the ex wife stuff, i posted a very agnostic post about the obvious known his identity.

He took that to s.h.a.g and posted my real name. I got a grand total of 2 "suck a device known to man".

A real following.

My cell was compromised. I'm working that out.

My professional email was compromised.

I'm dealing with that as well.

Look at my profile. I do not hide from anyone. Mm

He initiationed an attack on my profile. It has been noted.
Post removed:
by user
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On another thread. About 6 months ago. I innocently questioned his thought process that we know all his info and he should take precautions and he twisted that to me attacking him and saying I was threatening him.
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The reality is that the supporters of the farm school desperately wanted **** to actually be The University of Texas.

The PUF was created in 1858 when the university was originally established. Because of the Civil War, operations were never established and after the war, the PUF was down to $0.57 in cash and a bunch of IOUs whose value took years to sort out (Confederate debts had to be repudiated, the PUF held mostly Confederate debt, the legislature insisted the PUF funds were actually spent for Indian Frontier Debt, not to fund the rebellion).

When the farm school was established in 1871, its supporters had it established as a branch of the university so the school could tap into the PUF. When the farm school opened its doors in 1976, the university was still being organized and since the university wasn't in operation, the farm school supporters pushed for the university not to be made a reality and the farm school be designated The University of Texas. Governor Coke wanted nothing to do with that and shut that **** down, clearing the way for the university to become a reality.

The games played by the farm school supporters over the next few years to try to stymie the university and steal the PUF royally pissed off the supporters of the university. It was this bad blood that started the animosity between the university and the farm school. The rednecks claim it was the university supporters wanting to shut down the farm school that started it all, but that is just another **** fabrication. It was the **** directors trying to play political games to the detriment of the university that started the bad relations between the two institutions.

In short order, the farm school faction pissed off the people to the point there was significant popular demand to shut down the farm school, move its operations to Austin and turn the farm school lands into an asylum. The farm lobby was able to prevent that from happening. Then came the unsuccessful attempts to pass the constitutional amendment to end ****'s branch college status and make it an independent institution. Then Santa Rita #1 hit. After Santa Rita came in, **** remained a branch of the university, but they were more or less swept aside to wallow in the mediocrity that continues to this day.

**** missed its chance to become "Texas State University" because it remained a branch college of the university. The "Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas" name that lasted until 1963 was such a part of their culture, they had enough trouble changing the school from "college" to "university." Had they ended their branch college status when the amendments were voted on in 1915 and again in 1919, they could have then started that chapter as the "Texas State Agricultural and Mechanical College" which would have naturally had them known as "Texas State."
How many falsehoods can one obsessed Charles M Satterfield III have in one post.
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It's all just fiction from his head. No truths. No sources. Just unadulterated hatred manifested in long, fictional screeds on a board frequented by moron mouthbreathers.
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Shaggy must need some more advertising revenue, so they got Randi to post something ridiculous to drive clicks there.
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It's only funny because the PUF has a pretty good history of the fund on their website, and much of his diatribe isn't mentioned there.
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Its always interesting when the idiot rednecks use fish camp fairy tales as the foundation of their argument concerning what changes will and will not be allowed.

It amazed me that the leaders of an institution of high education remove factual and historical information from managerial decisions and instead let fabrications and ignorance dictate decisions.

The **** corps unquestionably not created to train students for military service. Those idiots simply cannot wrap their minds around the fact the corps was never intended to allow civilian students to play army games.

Michigan State was the model institution for all Land Grant schools, including ****. Kansas State was the first institution created from scratch under the Land Grant Act. If neither of those schools, both which have far stronger connections to the ideals of the Land Grant Act, were created to train students for military service, how did **** supposedly get created for the express purpose of training students for military service? The answer is **** wasn't created to train students for military service. Which explains why from the founding of the school until 1918, only 702 people who graduated from aTm served in the military. This also explains why **** uses "former students" as opposed to graduates in their promotional bull$#@!. The only reason the corps was created at **** was for the farm boys who attended the school to have a standard of behavior. The other Land Grant schools didn't have to resort to the reform school tactics because they admitted a higher caliber of student than did ****. In Texas, students seeking a legitimate education were able to attend the main university in Austin.

The ags cannot wrap their little minds around the fact that their school was never intended to be a military institute and isn't today a military institute. It is a school with a ROTC program and a civilian fraternity focused on playing fake army and wearing silly costumes. But they insist any changes take into account their mission is, in their minds, to train students for military service.

If any of them ever went to the library and read about the origins of their school or of their corps (or even went to ****pedia) their little heads would asplode. They have been lied to for their entire lives about what the **** corps why it was created. But ****s don't want to learn, they want to life in a world of ignorance. Because ignorance at **** is a turdition.
You know what amazes me Charles M Satterfield III is that when you have your heart attack your life's work will mean nothing. A&M will not change one iota because of you. You will have spent thousands of hours consuming yourself on every level and guess what? Nothing will change. You are pathetic on so many levels and wrong on so many more!

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This fellow is a psychiatrist's dream.

I've read that mentally/emotionally aberrant people are often good at masking their condition.

Not this guy; he's not fooling anybody. This guy is a sicko.

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What a smarmy looking dill do. It makes me happy knowing he is the goofy **** that writes the **** he spews on the internet.
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Tom Doniphon
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Dude damn sure enjoys listening to himself.
Oscar Diggs
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goodAg80 said:

What a smarmy looking dill do. It makes me happy knowing he is the goofy **** that writes the **** he spews on the internet.
Anyone else look at this photo and think his calling in life should be regional manager for Dunder Mifflin?
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Do I have it right on the background of this picture - that it was actually taken at an Aggie Happy Hour?
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Is that a pocket protector?
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This dude sure does avoid sources like the plague
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ClassOf17 said:

This dude sure does avoid sources like the plague
He also avoids follow up questions as well. He just dumps his verbal diarrhea and then books it for the door. He's the blogger version of a sucker punch.
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He's the blogger version of a sucker punch.
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Wildmen03 said:

ClassOf17 said:

This dude sure does avoid sources like the plague
He also avoids follow up questions as well. He just dumps his verbal diarrhea and then books it for the door. He's the blogger version of a sucker punch.
More like the pile of flaming dog poo on the front porch.

To sucker punch, you have to risk your safety a little bit.
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