Randolph Duke

769,643 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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The man is "sick." Stop giving him attention.
Randolph Duke....

Texas A&M will lose money trying to enforce its "12th Man" trademark as long as I am alive.

And I take pride in the fact that since I started offering my information to the parties **** was trying to extort, it has cost **** more money than they have received for their fraudulently obtained trademark.
Uhmmm, NOPE! As long as this stupid f(k continues berating Texas A&M, her students, graduates and war heroes, on public boards and through the media, someone needs to stand up to this lunatic.

BTW, IF the Seahawks paid A&M $140,000 as reported by ESPN Report, Sorry Charlie.... , then Old Charles has a lot of ground to make up if he plans on making the mean ol' Aggzies "lose money"....
Rocco S
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Who cares who had more officers in WW2? Plenty of Aggies fought and plenty died in it. So did officers from the service academies, and even Longhorns. If you're trying to run down a school's WW2 contributions, maybe it's time you take a long hard look at the end of a .357
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The man is "sick." Stop giving him attention.
Randolph Duke....

Texas A&M will lose money trying to enforce its "12th Man" trademark as long as I am alive.

And I take pride in the fact that since I started offering my information to the parties **** was trying to extort, it has cost **** more money than they have received for their fraudulently obtained trademark.
Uhmmm, NOPE! As long as this stupid f(k continues berating Texas A&M, her students, graduates and war heroes, on public boards and through the media, someone needs to stand up to this lunatic.

BTW, IF the Seahawks paid A&M $140,000 as reported by ESPN Report, Sorry Charlie.... , then Old Charles has a lot of ground to make up if he plans on making the mean ol' Aggzies "lose money"....

But you see no matter what you do, this guy won't stop. He would argue that A&M isnt in college station before he admits to being wrong. You deal with people like this by letting them show their ignorance off to the world.
Aggies Revenge
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I have the numbers from Annapolis and West Point. Let's see your bull$#@! **** numbers. Trust me, I've talked to the historians at Annapolis and West Point. They laugh at the "military history" of TAMU. They understand just how uneducated you idiots are.

This is where I call BS. There is no way he called them. He asks us to "Trust him?" Are you kidding me. He is so full of **** and then he asks us to trust him? Wow.

There is no way he called them. There is no way they laugh at the "military history" of TAMU. No military organization would laugh at another institution providing servicemen and officers to the military(even if you include the non contract cadets). Back during WWII and even now. No military organization "understands how uneducated...". That is just his wet dream. I cannot fathom how someone could be so twisted as to think we should buy that paragraph or how any sane person would.


I don't believe a word of "he called". He has to provide proof. An email exchange or letter from West Point or Annapolis stating that all the officers/service men/medal of honor recipients/etc are "laughable." because they attended or were attending A&M.

[Edit: There is only two conclusions: One, he really is messed up and needs help. Or two, he is actually very twisted troll that is just seeing how many people will respond to his outlandish tales and lies. His ego is fed, not by his lies, but by people refuting his lies and by the t.u. faithful buying into his lies.
He couldn't even tell you who the "Historians" of those two institutions are.

As a historian, I can personally say, he does not have a clue in hell as to how we operate.

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Charles has referenced both his contacts at the Academies (below). What I challenge is his conversations that a civilian librarian and a curator would mock and have "stories" regarding Ags that have served.

Adam Minakowski
Reference/Special Collections Librarian
M.L.S., University of Maryland
(410) 293-6931

Elaine McConnell
Rare Book Curator
(845) 938-2954
Information Resources
Aggies Revenge
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Those are not historians. They are Librarians. Minahowski has a MA in Library Sciences and it appears McConnell's background is more in foreign languages. Might seem petty to point that out, but there is a world of difference in what they do.
The Collective
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Those are not historians. They are Librarians. Minahowski has a MA in Library Sciences and it appears McConnell's background is more in foreign languages. Might seem petty to point that out, but there is a world of difference in what they do.

I won't hold a fictional conversation against them, so I don't even care if they are historians or not.
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Agreed but that is his narrative. He will distort the truth to fit his warped view all that is Texas A&M. it's HIS turdition!
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His "conversations" are probably a lot like "Creedthoughts" from The Office - "blogging" away on a word document that Ryan set up so that no one is subjected to his insanity.

I picture Randy holding conversations in a basement on a child's Mickey Mouse phone that "answers" when you pull the string. Either that or he is holding conversations with the voices in his head on a land line that isn't plugged in.
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The delusions that go through Charles's mind:

Here is Henry Dethloff's account of how their "War Hymn" was originated. Pinky Wilson was on guard duty in occupied enemy territory and was slacking off, writing songs to the boys he left behind.

Two things strike me. First of all, a hymn is a song of praise. This alone convinces me the ****s don't know a $#@!ing thing about war, because no one in their right mind who has ever fought in combat and seen the death and destruction of war would ever praise war. The needless death of human beings is nothing to wrap in praise. The mindset of even having a "War Hymn" is stunning.

Secondly, I am waiting for any **** to explain what would happen today to a Marine on guard duty in occupied enemy territory who slacked off to write school songs to the boys he left behind. UCMJ Article 92, probably. Please ****, explain dereliction of duty. And I'm guessing the punishment would be more than no cookie in your Jason's Deli MRE.

Dethloff, **** Goes to War, p. 60

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The delusions that go through Charles's mind:

Here is Henry Dethloff's account of how their "War Hymn" was originated. Pinky Wilson was on guard duty in occupied enemy territory and was slacking off, writing songs to the boys he left behind.

Two things strike me. First of all, a hymn is a song of praise. This alone convinces me the ****s don't know a $#@!ing thing about war, because no one in their right mind who has ever fought in combat and seen the death and destruction of war would ever praise war. The needless death of human beings is nothing to wrap in praise. The mindset of even having a "War Hymn" is stunning.

Secondly, I am waiting for any **** to explain what would happen today to a Marine on guard duty in occupied enemy territory who slacked off to write school songs to the boys he left behind. UCMJ Article 92, probably. Please ****, explain dereliction of duty. And I'm guessing the punishment would be more than no cookie in your Jason's Deli MRE.

Dethloff, **** Goes to War, p. 60

Wow. I've seen pretzels that weren't as twisted as what he did to the facts in that few paragraphs.
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"Occupied Germany" vs "occupied enemy territory". See the difference?

Now he's attacking the title of the War Hymn? Ever hear of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"?
Aggies Revenge
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Dumb **** is again running his cock holster about **** he doesn't have a clue about. Standing post, 6 hours of boredom punctured by that one brief moment of happiness when you realize your buddy swiped the new Victoria's Secrete catalog out of the Navy barracks.
Silent For Too Long
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Holy **** he is reaching, even for Randolph.

Ever heard of the National Anthem you pea brained moron?

Or, you know , virtually ever song or hymn written about war prior to the 1960's? The vast majority were written by either soldiers or people with a front row seat to the carnage?

There really is no better testament to how mentally challenged that fanbase is then how readily they adopt his lunatic ramblings as fact.
Aggies Revenge
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Battle Hymn of the Mother Effing Republic.

I rest my case.
Tom Kazansky 2012
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Did Randy serve? Or is he embodiment of our t-sippers in Austin?
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Did Randy serve? Or is he embodiment of our t-sippers in Austin?
Does this count?

Gramercy Riffs
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Is he really taking issue with the fact that it's called the "War Hymn"? Is he ok with every other school that simply calls it a "Fight Song"?
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I think he also is forgetting Irving Berlin who wrote a little song in 1918 while serving the U.S. Army. God Bless America!

Berlin should have been hanged, drawn and quartered for his dereliction of duty!
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The man is "sick." Stop giving him attention.
Randolph Duke....

Texas A&M will lose money trying to enforce its "12th Man" trademark as long as I am alive.

And I take pride in the fact that since I started offering my information to the parties **** was trying to extort, it has cost **** more money than they have received for their fraudulently obtained trademark.
Uhmmm, NOPE! As long as this stupid f(k continues berating Texas A&M, her students, graduates and war heroes, on public boards and through the media, someone needs to stand up to this lunatic.

BTW, IF the Seahawks paid A&M $140,000 as reported by ESPN Report, Sorry Charlie.... , then Old Charles has a lot of ground to make up if he plans on making the mean ol' Aggzies "lose money"....

But you see no matter what you do, this guy won't stop. He would argue that A&M isnt in college station before he admits to being wrong. You deal with people like this by letting them show their ignorance off to the world.

Get back to me after you graduate and have listened to the sips talk **** as long as I have. I've been putting up with their crap (probably) since before your parents were born. If he can be proven wrong and he always is, why shouldn't we prove him wrong??!
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Get back to me after you graduate and have listened to the sips talk **** as long as I have. I've been putting up with their crap (probably) since before your parents were born. If he can be proven wrong and he always is, why shouldn't we prove him wrong??!
The point is that even if he's "proven wrong" it won't slow him down. He'll keep going, finding new things to attack and be wrong about....see the War Hymn, officers in the military, trench warfare, the 12th Man, etc. etc. etc.....
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The point is don't read the **cking thread then.
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The main reason there is still an A&M thread on the front page of the football board of the shag after this many years is Randolph Duke and his minions (or socks). He epitomizes everything about sip obsession with us.

Because we aren't their real rivals.

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The point is don't read the **cking thread then.
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In defense of a lot of the posters over at the Shag, they also think the guy is 1) an embarrassment and, 2) in need of professional help.
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In defense of a lot of the posters over at the Shag, they also think the guy is 1) an embarrassment and, 2) in need of professional help.
Not enough to ban him permanently. He has way more adherents than he does critics. But consider the collective intelligence of the majority of shag posters. Few even attended tu, much less earned a degree...from anywhere other than ACC.

Thirty years (nearly) in Austin taught me that the most vociferous sip fans were just t-shirt fans because they lived there.
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For sure. One of my Ag (PSYOP) buddies did a search on the shag and found a majority never attended tu and are just from Austin, E ranked or community college level education. That is what Charles audience consists of.
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In defense of a lot of the posters over at the Shag, they also think the guy is 1) an embarrassment and, 2) in need of professional help.
Not enough to ban him permanently. He has way more adherents than he does critics. But consider the collective intelligence of the majority of shag posters. Few even attended tu, much less earned a degree...from anywhere other than ACC.

Thirty years (nearly) in Austin taught me that the most vociferous sip fans were just t-shirt fans because they lived there.
As a joke, when I resided at LT, I wore a sip shirt one night to a lakeside establishment near Lakeway. Self employed at that time, I left with over $400 in my pocket. The next evening, I went to down there for dinner wearing my Maroon.

Dummies knew they were had, and yet they still kept it up. Oblivious crew they were.

I still laugh about it 12 years later
Al Bula
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As a joke, when I resided at LT, I wore a sip shirt one night to a lakeside establishment near Lakeway. Self employed at that time, I left with over $400 in my pocket. The next evening, I went to down there for dinner wearing my Maroon.

Dummies knew they were had, and yet they still kept it up. Oblivious crew they were.

I still laugh about it 12 years later
wait, are you admitting to male prostitution?
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As a joke, when I resided at LT, I wore a sip shirt one night to a lakeside establishment near Lakeway. Self employed at that time, I left with over $400 in my pocket. The next evening, I went to down there for dinner wearing my Maroon.

Dummies knew they were had, and yet they still kept it up. Oblivious crew they were.

I still laugh about it 12 years later
wait, are you admitting to male prostitution?
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Charles: You really have this much time on your hands?

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That there is an impressive level of obsession, big boy.
Aggies Revenge
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AggieHawg, I would like your legal expertise on this disclaimer.
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Sounds to me like he's saying "yeah, this is basically all bulls#!t, but we don't really care".
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Holy crap, that's Charles Whitman type over-the-top sickness there! Dude has completely lost it.
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