Randolph Duke

769,521 Views | 3764 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by goodAg80
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That f--cker has devoted his life to this. Let that sink in.
That's fine. Aggies have devoted lots of time to running trains on his wife, so it all evens out.
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This time its a good thing the rule was broken.
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When did she become your ex
25 years ago....
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That f--cker has devoted his life to this. Let that sink in.

He needs to be outed
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He needs more than outed
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Sips have a long awaited victory and this is all Charles can think about:

During WWII, total deaths Allied nations suffered were 85 million. 25 million of there were military personnel, 60 million were civilians (for a bit of perspective, total deaths for those serving in the U.S. Marine Corps during WWII were fewer than 20,000. Total U.S. military deaths were under 410,000. Total U.S. military and civilian deaths were under 420,000). If **** went to any nation involved in the Allied war effort and started spewing their bull**** about how civilians during WWII were worthless slackers who relied on the alumni from Texas A&M University to take care of everything, they would get the ever living **** beaten out of them. The **** lack of historical perspective is staggering. They don't even realize there hasn't been a single **** who has ever served in the military that wasn't out-ranked by a civilian.

Secondly, in 1940, the population of Texas was smaller than that of New York City. Any contribution **** wants to make about how they "saved the world" is dwarfed by the contributions of any number of elementary schools in Brooklyn, because there were a number of elementary schools in Brooklyn who had more alumni serve during WWII than did alumni from ****.

Additionally, at the end of WWII, Germany had more than enough slack jawed yokels to continue fighting. If ****s knew anything more about warfare, they would understand slack jawed yokels are not what wins wars. Planes, tanks, guns, ships, shoes, uniforms, rations, ammunition, radios and millions of other pieces of equipment wins wars. What Germany didn't have at the end of the war was fuel. Refined products were hugely important during WWII. Texas lead the world in oil production and more than 75 new fields were discovered in Texas during WWII. If we accept ****'s claim that every **** was in uniform during the war, then not a single slack jawed yokel **** had a ****ing thing to do with delivering a drop of one of the most vital commodities to the Allied war effort. That's typical for **** - if it is crucial to victory on the battlefield, there isn't an **** anywhere to be found.

When you think of the planes, ships and tanks that were so essential to Allied victory during WWII, remember not a single **** had a ****ing think to do with them. When you think of the food, ammunition and medical supplied that were so important - again, not a single **** had a thing to do with them. The merchant marine delivering supplies and personnel; the OSS risking their lives to gather intelligence; the scientists developing new technologies including the A-bomb; not a single **** had a ****ing thing to do with any of it. If there hadn't been a single **** in uniform during WWII, the end result would not have been any different.

But if you ever walk through Brooklyn, realize the elementary schools of the borough contributed FAR more to the defense of our nation during WWII than did ****. And the most admirable part - not a single elementary school kid from Brooklyn runs around today claiming their school won WWII while no other American did anything during the war to serve their country.

When the nation came together to confront an existential threat, the entire nation came together. Well, the entire nation except the ****ed-up **** cult. They saw WWII as being all about them. They still suffer from the same delusion today.

To quote one of my favorite tea-sipping intellectuals who served America during WWII:

**** **** and **** their lies about their military service and their denigration of the service of others to their nation.
The Collective
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The SEC Network is airing its documentary on the 12MKT and the 12th Man tonight. Get your popcorn ready and maybe don't wear your maroon out in public tonight or tomorrow.
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Other than his idiotic tirade about WWI and trenches, that was his stupidest work yet
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He has plenty of made up work and those on the s h a g fall for it every time.

After WWII, a lot of stuff at **** changed. Enrollment soared to 8,000 with 6,000 being veterans who wanted nothing to do with the **** corps or the bull$#@! turditions. The 2,000 corps idiots reacted by doubling down on their loyalty to the cult.

**** didn't even officially settle on "****s" as the nickname for their teams until around 1950. They changed the yearbook name, they finally started a school archive and things that used to be just part of their school history became over the top, sacred cult demonstrations of one's loyalty to the cult. As the veterans graduated and the proportion of corps idiots again became the majority of students in campus, the over the top bull$#@! became the norm and unquestioned cult loyalty became mandatory.

The school is digitizing their archive of school newspapers. The archive will be online and searchable. Once that goes live, expect a whole bunch of **** stupidity to be written about. And a whole new batch of **** lies to be exposed. Almost the entirety of **** turditions are bull$#@! lies and fabrications. The dumb$#@! ****s are just too stupid to separate the truth from the fairy tales.
The ags were still burning crosses in front of the athletes' dorm on their campus in the 1970s to protest the first black starter on the football team. The ags who were burning crosses on campus during the 70s are the ags running the show today. Don't think for a second any of the ags who are in charge of the athletics department have any affection for Kevin Sumlin.
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What Germany didn't have at the end of the war was fuel. Refined products were hugely important during WWII. Texas lead the world in oil production and more than 75 new fields were discovered in Texas during WWII. If we accept ****'s claim that every **** was in uniform during the war, then not a single slack jawed yokel **** had a ****ing thing to do with delivering a drop of one of the most vital commodities to the Allied war effort. That's typical for **** - if it is crucial to victory on the battlefield, there isn't an **** anywhere to be found.
It took me about three seconds to show this intellectual midget has no idea what the fck he is talking about when it comes to Aggies and history..

May I present Michel Thomas Halbouty.....

Halbouty was an American geologist, petroleum engineer, and wildcatter. Credited with discovering more than 50 oil and gas fields. He was graduated in 1930 with a double degree in Geology and Petroleum Engineering. The following year he gained a master's degree from Texas A&M, again in both Geology and Petroleum Engineering.

Halbouty served in the US Army during World War II, as an infantry officer, instructor in military science and tactics, and as Chief of the Petroleum Production Section of the Army-Navy Petroleum Board. He attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by the end of the war.[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_T._Halbouty#cite_note-4][4][/url]
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My question for the sips cocktest this week, is where in the hell did the money come to buy all those dildos? Those aren't cheap and they were passing them out like smarties at a parade.

They were donated by a local business.

What business forked out enough money for 4000 dildos? That will run north of 120k in all likelihood.
WAG, Fleshlight?
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Whenever I read his ramblings, I can't help but think of the "Village Idiot" sketch from Monty Python:

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more and more unhinged. his ramblings keep getting more nonsensical. he's steadily progressing towards a complete breakdown. I really hope he doesn't take anyone with him when he blows. someone really needs to step in and have him committed.
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You truly are an obsessed little cretin.

The majority of ags seem to live in a naive, little, redneck world where common sense is evidently in very short supply. Their ignorance concerning the history of their school, and how its status as a branch of UT is the only thing that has kept them from being funded at the level of the Texas State System, is typically ****.

But their inability to read a map shouldn't surprise anyone. People go to A&M for a degree, not an education, which is why there are so few educated ****s.
End Of Message
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Love me some Charles-Dan rants on a Friday afternoon, makes the week seem more sane.
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You truly are an obsessed little cretin.

The majority of ags seem to live in a naive, little, redneck world where common sense is evidently in very short supply. Their ignorance concerning the history of their school, and how its status as a branch of UT is the only thing that has kept them from being funded at the level of the Texas State System, is typically ****.

But their inability to read a map shouldn't surprise anyone. People go to A&M for a degree, not an education, which is why there are so few educated ****s.

The irony is strong with this one
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I would love to have the opportunity to beat the sh-t out of Duke in front of his mother.
Then piss on him.
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I doubt he cared for this article.


When the Panthers sprint from Kyle's tunnel and the first kickoff sails through the morning air, however, Prairie View A&M already will have made history just by playing the game. The contest between the "A&Ms," separated by 50 miles of country road, marks the first time the state's two oldest public universities will face each other in football.
Rocco S
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The road between CS and PV is a "country road"?
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Freaking Brent Z
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more and more unhinged. his ramblings keep getting more nonsensical. he's steadily progressing towards a complete breakdown. I really hope he doesn't take anyone with him when he blows. someone really needs to step in and have him committed.
Randy couldn't be a bigger loser if he was a Satanist wrapped in a Confederate flag.
Rusty GCS
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Randy, come play with us. We know you're reading this. Defend yourself.
Trident 88
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You guys give this particular loser way too much attention. You should take a page from his book and treat his idiocy as though it represents the intelligence level of all teasip alumni.
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Better idea. Keep your opinions to yourself and ignore this thread.
Trident 88
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Sure. Keep sucking Randy off. I'm sure he enjoys it.
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Yea, because that's exactly what's happening here.
Trident 88
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It is. You just don't see it.
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48 pages of calling this guy an obsessed lunatic is "sucking him off"?

Unless that phrase means something different to old people this thread is the exact opposite of that.
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This lunatic craves attention. It's obvious he loves to claim to be persecuted. Aggies being pissed and talking about him is exactly what he craves.
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Sure. Keep sucking Randy off. I'm sure he enjoys it.
i get your point, but that's definitely not the correct terminology.
Trident 88
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Like I said...
It is. You just don't see it.

Paying so much attention to an obsessed lunatic is equally stupid. He loves the attention. It's part of what fuels his idiocy, and his fellow idiots love how much space he appears to be taking up in your heads.
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Like I said...
It is. You just don't see it.

Paying so much attention to an obsessed lunatic is equally stupid. He loves the attention. It's part of what fuels his idiocy, and his fellow idiots love how much space he appears to be taking up in your heads.
It's not us who pay attention to "obsessed lunatic" Randolph Duke, it is the posters on the sip message boards that eat up delusional ramblings, praise him and want more. The shag is pretty much a poster moderated forum. They can ban him on their own if they believe he's a troll or crazy. They don't.

Randolph Duke is the very epitome of the typical sip and they collectively have no problem with him representing them on social media.

There's something truly f***ed up about that fact.
Silent For Too Long
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Like I said...
It is. You just don't see it.

Paying so much attention to an obsessed lunatic is equally stupid. He loves the attention. It's part of what fuels his idiocy, and his fellow idiots love how much space he appears to be taking up in your heads.
As hawg points out, it's good to egg that obsessed lunatic on. Any rational neutral observer would be anything from amused to appalled reading his psychotic ramblings. He makes the entire sip fanbase look like a bunch of agsessed losers, which is actually pretty accurate.
Trident 88
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It's not us who pay attention to "obsessed lunatic" Randolph Duke, it is the posters on the sip message boards that eat up delusional ramblings, praise him and want more. The shag is pretty much a poster moderated forum. They can ban him on their own if they believe he's a troll or crazy. They don't.

Randolph Duke is the very epitome of the typical sip and they collectively have no problem with him representing them on social media.

There's something truly f***ed up about that fact.

This 48 page thread is devoted to Randy's idiocy. That is certainly "paying attention to him".

He is actually not the epitome of the typical sip. He is the epitome of the typical sip on the Shag, and like him, most of those f-tards need help tying their shoes.

In any case, my original point above is that when an Aggie says something stupid, racist, whatever... that moron is at least smart enough to use it to try painting all Aggies as stupid. But when he says something stupid, you guys just target Randy. If you're going to bother getting your panties in a bunch and playing his game, at least play to win.
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But when he says something stupid, you guys just target Randy. If you're going to bother getting your panties in a bunch and playing his game, at least play to win.
LOL. My panties seldom get in a bunch. I have to respect someone's judgment and intelligence to respect their opinion at all.

But FTR, Randy is representative of the horn fan base, which includes many t-shirt fans of questionable intelligence. When I would be the hostess for multiple football parties in Austin, (usually after I had cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my 30-40 guests) it was most often the t-shirt fans who were the most obnoxious guests of mine.

But you know what? The actual horn grads present egged them on and seldom stopped that behavior...even though I was their hostess as well. Thirty years (or so) of living in Austin allowed me to view them in their native habitat.

Randy is closer to the norm than one may think.
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