Perfectly encapsulated the entitled, fair-weather nature of sip fans.
He explained how t.u. fans expect excellence and if they don't get it, they either leave or remain silent until excellence is displayed. He indicated that this was one of the great things about the t.u. fan-base. He ridiculed other fans who "yell themselves hoarse during a football game." Kudos to you Mr. English, not only did you explain why t.u. fans are so lame, but you fully endorsed said lamewaditude.
He explained how t.u. fans expect excellence and if they don't get it, they either leave or remain silent until excellence is displayed. He indicated that this was one of the great things about the t.u. fan-base. He ridiculed other fans who "yell themselves hoarse during a football game." Kudos to you Mr. English, not only did you explain why t.u. fans are so lame, but you fully endorsed said lamewaditude.