The Fife said:
SoTheySay said:
I bet that house is actually gorgeous!
Looking beyond the pictures I'm not entirely sure what's going on in there. Maybe the current owner fake-distressed the kitchen island and painted the cabinets, but based on the granite level and enormous bevel the wood flooring has the trim level isn't $625K IMO. Fireplace, stairs and patio look nice though.
Decent pictures make the right agent worth the money - they would be able to visually present the argument that this is a $XXXK house instead of one listed for 2/3 that amount. People need to pull up listings for whoever they're considering before signing a listing agreement to make sure they like what they see. It's such a simple thing to do I don't understand why they don't do it.
Speaking because I live in the same hood, and even with different builders, the trim in these houses is very similar - the main kitchen cabinets are painted. The island cabinets are also painted but but have a brown glaze on top. I know because I have cabinets with the same glaze in my house. They actually look good in person. The resolution of these pictures just make it look terrible/cheap. The wood flooring is also standard "hand-scraped" pre-fab planks. Again, I have similar stuff in my house, and while not "custom", it does look a lot better in person compared to those pictures. Heck, the flooring doesn't even look the same in the various pictures included in the listing!
The granite does look pretty builder-grade (mine is thicker and has a more "exotic"'pattern), but that's pretty standard for what you get here. $130-$150/sq ft is typical for resale in this neighborhood. New construction and specific types of resale (i.e., houses with tile roofs) can go for $200/sq ft. In part, I think that's why realtors can get away with such crappy listing pics. If you're looking for a house of a certain size in this area, this one is priced competively. So, as bad as the pics are, I doubt they will keep all buyers away and it will sell (might just take a little longer).
I think the dog is stuck in a Mexican stand off with the alligator.