I've noticed that one of my S&P trading strategies works pretty good for bitcoin so I'm selling here at $50,172. Will buy back half at the 50 hour M.A. which is currently around 49,000. Stop loss is 3%.
TxAG#2011 said:
Between BNT, ENJ, and UNI I am on fire the past week. Alts are fun right now
mrmill3218 said:
What do y'all think the best crypto to buy if I just want to buy and hold? I have $750 of Bitcoin and $250 in Chainlink currently but want to pump in more and hold.
RP said:
I'm still very new to this and I'm hoping to get some advice. I put 2k on BTC and 1k on ETH and 100 on LINK.
Now I have another 5k to play with. Should I put it all on ETH? or maybe 3k in ETH and 2k in BTC?
I'm not entirely sure if that is an appropriate question since its ultimately going to be up to me. I guess it just feels like I'm getting in earlier with ETH as opposed to BTC.
Edit: forgot to say that I'm looking to park the money for a while and hope they take off
AgPrognosticator said:RP said:
I'm still very new to this and I'm hoping to get some advice. I put 2k on BTC and 1k on ETH and 100 on LINK.
Now I have another 5k to play with. Should I put it all on ETH? or maybe 3k in ETH and 2k in BTC?
I'm not entirely sure if that is an appropriate question since its ultimately going to be up to me. I guess it just feels like I'm getting in earlier with ETH as opposed to BTC.
Edit: forgot to say that I'm looking to park the money for a while and hope they take off
Cardano is at an unusual low. I'm looking for it to jump soon. Eth and Link are both strong alts.
BTC is more of a "buy and forget about it" investment.
Cardano pumps and dumps just like the rest of themjeremy said:
My long, long term guess is bitcoin, ethereum, and a few others make it. The rest go the way of "ask jeeves" ,"microsoft zune", and "beta movie player".
Short term, most prognosticators say well dip and run with a net movement up until late September at least. Remember, for now, most of these all run with BTC.
Some will have better days than others and some will grow for a longer period of time than others. but Bitcoin is the standard most of them are following. Cardano seems the only exception I can find (ada).
Skillet Shot said:
How can ETH or BTC replace the value addition of VET in supply chain logistics improvement? And what about all of the protocols that run on the ethereum network: defi, NFT, gaming, sports betting, social media platforms. If all of the dApps built on the ETH blockchain go the way of ask Jeeves, how does ETH retain its value?
I agree BTC is the safest, followed by ETH. And plenty of alt coins will fail. But if ETH doesn't get 2.0 rolling soon, other blockchain with better scaling abilities could easily be an ETH killer.
johnnyblaze36 said:
They were just discussing the Biden administration bringing forth regulations on crypto in the "next few weeks". Any ideas what these could be or what it might do to this sector?
I'm heavily invested in a coming soon crypto developed on the Ethereum blockchain but yet to launch. With my luck it'll go live right around the time Yellen and company try to screw everything up. I'm betting big on inflation which she completely dismisses publicly.
Crypto + significant inflation is a real problem the Biden Admin is staring down the barrel of.johnnyblaze36 said:
They were just discussing the Biden administration bringing forth regulations on crypto in the "next few weeks". Any ideas what these could be or what it might do to this sector?
I'm heavily invested in a coming soon crypto developed on the Ethereum blockchain but yet to launch. With my luck it'll go live right around the time Yellen and company try to screw everything up. I'm betting big on inflation which she completely dismisses publicly.
jeremy said:
It's interesting. Just line the crooked politicians pockets with crypto. It's not like they will make any decisions based on anything other than the highest bidder.
AgPrognosticator said:Crypto + significant inflation is a real problem the Biden Admin is staring down the barrel of.johnnyblaze36 said:
They were just discussing the Biden administration bringing forth regulations on crypto in the "next few weeks". Any ideas what these could be or what it might do to this sector?
I'm heavily invested in a coming soon crypto developed on the Ethereum blockchain but yet to launch. With my luck it'll go live right around the time Yellen and company try to screw everything up. I'm betting big on inflation which she completely dismisses publicly.
If people flee the USD for crypto because of inflation, I could see attempts at regulation to kill crypto.
The major problem they have is that a number of large fortune 1000 companies are also heavily invested in crypto as are a growing number of Americans. If they regulate crypto out of existence, Americans will lose a trillion dollars in value.
Champ Bailey said:AgPrognosticator said:Crypto + significant inflation is a real problem the Biden Admin is staring down the barrel of.johnnyblaze36 said:
They were just discussing the Biden administration bringing forth regulations on crypto in the "next few weeks". Any ideas what these could be or what it might do to this sector?
I'm heavily invested in a coming soon crypto developed on the Ethereum blockchain but yet to launch. With my luck it'll go live right around the time Yellen and company try to screw everything up. I'm betting big on inflation which she completely dismisses publicly.
If people flee the USD for crypto because of inflation, I could see attempts at regulation to kill crypto.
The major problem they have is that a number of large fortune 1000 companies are also heavily invested in crypto as are a growing number of Americans. If they regulate crypto out of existence, Americans will lose a trillion dollars in value.
How would they even be able to stop it? Even if you banned crypto wallet site access in the US, or said you owe X amount of taxes if you trade crypto, all it takes is a VPN and you are around it, right?
Ultimately, I find it ridiculous that because people are losing faith in a government's ability to have a strong currency, the government then says well you can't use this other currency, because we don't want to address the problem that we are spending too much.
LOYAL AG said:
Am I wrong to think they could just buy up all coins then make the taxpayer pay for it via taxes and inflation?
Chrundle the Great said:LOYAL AG said:
Am I wrong to think they could just buy up all coins then make the taxpayer pay for it via taxes and inflation?
Yes, current bitcoin holders would have to sell it. Including people who have nothing to do with the states.
You can't buy/sell coin without a private key and only the individual btc holder has access to said key. No govt or individual can just force get access to it.
LOYAL AG said:Chrundle the Great said:LOYAL AG said:
Am I wrong to think they could just buy up all coins then make the taxpayer pay for it via taxes and inflation?
Yes, current bitcoin holders would have to sell it. Including people who have nothing to do with the states.
You can't buy/sell coin without a private key and only the individual btc holder has access to said key. No govt or individual can just force get access to it.
Good answer except that everyone has a price and they have the magic printing machine. I guess for me I love the idea of wresting control of currency away from government but I believe these cryptos exist because the Fed let's them and if they start impacting their ability to rule the world they will be destroyed. I'd love to be wrong but the Fed is the most powerful entity on earth so I'm just not sure how this goes.
I just realized there's not a fingers crossed emoji. I'm strongly libertarian and really, really want us to find a way to weaken this behemoth government. Hopefully this is it.Champ Bailey said:LOYAL AG said:Chrundle the Great said:LOYAL AG said:
Am I wrong to think they could just buy up all coins then make the taxpayer pay for it via taxes and inflation?
Yes, current bitcoin holders would have to sell it. Including people who have nothing to do with the states.
You can't buy/sell coin without a private key and only the individual btc holder has access to said key. No govt or individual can just force get access to it.
Good answer except that everyone has a price and they have the magic printing machine. I guess for me I love the idea of wresting control of currency away from government but I believe these cryptos exist because the Fed let's them and if they start impacting their ability to rule the world they will be destroyed. I'd love to be wrong but the Fed is the most powerful entity on earth so I'm just not sure how this goes.
Yeah but crypto guys are even more solidarity types than the retail investors with GameStop. And a lot of them are big libertarian types. If it came down to that, a lot of people would hold it, causing prices to skyrocket.