NTXAg10 said:
NTXAg10 said:
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm always in Canada when I access Binance.
That's absolutely fine. Feel free to call me out by I am only offering information that I've studied. It would be nice if someone else would actually offer trading information. I haven't seen any yet. If we cannot post without being called out because you're trying to protect everyone, I just won't post. Because dadgummit we will all be wrong occasionally.NTXAg10 said:
I think posting information/ideas is what makes this board great and I applaud your motivations.
That's said, there are a lot of new crypto investors on the board, who likely only have experience trading equities, and may see a "per market cipher, BTC is likely going to do X, Y, Z so a limit of $x may be reasonable" statement and think the data has the same credibility as a technical call on AAPL, SPY, etc. Despite a disclaimer.
I'm willing to risk being an ass by pointing out when it doesn't work in an effort to level set expectations for less experienced folks.
administrative errors said:
Each of em will usually have their own road maps on their designated websites.
NTXAg10 said:
I'm naturally sarcastic and generally have to reserve my tact reservoirs for work/family. I can't guarantee it won't happen again but noted.
No, top 10, 25, pick your number; by market cap.MR Gadsden said:
all 6469 coins? (as listed on
please continue to share your buy & sell information, I was looking for info last night actually. As always, we take the info at our own riskjeremy said:That's absolutely fine. Feel free to call me out by I am only offering information that I've studied. It would be nice if someone else would actually offer trading information. I haven't seen any yet. If we cannot post without being called out because you're trying to protect everyone, I just won't post. Because dadgummit we will all be wrong occasionally.NTXAg10 said:
I think posting information/ideas is what makes this board great and I applaud your motivations.
That's said, there are a lot of new crypto investors on the board, who likely only have experience trading equities, and may see a "per market cipher, BTC is likely going to do X, Y, Z so a limit of $x may be reasonable" statement and think the data has the same credibility as a technical call on AAPL, SPY, etc. Despite a disclaimer.
I'm willing to risk being an ass by pointing out when it doesn't work in an effort to level set expectations for less experienced folks.
Maybe this would be a better response:
"It sure fell harder than this guy's article said." It shows how much information is out there and you need to be careful with your trading."
In the end if you got in at $58,200, you'll be loss for about 2 days (AGAIN, ROUGH ESTIMATE) and then when it pushes 65k, you will be doing well. Maybe some people wanted to wait until this morning before buying in. I hope that happened either way.
administrative errors said:
I'm excited to watch perceived futile efforts in action. Will this drive the price of bitcoin in India dramatically higher? There used to be a myriad of attempts to arbitrage crypto in exchanges with large differences in prices. The risk being never getting your money out.
Will this effort be as useful as the soviets banning the dollar, solidifying its value to the people who hid and accepted dollars everytime they could, and was the best tool for bribing officials?
Cactus Jack said:
India is about to ban its people from cryptocurrency altogether. Will be illegal to buy, trade, mine, or even possess cryptocurrency.
administrative errors said:
Some are inaccessible forever, some have been purposefully destroyed [proof of burning], and some have been successfully recovered through brute force and time.
For one that are permanently lost, it makes bitcoin an even rarer substance.
People will die & no one will know where their passcodes are kept.Quote:
For one that are permanently lost, it makes bitcoin an even rarer substance.
Apache said:People will die & no one will know where their passcodes are kept.Quote:
For one that are permanently lost, it makes bitcoin an even rarer substance.
Passcodes will be lost or misplaced.
The computers they are saved on will burn in fires.
Angry spouses will throw out phones with bitcoin info on it.
The future EMP or Solar flare will wipe it all out.
All bitcoins will eventually be lost. It's musical chairs with trillions upon trillions of dollars.
I will cling to my guns, ammo, precious metals & booze. See y'all after the apocalypse.