Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX said:
The T chat rooms around the net are interesting reads. Camp 1 is looking for shareholder value and blames management and Camp 2 says management, keep the dividend coming and share price is okay. I fall more in Camp 2, but last earnings call, leadership says they are turning things around. We'll see.
Side Note: Know of a fellow in West Virginia and owns nothing but T (single investment). Bought it every month during his working life and his wife worked for the old Bell system. He collects right at $130,000 a year in dividends on his investment not counting her retirement. Retired couple/no kids. Conviction or insanity, or both.
without saying too much, I know many of the people on the management team and have known them since they were director/VP level. They are all very good executives that are MBA running that business into the ground. It is a lot like Microsoft in the 2005 - 2015 period. I cringed when they fired Donovan in favor of Stankey.
You don’t trade for money, you trade for freedom.