jayelbee said:
AG 2000' said:
FJ43 said:
Perfect. Exactly what we need.
Just another arrow in the quiver that is the Dem war on the middle class and small business.
Give me a break. Taxes for the middle class are so simple, you can't possibly cheat them unless you're blatantly lying. I hate the income tax system, but if we're going to have it we might as well do better on enforcement on the cheats, both wealthy evaderd and the scammers that go to H&R block and lie on their return to max out refundable credits.
Remember Lois Lerner's testimony? They're feeling more emboldened than that now.
Let's not pretend this will be about fairness.
Hell, there's multiple dem politicians running around D.C. with tens of thousands in back taxes owed, call me when the IRS puts them at the top of the list ahead of conservative 501cs, etc.