[url=https://twitter.com/search?q=%24WWR&src=cashtag_click][/url]Posting this one more time just because of how fast this moving. The edits are included from my earlier post.
$WWR holders of shares only. You have options to become net free using either March $10 covered calls. Pocket premium or get taken out above $10 for net free status.
In markets like these that's what I'd do
OA1 posted this tweet a few minutes ago. I am just starting to get into this and I have started reading and researching before I jump in. Would anyone walk me through the math on getting net free with the March $10 CCs on this assuming I have 1000 shares at a $7 average price (I don't but just trying to learn the lingo/math). Thanks in advance.
Edit: After working through this myself, if I sold 6 March $10CCs at $1 and they got exercised, I believe the other 400 shares would be net free. Is that right?