tramaro1 said:
oldarmy1 said:
Trap close yesterday. So far this big negative ES Futures has nothing turning over. Everything is within recent channels. Would take losing $360 SPY to get a likely correction underway. Otherwise this is embarrassing for bears. Still PINS and AMD are only 2 options currently as I was thin. No shares buying except 2021 small cap position building in WWR, CIDM and NRZ. Waiting for that flash down on MBIO to buy back shares. Close yesterday but need that shake spike.
I had picked up a small $SPY $367 call expiring today and after hours it came back above that mark to short shares against half. Only mistake there is I placed a $364.50 buy back knowing I wasn't waking up overnight and it filled. Left meat on that bone.
OA would you go with the Monday expiry on SPY puts?
I have the $330 Puts to Jan 15. I would go out to there regardless of strike price because short term moves will only drop you cents versus dollars. Example is I placed those on at $1.54 and they only dropped to $1.32 as markets continued running. But they spiked to $2.14 on the 10th to sell 25% and then came back down to buy back in the $1.60's. This morning I'll sell 50% on the premium pop and hold the rest to see if markets fail. Otherwise I will wait and then move out past inauguration day for $330 Puts again.
If I were to look to a short term SPY option trade it would be a spread to Wednesday $2 either side of the open. If we rise into the open I'd buy the Put first and see if a quick down draft hits to maybe be able to get the call side within $1 tightening the spread. Use the volatility and uncertainty knowing big moves up or down are coming versus the tight stair-stepping action we've had.