Not exactly. One potential idea for you but this requires being able to execute based on the TA intraday.jimmo said:
I trade in an IRA
can't short stocks
assuming buying Puts can accomplish the goal here?
- Re: OAs Calls while also shorting stock
If you would have bought ATM 437P when it turned today those were about $1.55. They closed at about $2.70.
You could use a portion of the gain to buy calls at the close for the same expiry with a higher strike in case it went back up.
If it gapped down the premium increase in the puts would easily offset the loss in premium of the calls.
If it went up then you would be able to exit the puts, probably still with a gain, and ride the calls.
If you just want to protect share positions then buy puts on your shares at a strike that you would be happy to exercise your rights on them. The only thing is in this case is if the share price goes up you will be out what you paid to buy the puts.