***** 2024 Houston Astros Season Thread ***** [Staff Warning]

1,746,456 Views | 34358 Replies | Last: 5 hrs ago by The Porkchop Express
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Bonnettecj1 said:

Bagwell. Not even kidding.
It will not be Jeff Bagwell.
All I do is Nguyen
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iBrad said:

This weekend's series in Washington with Verlander, Blanco, and Javier starting is feeling like a must-sweep series.
Agreed, if we can sweep the Nats, and win the next series or two I will feel a bit better about the season going forward
The Porkchop Express
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texasaggie2015 said:

MaxPower said:

Ug, very concerning
I've been mentioning this for a while now. It's unfortunate. The brains behind the operation are no longer around and Crane has very much taken the reigns himself. He's a smart man... but being a smart man and being equipped to run an entire baseball organization are two completely different things.

I've been told he lost his ability to trust his people after the scandal came out. Things haven't been the same since.
This actually makes Crane a lot more sympathetic to me. Guys he put in power positions were constantly lying to him by omission and he had to wear the results and forever had his perception changed of what should have been his pinnacle as a sports owner. If i can't trust those guys, how do I trust anyone? It sucks that he's gone this way, but you cant blame him for losing faith in managers and GMs.
MY post breakdown:
33% Star Wars
33% Astros
33% Making myself laugh
The Porkchop Express
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All I do is Nguyen said:

iBrad said:

This weekend's series in Washington with Verlander, Blanco, and Javier starting is feeling like a must-sweep series.
Agreed, if we can sweep the Nats, and win the next series or two I will feel a bit better about the season going forward
I can't speak for the rest of the Nats, mostly because I have no idea who is on their team, but Joey Gallo is ready to help the Astros' cause, having struck out 15 times in the past 6 games.
MY post breakdown:
33% Star Wars
33% Astros
33% Making myself laugh
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My guy Kenni Gomez went deep again last night:

Cam Fisher with a three home run game:

Pedro Leon stays scorching hot. They had basically written him off. They might need to think again:

And I can't recall a pitcher who has progressed through the system as fast as AJ Blubaugh:

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texasaggie2015 said:

Ag4life80 said:

I heard today from a source closely affiliated w Cinco Ranch baseball, that a recently promoted player was/is appalled by the clubhouse attitude
Time to shake things up, Joe
This is also something I've hinted at a couple times. This was an issue even last year to some degree but it's really taken a turn this year.

I will say that I was told by a very reliable source last night that if things don't start looking up soon (as in the next couple series), Crane very well might decide he needs to shake things up and bring in a new manager to run the clubhouse. Something to monitor.
Yes Jim, the problem is Espada not all the old guys you have thrown money at that suck.

I find it fascinating we have these old ball player types in Crane's ear yet the clubhouse is a problem. You'd think they would be the first one's saying get rid of player X or Y regardless of how good they are because they are bad in the clubhouse.
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texasaggie2015 said:

My guy Kenni Gomez went deep again last night:

Cam Fisher with a three home run game:

And I can't recall a pitcher who has progressed through the system as fast as AJ Blubaugh:

In general we have several college pitchers from the last two drafts looking promising (Blubaugh, Gross, Andrew Taylor, Hicks, True). Hopefully a couple emerge as solid contributors in 2025 and 2026.
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I actually think we see Blubaugh in the big leagues this year.
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Loperfido is also 25. I agree there shouldn't be expectations he's good from day 1 but he's also not going to get much more development staying at AAA. The quality of pitching there isn't going to change tomorrow, next week or next year. I will take below average at this point, it beats embarrassing garbage.
Buck Compton
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The Porkchop Express said:

texasaggie2015 said:

MaxPower said:

Ug, very concerning
I've been mentioning this for a while now. It's unfortunate. The brains behind the operation are no longer around and Crane has very much taken the reigns himself. He's a smart man... but being a smart man and being equipped to run an entire baseball organization are two completely different things.

I've been told he lost his ability to trust his people after the scandal came out. Things haven't been the same since.
This actually makes Crane a lot more sympathetic to me. Guys he put in power positions were constantly lying to him by omission and he had to wear the results and forever had his perception changed of what should have been his pinnacle as a sports owner. If i can't trust those guys, how do I trust anyone? It sucks that he's gone this way, but you cant blame him for losing faith in managers and GMs.
I take the exact opposite view. This sours me on him as a leader.

Your reaction to a failure shouldn't be to micromanage, especially if you don't have the expertise to do so. Just because you gave someone autonomy and let them drive decisions and failed, doesn't mean your approach to decentralizing decision-making was incorrect. And his inability to see the impact of his reaction is sinking the team.
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EastCoastAgNc said:

texasaggie2015 said:

Ag4life80 said:

I heard today from a source closely affiliated w Cinco Ranch baseball, that a recently promoted player was/is appalled by the clubhouse attitude
Time to shake things up, Joe
This is also something I've hinted at a couple times. This was an issue even last year to some degree but it's really taken a turn this year.

I will say that I was told by a very reliable source last night that if things don't start looking up soon (as in the next couple series), Crane very well might decide he needs to shake things up and bring in a new manager to run the clubhouse. Something to monitor.

So hypothetically, if a manager change were to happen, who are some realistic options? I doubt we pull anyone who currently has a job (thankfully that would eliminate Ausmus). Would he try and get Showalter? I'm drawing a blank on any other candidates

Brantley maybe? Cintron? Or maybe Miller?
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He might be ready this year but if he's up that either means a) guys don't come back from injury or b) we start moving guys because we are out of it. Neither is promising for our 2024 playoff chances.
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Serious question for those of you guys in the know. Was Brantley ever approached to be a hitting coach, bench coach or anything in the clubhouse? I feel like he is somebody that has a lot of knowledge in the game, especially the hitting part that could only help.
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Agreed. He should have learned he needs to be more involved in terms of knowing what's going on so he can redirect if something smells fishy. There are ways of doing that without impairing people's jobs. Maybe that's 1:1 times with people outside the GM to get their perspective. Maybe it's as simple as asking open ended questions and seeing if you get coherent responses. Telling people, "Hey, we had a cheating scandal 6 years ago so go throw $60M at an old 1B" is not the answer. In fact, it doesn't even make sense.
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I don't think he has any interest in coaching right now. If (and that's a big if) they make a move, it won't be from a rookie manager to an even more unproven guy.

But you're right- he knows how to hit and it wouldn't surprise me to see him get a role like that in the future.
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One other thing on Crane, he's also still the chairman who is actively involved in his other businesses and he's 70. I find it hard to believe he has both the time and energy to adequately dedicate himself to running an MLB org, even if he was qualified.
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I personally don't see them firing Espada unless we continue playing at a sub .500 record

I'd look for Girardi, Showalter or just promoting from within if a move were to be made
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MaxPower said:

Loperfido is also 25. I agree there shouldn't be expectations he's good from day 1 but he's also not going to get much more development staying at AAA. The quality of pitching there isn't going to change tomorrow, next week or next year. I will take below average at this point, it beats embarrassing garbage.
Oh, I'm on the "call Loperfido up immediately" bandwagon, zero doubt about that. I'm just saying I expect him to suck for a while like Bregman and Tucker when they came up.
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Got it, I don't see him as a manager but definitely as a hitting coach or bench coach. Dude was nice with the bat, wish he was teaching some of our guys about their approach at the plate.
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texasaggie2015 said:

Bonnettecj1 said:

Bagwell. Not even kidding.
It will not be Jeff Bagwell.

So it's Brad Ausmus, then
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I don't know what happens in the clubhouse, but I have to say I have appreciated what Espada has done on the field. He's trying to use his players in the best situations. The starting lineups, pinch-hitting, etc are all logical. He's done a fine job getting thru a bunch of middle innings with a bunch of avg to below arms. Some of his starters and high-leverage guys have completely **** the bed. Unless you want to see Seth Martinez close games, I don't think he can do much else.
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texasaggie2015 said:

Bonnettecj1 said:

Bagwell. Not even kidding.
It will not be Jeff Bagwell.
geoff blum?
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That's kinda where I am on Espada.

It's not his fault multiple starters couldn't get through 3 IP and completely turned the BP all kinda sideways.

And he's doing the best he can with what he has as far as 1B goes.
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I think its as simple as this season is so far deep into the heads of our players, its presenting itself big time on the field. Nothing about this season makes any sense other than we are just mind ****ed right now and its pervasive.
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Polling question. At what date and record would you start trading veterans and who are you willing to trade?

For me, I'd say if you are 5 games below .500 at 6/30 or below .500 at the trade deadline I'm selling. I'd look into moving anyone who is a free agent after this season or next.
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MaxPower said:

Polling question. At what date and record would you start trading veterans and who are you willing to trade?

For me, I'd say if you are 5 games below .500 at 6/30 or below .500 at the trade deadline I'm selling. I'd look into moving anyone who is a free agent after this season or next.
Depends on where we are in the standings. If we're within 4 games of the WC at the deadline then I wouldn't trade anyone.

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MaxPower said:

Polling question. At what date and record would you start trading veterans and who are you willing to trade?

For me, I'd say if you are 5 games below .500 at 6/30 or below .500 at the trade deadline I'm selling. I'd look into moving anyone who is a free agent after this season or next.
I'm afraid if we're within 10 games of a wild card spot or the division lead, Crane and the council of former players would decide to wait it out. Look at 2020 as a case study...the front office could have traded Springer and gotten decent pieces back, but they didn't. I think doing that this year (provided things are still bad at the deadline) would be a very bad decision.
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I wouldn't use 2020 as a case study for anything.

You can't make any decisions on a 60 game sample size.

Besides...We were 1 game from another WS in 2020.
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So, I'm confused on the comments about a negative clubhouse attitude.

  • Is it complacency?
  • Is it WIIFM?
  • Is it a lack of faith in management?
  • Is it the absence of an alpha dog willing to call people out?

Besides that, how is it translating to field performance? Pitcher injuries are ridiculous but not related to culture. I haven't seen anyone not hustling, although Altuve has had some brain farts on the basepaths. I guess I could see it in terms of hitting with RISP in terms of mentality (not going with a pitch or giving yourself up to advance a runner). The home record has sucked for some time, so maybe there's something there.

So, what are the clubhouse issues and how have they manifested on the field?
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Ag_07 said:

I wouldn't use 2020 as a case study for anything.

You can't make any decisions on a 60 game sample size.

Besides...We were 1 game from another WS in 2020.
I'm not talking about how we finished, I'm talking about where we were at the deadline.
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MaxPower said:

Polling question. At what date and record would you start trading veterans and who are you willing to trade?

For me, I'd say if you are 5 games below .500 at 6/30 or below .500 at the trade deadline I'm selling. I'd look into moving anyone who is a free agent after this season or next.
Depends on where we are in the standings, but if we decide to sell, I'd say everyone is up for trade except Altuve, Yordan, Diaz, Pena, and Javier.
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texasaggie2015 said:

I actually don't think he ends up in either of those places. I would keep an eye on Arizona.

My prediction as soon as I heard he's building a house there.

Arizona is an awesome place to live
Im looking for Ray Finkle.... and a clean pair of shorts. Im just a very big Finkle fan. This is my Graceland, sir.

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With regards to Loperfido you have to figure he's going to start getting pissed off soon. As was mentioned earlier, for a prospect he's not a spring chicken, and he has to start thinking "what the hell do I have to do to get called up?". You have a guy literally hitting out of his mind, and a generationally bad start for an aging has-been.
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I've noticed some lazy plays and dumb decisions......

Just looking at the first inning of the Royals game.... Second batter up with a runner on first and no outs, a single up the middle somehow turns into runners on second and third....A couple batters later and Tucker airmails the cut off throwing home when no play was there, allowing the batter to advance.

I haven't been able to watch as much as normal because of life, but that's one inning with two lazy and or undisciplined plays potentially cost us.

Another....Hader's explosion the other day. Passed ball by Diaz lets runner get to 2nd. Same at bat a single up the middle scores a run on what likely would have been a DP ball.
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He just played his 50th total game in AAA. I don't think you have to worry about him getting disgruntled anytime soon. He'll get a shot soon and I'm sure he's been getting feedback on what he needs to continue to work on.
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