Outside of Gurriel who is hitting 270 nobody else has produced anything. That's a fact through the first quarter of the season. If I'm wrong please cite the other hitters and their batting averages that have contributed anything at all to run production. List them.Silent For Too Long said:
What an absurdly pessimistic take. Our ceiling is 90 wins? No garauntees that our pitching will remain dominant but lets face it everyone outside of the big three suck at hitting?
Jesus. Some of you desperately need to learn how to withhold from hitting submit after losses.
We still have, by far, the best run differential in the majors. You don't amass that if you "only have 3 hitters." The bats will even out in the long run, it's a highly statistically likely, and this team will win 95-100 games. Once again, breathe.
Now, maybe over the course of the season that will change with the rest of the order......however, through a quarter of the season we haven't seen it. That's not an opinion. It's statistics. Nothing subjective about it. A quarter of the season is a long haul. That's a statistically significant part of the season is it not? This isn't some ten game hitting slump.
So yeah, unfortunately, the rest of the order has "sucked" Not an opinion. It's a statistical fact so far. You can argue that you think it will turn around. Ok. What you can't argue is that through the first twenty five percent of the season the batting order has been anything other than completely unproductive. The fact that it's gone on for the first two months of the season is not encouraging.