Ag2012 said:
Maybe if lil tuve was a few inches taller he could've snagged that ball. Thanks for the free pizza fellas.
It's free if you believe hard enough
Ag2012 said:
Maybe if lil tuve was a few inches taller he could've snagged that ball. Thanks for the free pizza fellas.
AccidentProne said:
Or maybe Rangers fans don't give a **** about the Astros until the two teams play each other? Y'all are constantly in this thread because y'all probably watch more Rangers games than you watch your own team. Can you remind us when the rent is due?
AccidentProne said:
Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry
AccidentProne said:
I'll gladly say all of this to your face if that'll make you feel better. I get it dude. You're upset because your team is losing. If you can't handle the trash talk, then why are you in this thread?
Yal don't give a crap about the Astros because we are so far ahead in the division you can't even see our taillights. I reckon Rangers fans will likely not give a **** about the Astros after about April for the next few seasons while you battle it out for the Wild Card.AccidentProne said:
Or maybe Rangers fans don't give a **** about the Astros until the two teams play each other? Y'all are constantly in this thread because y'all probably watch more Rangers games than you watch your own team. Can you remind us when the rent is due?
Flexbone said:AccidentProne said:
Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry
Not at all. You just seem like you think you're an e-badass, which usually means you aren't one in reality.
Turn back the clock to 3rd world style plumbing!mAgnoliAg said:
Hey AP ladies bathroom is flooding outside section 303
irish pete ag06 said:Turn back the clock to 3rd world style plumbing!mAgnoliAg said:
Hey AP ladies bathroom is flooding outside section 303
At least they were dealing with this while in the AC. Not absorbing 90% humidity outside.Ag2012 said:irish pete ag06 said:Turn back the clock to 3rd world style plumbing!mAgnoliAg said:
Hey AP ladies bathroom is flooding outside section 303
Yeah. You got me. Really wish Luhnow would have "won" the deadline like your GM did last year. That worked out great for yal.Ag2012 said:
Maybe if y'all weren't so soft from playing in A/C then you wouldn't fold like a wet paper sack after your front office **** the bed at the trade deadline
Ag2012 said:
Maybe if y'all weren't so soft from playing in A/C then you wouldn't fold like a wet paper sack after your front office **** the bed at the trade deadline
Sorry, can't hear you. I'm trying to find my broom.Flexbone said:Ag2012 said:
Maybe if y'all weren't so soft from playing in A/C then you wouldn't fold like a wet paper sack after your front office **** the bed at the trade deadline
I guess this is the level of smack that being 15 games back produces.
irish pete ag06 said:Yeah. You got me. Really wish Luhnow would have "won" the deadline like your GM did last year. That worked out great for yal.Ag2012 said:
Maybe if y'all weren't so soft from playing in A/C then you wouldn't fold like a wet paper sack after your front office **** the bed at the trade deadline
free_mhayden said:
The most dominant head-to-head record in the history of Major League Baseball.
You're right. The on-field, head to head results of two rivals are completely irrelevant on a trash talk thread about the two teams.Flexbone said:free_mhayden said:
The most dominant head-to-head record in the history of Major League Baseball.
And totally irrelevant.
Ag2012 said:You're right. The on-field, head to head results of two rivals are completely irrelevant on a trash talk thread about the two teams.Flexbone said:free_mhayden said:
The most dominant head-to-head record in the history of Major League Baseball.
And totally irrelevant.
Ag2012 said:You're right. The on-field, head to head results of two rivals are completely irrelevant on a trash talk thread about the two teams.Flexbone said:free_mhayden said:
The most dominant head-to-head record in the history of Major League Baseball.
And totally irrelevant.
Lucky #007 said:
Damn boys. If you can't get it done against our dumpster fire bullpen how the hell are you going to manage anything in the playoffs?
Lucky #007 said:
Definitely not the team on the losing end....
Can't imagine why y'all don't want to talk about it.
I guarantee you if the Yankees owned the most dominant head to head record in baseball over the Sox they'd let them know.Flexbone said:Ag2012 said:You're right. The on-field, head to head results of two rivals are completely irrelevant on a trash talk thread about the two teams.Flexbone said:free_mhayden said:
The most dominant head-to-head record in the history of Major League Baseball.
And totally irrelevant.
I've literally never heard any fan of any team mention or discuss who has the all team lead head to head in baseball. Except here. Ho gives a *****
Lucky #007 said:
Spend a lot of time in threads with Yankees and Red Sox fans do ya? Maybe they talk about it, maybe they don't, but I'm gonna guess this is more you haven't seen whether they do one way or the other than any actual knowledge.
Liriano > hitter than Lucroy I bet.Ag2012 said:
Pitching results in Houston this season
Nori Aoki: xFIP - 10.92
Francisco Liriano: xFIP - 10.68
Seems like y'all could've gotten the same results for much cheaper.