Not oh well. You don't get the last out on a SB with Springer up.
Agmaniacmike12 said:
With 1 out and Aoki up, no problem trying to steal. However, Springer could win the game in 1 swing. I don't understand that steal attempt at all.
Playing catch for the first time tomorrow I believemaca1028 said:
3 series lost, 3-6 homestand...road sweet road! McCullers coming back, hearing Morton is close, what's the deal with Keuchel?
Not much luck needed. We left way too many runners on base tonightirish pete ag06 said:
Tough breaks. Red Sox are damn lucky to win that one. Good time to get back on the road and see the beat up on the As.
ClickClack said:Agmaniacmike12 said:
With 1 out and Aoki up, no problem trying to steal. However, Springer could win the game in 1 swing. I don't understand that steal attempt at all.
This. Dumb.
agdaddy04 said:
Not oh well. You don't get the last out on a SB with Springer up.
Could very likely play them again in October.Ag12thman said:
Yep. Red Sox are legit - which is pretty much every year. But, so are the Astros this year. Hoping to shake outta the funk soon.
Oh ****, I had my toddler running around, so I couldn't hear it good. That would make a hell of a lot more sense.bearkatag15 said:
Weren't they chanting "Jose! Jose, Jose, Jose!"?
Kimbrel was throwing around 100. Fisher was consistently checked at 1st. Vasquez is great at throwing runners out. Fisher had 13 stolen bases and 10 caught stealing in the minors this year. One of your best power hitters is at bat with Altuve and Correa behind him. It certainly is a questionable play with 2 outs in B9 down 1.dcaggie04 said:
It's only questionable now because of the known outcome. If that throw was slightly off, Fishers on second and then nobody is talking about it being a questionable call.
bearkatag15 said:
Weren't they chanting "Jose! Jose, Jose, Jose!"?
Ag12thman said:
Let's make sure we have home field advantage.
Ag_07 said:Ag12thman said:
Let's make sure we have home field advantage.
At this rate I'd rather not. We're so much better on the road.