Hickory High said:
This team very clearly does not look like last year's team. I didn't want to believe that losing coach Bzdelik would hurt us as much as it has, but it clearly is.
If we look like this next game, then I hope Morey switches to survival mode and looks for some deals to make. Also, Melo needs to go.
It's accountability. One of the reasons I love guys like CP3, PJ Tucker, Ariza and Coach Jeff is that they are detailed oriented on defense and hold everyone accountable for their poor or lackadaisical play. Guys like James Ennis, MCW, and Gary Clark are not going to yell at James Harden. That is not to say they aren't useable players, they just can't lead. Also, Melo obviously isn't a good enough defender to speak up either.
In any organization you need people who hold themselves and others accountable. We went from 4 to 2.
I think the answer could be Jimmy Butler, but you can't give up Tucker. The accountability number needs to go up.
If I were permitted to dream though, I'd like to see if we could pry Marc Gasol away from the grizzlies.