Two things happened to me over the last year that just bugged the hell out of me. Closest I've come to kicking out a HS coach in a game. And that's kind of a big deal here as they must go to a hearing with the state athletic association, attend a sportsmanship class and basically get to miss a few games while all this gets worked out.
First one was a girls varsity HS game. Game goes into overtime which is 2 x 10m halves, golden goal. I'm the center.
Game was pretty typical, a few fouls on each team, nothing egregious and no cards or anything. I don't hear either coach complaining about foul calls or lack thereof. Game ends in a 1-1 tie so we go to OT. About 5-min. into the 1st OT, corner kick for blue and white on defense. It's on blue teams' benches half (so white teams' bench is on other half of the midefield about 50-yards away). Blue player goes up to head ball and white player just undercuts the blue player and blue player rolls over backwards and lands hard on the ground. I'm like, well, that's a pretty bad foul so blow the whistle and award PK to blue. White coach is screaming something about "you can't call that there!!!". Blue scores, game is over. Coach comes on field as players are shaking hands and tells me that "you can't call that, there were 20 players in the box and no way you could see that…blah blah blah"…which is interesting b/c I always position myself on the back side of a corner so my AR can take the kicking side for any fouls. The foul was literally 15-feet way from me and I could see it plain as day. He keeps complaining and I say "we are done here, it was a foul"…he then insists "you just wanted to end the game and you made up a reason too"… so now he's questioning my integrity so I hold up a yellow and tell him to leave the field. The JV game was played after the varsity (bad weather was coming so they switched the games to get the V game in). We come out for the JV game 20-minutes later and he then starts to complain AGAIN to the other referees "what kind of official awards a foul in that situation" the JV center replies "a referee who saw a foul in the box!"…he replies " no, only a poor one, a very poor one!" ….I damned near told the JV center to hand him a red card and kick him out. I should have.
Second happened last week. Working as AR1 on the home teams bench side. Center told us before the game he calls a pretty tight game and he did. He was consistent though and called fouls on both teams. Home coaches were not happy about some of the softer calls, or the team he called it on, but he was consistent about it. During the second half the home team was on defense on my half of the field (same as the home teams' bench). Attacking team is throwing in from the sidelines right near the top of the box. I see a little pushing/shoving going on as the players is getting ready to throw the ball in so I'm trying to focus on the field as I can see that area right in front of me much better than the center. Also, neither team had come close to a foul throw at any time during the game so I was not too worried about that. Attaching player throws the ball in and the home team assistant coach starts yelling "he stepped on the field, he stepped on the field…put up your flag he stepped on the field"…keeps yelling at me as I'm trying to watch play. Ball goes out over the end line and goal kick for home team. He then continues to yell about the foul throw…I put my hand up and say "coach, I was watching the field and did not see it"…but that's not good enough, he continues to berate me and yell and complain about the bad throw. So I call the center over and tell him to give the coach a yellow card. Then he says to me "learn the rules!"…and I tell the center to give him TWO yellow cards. Center said he did not hear me say that so only books the single yellow. Assistant is just giving me the stair down like I'm challenging his man hood. A few minutes later, I'm moving up the sidelines the assistant is very close to the sidelines (he and the head coach did it all game and I was continually asking them to move which they did always did before I had to avoid them), so this time I say "step back coach" and, maybe I imagined it, but I think he sort of stepped towards me like he was going to let me run into him…I run bye him and I'm thinking…did he just do that. I mean, what is the guy thinking. Nothing bad happened from this supposed foul throw and when I asked the center about it after the game, he said never saw either team come close to a foul throw. So dumb.
* Side not, what is your state's process like for a new HS official. I just had to register with the state, take an open book online exam, pass with a 70 or above and voila, I'm a HS referee. No training at all. Explains a lot honestly.