TOETAP_Ag095 said:
Yet another example of someone leaving that we "didn't want/wasn't any good/wasn't going to get much playing time" and the second string guy we signed Pecker Tech with 11 receptions for 106 yards was the guy we wanted all along
Please don't be reverse-delusional, rather please be like all the football savvy posters who have already won multiple national championships on paper with crayons over the last 10 years. Didn't you see his highlights where he played "lights out" against VMI (virginia military institute) and Marshall and Virginia and all the wonderful teams in that superior conference?
Just Shhhhh....just stay quiet about it, maybe we can dominate the transfer portal by getting a couple of freshmen transfers from The Alaska Bible College (great academics and a 7:1 student to faculty ratio) or maybe if Elko plays his cards right, multiple graduate transfers from Cottey College or Sweet Briar College!
We don't need any 6' 6" receivers we need 5' receivers because height is a nice to have.
Of all the transfers I'm most happy that former Westlake star TJ Shanahan decided to leave the team because he really sucked in high school and if you compare him to anyone on our line he really wasn't good and compared to the Alaska Bible College offensive tackles, he wasn't going to see much playing time because our offensive line has been the best in the country for years, not like Georgia, Alabama, LSU, or t.u.
Can't wait till the mighty KC gets to the weak SEC as down as it always is, even the weakest teams like Auburn......errrr uhhhmmm well...... as all these posters (except Maroon Dawn) who didn't want a senior returning starter who led the team in catches this past season, even with QBs who couldn't play pin the tail on the donkey.
Next year with these transfers is definitely our year. Then if necessary, wait until the next year!
ps. the use of the exclamation mark "!" for the wait until next year statement above is actually the math function Factorial which means you multiply each year by n-1 for each positive integer every year each year through infinity. Just don't tell the fan base of loyal Aggies until they convert season ticket prices into bitcoin.