Its so refreshing to have the uninformed pass judgement on what being exposed mean.
You're on a "fan" site for Texas A&M Football. Many of the takes that you are going to see are purely from "fans" and not athletes. Therefore, you are going to see opinions that may vary from your own, and many of which are just formed without ever having played a down of football(well maybe they played middle school football).
You may learn something from this whole post. Just because your opinion isn't in the majority, doesn't mean that you aren't correct.
I appreciated that fa t that Dallas took the time to try to dispel my premise. I don't agree with him, but I appreciate the fact that he was so motivated to prove his opinion that I left it alone. I don't have the time nor the need to justify every detail of what I believe.
If you would read and take the time to understand the little things in a discussion, it may help you in life. Things like listing that Foster didn't get mono from the S&C program. I don't personally know where got mono, but I am rather confident that they didn't operate on his knee as a result of mono. You could argue that he was in a weekend state because of the mono, but that would just strengthen the argument that people are hurt more frequently when they are not properly conditioned.
However, if you like to think of me as being exposed, then please do so.
illegitima non carborundum