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2020 SEC Football Just died

40,685 Views | 234 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Aggies2009
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OldShadeOfBlue said:

DRAINS_05 said:

Well I know a couple of Doctors in downtown Houston and the numbers being reported about overcrowded icu beds are misleading as he said most icu beds being used currently are not covid19 related. Only about 20 percent are covod patients. Then the news sees that there are full beds and blames it all on covid. Another friend who works downtown in the labs working on possible treatments told me that they talk behind the scenes and all believe the virus is too perfectly made to attack humans to not have been helped along in a lab setting. They also cannot publicly comment on the virus as they have been threatened of blacklisting. We live in a mess of a world these days people.
Back up a sec.. You're telling me out of every possible way you could find yourself in the ICU, covid makes up 1 in 5 and that doesn't strike you as concerning?

Well I think his point was just that the media is making it sound like the icus are overflowing with covid... and his buddy says otherwise.

I agree with you about it being concerning
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YaGuey09 said:

SECTAMU#1 said:

Just read this from South Carolina's Governor:

Wednesday, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster warned that he will not lift a state ban on spectator sports, "if these numbers continue to rise and the danger persists."

"I can't do it. I won't do it," McMaster said. "This fall will not be like other falls. We will not be able to have college football. We will not be able to have high school football."

I live in SC and listened live to the presser from which your quote was copy/pasted, and the way you've pasted it here is misleading.

It's not "false", but "misleading", like so SO many things on the internet are....

What you did not include in your post was what he went on to say. You made it sound as if he has "declared" that there will be no football in the state this fall.

But I think I'll leave it at that. My hope in doing so is that someone may actually take the time to look up the transcription of his presser for themselves, instead of seeing whatever version I decide to copy/paste which could, again, mislead someone.

Here's a link to the whole article. Please sort through it and let me know where else he was quoted in the article.


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OldShadeOfBlue said:

DRAINS_05 said:

Well I know a couple of Doctors in downtown Houston and the numbers being reported about overcrowded icu beds are misleading as he said most icu beds being used currently are not covid19 related. Only about 20 percent are covod patients. Then the news sees that there are full beds and blames it all on covid. Another friend who works downtown in the labs working on possible treatments told me that they talk behind the scenes and all believe the virus is too perfectly made to attack humans to not have been helped along in a lab setting. They also cannot publicly comment on the virus as they have been threatened of blacklisting. We live in a mess of a world these days people.
Back up a sec.. You're telling me out of every possible way you could find yourself in the ICU, covid makes up 1 in 5 and that doesn't strike you as concerning?
But leaders of several major hospitals in Houston this week urged the public to remain calm, suggesting that the extent of the outbreak has been overstated.
At a virtual press conference on Thursday, the chief executives of Houston Methodist, Memorial Hermann Health System, St. Luke's Health, and Texas Children's hospitals stated that their hospitals are well-prepared to handle an even greater increase in patients than that which has emerged over the past few weeks.
The number of hospitalizations are "being misinterpreted," said Houston Methodist CEO Marc Boom, "and, quite frankly, we're concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now."
"We do have the capacity to care for many more patients, and have lots of fluidity and ability to manage," Boom said.
He pointed out that his hospital one year ago was at 95% ICU capacity, similar to the numbers the hospital is seeing today. "It is completely normal for us to have ICU capacities that run in the 80s and 90s," he said. "That's how all hospitals operate."
He noted that around 25% of ICU patients are COVID-19-positive. But the hospital "[has] many levers in our ability to adjust our ICU," he said, claiming that the hospital capacity regularly reported by the media is "base" capacity rather than surge capacity.
Texas Children's Hospital CEO Mark Wallace added that his facility has "a lot of capacity."
"We have the ability to take care of all of the Houstonians that need a critical care environment, that need to be operated on, or acute care," Wallace said.
"There is not a scenario, in my opinion, where the demand for our beds ... would eclipse our capability," he continued. "I cannot imagine that. I just cannot."

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After all the BLM protest mess, at this point I honestly really don't care whether or not the 2020 season is on.
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jaxisback said:

There are no "good" options with this. The disturbing thing is there is almost no discussion of the real economic damage and risks that are taken on with forcing people out of work. There are platitudes paid to it, almost exclusively on the conservative side, but scarcely little real discussion.

The social and economic consequences are massive. We're seeing just a taste of it with this Marxist uprising that's gripped the country and the amount of money being allocated to keep people out of work is essentially so large as to not be comprehensible in layman terms. Don't think for a second that the backdrop of the virus and the complacency of our citizens hasn't played a catalysts role in recent events.

Our politicians and doctors have done a comprehensive job of sowing fear of the virus. It is undoubtedly a severely virulent agent, so people are justified in respecting it. Real fear however should be reserved for the prospects of Great Depression or Marxist uprising. Most are too far removed from the Great Depression to fully appreciate it, but those who know their history know that it meant World War to cure the world of it. I've spent a good deal of time in the Soviet Union and can say unequivocally I want no part of any of the Marxist propaganda.

We need to be working and active in our daily lives. Do what we can, within reason, to limit the speed of transmission, but working age people need to be actively employed.
P o s t o f t h e d a y !!

I'm sure Double Diamond and txag76 and others want no part of these facts and would rather spew the fear and mainstream media - driven propaganda. My wife (also Class of '85) has taken over her family's small business and this crap is tragic for what it is doing to ruin lives and businesses - especially theirs that has been here serving Northwest Houston since 1979. How many of you have small family businesses that are going on year # 42 and have had to suffer through this crap and propaganda being fed to us by the mainstream media???!! And, yes, our 25 year old daughter has experienced the virus and recovered, following the proper protocol and quarantining from us, elderly 83 year old mother-in-law, her brother (our 27 year old son), other family and friends, etc. Has tested negative a few times since. Just get your heads out and think reasonably and quit running around like the proverbial little chicken screaming, "the sky is falling" all the time. Yes - there are some risks and we need to be smart, but the risks of NOT LIVING (as in a relatively normal routine of your life), in my opinion, far outweigh the alternative and issues being spewed relative to this virus.
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I'm also 58 years old and still play baseball in the MSBL (Men's Senior Baseball League) and we have had a number of games recently...no big deal. Have not heard of any teammate or opponent getting anything. This league is for 55+ aged players and we have some guys approaching 70. It is a beautiful sight to see - these guys still out there playing for the love of the game. You CANNOT beat it. Some folks wore masks, most didn't. We don't care what the other person does. We respect each other and don't want to impose our thoughts or wills on others.
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What a bunch of clowns man. How many people have to die before you all will see reason.
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Ifishandlie said:

LSU can't afford not to play this year. They desperately need the money.
Can't be emphasized enough. LSU athletic budget is a mess and they literally cannot afford to go a season without football, much more so than other big programs.
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tdb867 said:

What a bunch of clowns man. How many people have to die before you all will see reason.

Go ahead and ignore the tons of posts and facts contradicting the "sky is falling" mentality you've chosen to adhere to.

Go ahead and speak in vague terms of many people dying yet ignore the actual death count which has been dropping dramatically since April and indicates a 0.05% mortality rate for anyone under 70.

Go ahead and pretend that we're all gonna die if we don't immediate cease all activity and cower underneath our beds.

Ignore what's going to happen to the economy, and consequentially our system of government, if we do stop everything. (Do you seriously not see the link between the social unrest and what the pandemic response has done to our country so far?)

Pretend the fact this is an election year isn't playing into the words and actions on both sides of this argument.

By all means, pretend like "reason" is ignoring hard scientific data and instead relying on anecdotal "evidence" and non-specific, unsubstantiated doomsday claims by the media (who live and die by "clicks" on their websites).
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As of today 46% of ICU beds in the Texas Medical Center are COVID patients up from 24% about two weeks ago - and climbing. Last two days have also showed the highest numbers of deaths to date in Texas and the governor even stated today to expect high numbers.

Link to TMC statistics:


Ray Baker
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Tamu_mgm said:

Ifishandlie said:

LSU can't afford not to play this year. They desperately need the money.
Can't be emphasized enough. LSU athletic budget is a mess and they literally cannot afford to go a season without football, much more so than other big programs.

Ray Baker
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BAS65 said:

30 LSU players tested positive according to the Eagle . We done.

30 players were QUARANTINED. LSU did not release the number of players who tested positive.
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JAD AG85 said:

jaxisback said:

There are no "good" options with this. The disturbing thing is there is almost no discussion of the real economic damage and risks that are taken on with forcing people out of work. There are platitudes paid to it, almost exclusively on the conservative side, but scarcely little real discussion.

The social and economic consequences are massive. We're seeing just a taste of it with this Marxist uprising that's gripped the country and the amount of money being allocated to keep people out of work is essentially so large as to not be comprehensible in layman terms. Don't think for a second that the backdrop of the virus and the complacency of our citizens hasn't played a catalysts role in recent events.

Our politicians and doctors have done a comprehensive job of sowing fear of the virus. It is undoubtedly a severely virulent agent, so people are justified in respecting it. Real fear however should be reserved for the prospects of Great Depression or Marxist uprising. Most are too far removed from the Great Depression to fully appreciate it, but those who know their history know that it meant World War to cure the world of it. I've spent a good deal of time in the Soviet Union and can say unequivocally I want no part of any of the Marxist propaganda.

We need to be working and active in our daily lives. Do what we can, within reason, to limit the speed of transmission, but working age people need to be actively employed.
P o s t o f t h e d a y !!

I'm sure Double Diamond and txag76 and others want no part of these facts and would rather spew the fear and mainstream media - driven propaganda. My wife (also Class of '85) has taken over her family's small business and this crap is tragic for what it is doing to ruin lives and businesses - especially theirs that has been here serving Northwest Houston since 1979. How many of you have small family businesses that are going on year # 42 and have had to suffer through this crap and propaganda being fed to us by the mainstream media???!! And, yes, our 25 year old daughter has experienced the virus and recovered, following the proper protocol and quarantining from us, elderly 83 year old mother-in-law, her brother (our 27 year old son), other family and friends, etc. Has tested negative a few times since. Just get your heads out and think reasonably and quit running around like the proverbial little chicken screaming, "the sky is falling" all the time. Yes - there are some risks and we need to be smart, but the risks of NOT LIVING (as in a relatively normal routine of your life), in my opinion, far outweigh the alternative and issues being spewed relative to this virus.

I don't fear the virus. I respect it, and treat it as such.
My fear is all the people that don't.

It's very real. Billion dollar industries wouldn't be looking at delayed starts or cancellations over a whim or an overblown flu. They aren't gonna lose billions without first doing their own homework. They don't care what the media may spin, or any hypothetical government conspiracy theories. It's their people, analyzing the real data.

Hell, I want normal back as much as anyone. I think it's theoretically possible for society to get back to semi-normal again. Maybe that's using legit masks for a while and not glorified tissue paper. I don't know. Maybe it buys the medical world more time to figure it out.
But for that to happen and/or be effective, 100% of society would have to act responsibly. That's the part that's realistically impossible.

If people were responsible, we wouldn't even need laws. But we do, to provide protections from (and consequences for) all the idiots. You shouldn't have to tell people that stealing is wrong. Rape is wrong. Murder is wrong. But we do. Have to.

If it's thrown down that masks become mandatory, and regulated on acceptable types, that's not a slap to reasonable people's faces. It's a means of protection from (and consequences for) the idiots. Allowing the analysts to further research and better understand this thing. And in the interim get closer to a normal.
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Double Diamond said:

How many people did they come in contact with that might face grave implications.
Just their little sisters and cousins. It's all in the family. Won't spread around that much.
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On a positive note........
There's a new bbq place just outside of college station that is absolutely fantastic ....carry out only at this point while they prepare a dining area ! If Covid EVER leaves !
NEXT YEAR IS HERE.......again
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does this mystery place have a name?
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Guess it shall remain nameless to protect the innocent but I'm always ready to try new BBQ.
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12thMan9 said:

Uhhh, the kill rate for Covid 19 is less than the flu.

Just sayin'


You're lyin'.

Just sayin'

Double Diamond
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This. Billion dollar outfits do not lose billions off of the media overblowing things. Maybe no football will force some to see this is real.
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Double Diamond said:

This. Billion dollar outfits do not lose billions off of the media overblowing things. Maybe no football will force some to see this is real.
...or we could just recognize media-driven hysteria resulting in irrational behavior of the masses wholly unsupported by the data-driven analysis of the actual risk associated with this disease.....

This author has two Phd's in Psychology so there is some level of bona fides here. Does this sound familiar?


First is Contagion Theory, proposes that crowds exert a hypnotic influence on their members that results in irrational and emotionally charged behavior often referred to as crowd frenzy.

Second is Convergence Theory that argues the behavior of a crowd is not an emergent property of the crowd but is a result of like-minded individuals coming together. If it becomes violent is not because the crowd encouraged violence yet rather people wanted it to be violent and came together in a crowd.

Third is Emergent-Norm Theory that combines the two above arguing that a combination of liked-minded individuals, anonymity and shared emotions leads to crowd behavior


or... we could just put our heads in the sand and ruin the lives and livelihoods of tens of thousands of people.

"Make America Start Thinking for Itself Again!"

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pv said:

12thMan9 said:

Uhhh, the kill rate for Covid 19 is less than the flu.

Just sayin'


You're lyin'.

Just sayin'

Double Diamond
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Na companies aren't losing money over the media.
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Double Diamond said:

Na companies aren't losing money over the media.
see NFL attendance and viewership post-Kappernick (a media-fueled, political ":statement")
Double Diamond
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What's crazy is the American people gave up a lot. Post 911 after 3k Americans were murdered. All privacy rights gone. Dog and pony show at the airport. Trillion dollar wars and even more loss of American life.

A virus kills 140k in five months and more than half the country calls it a hoax.
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Double Diamond said:

A virus kills 140k in five months and more than half the country calls it a hoax.
Citation needed

Also, 140k people died while having the virus. They didn't necessarily get killed by the virus. I hope that helps.
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Double Diamond said:

What's crazy is the American people gave up a lot. Post 911 after 3k Americans were murdered. All privacy rights gone. Dog and pony show at the airport. Trillion dollar wars and even more loss of American life.

A virus kills 140k in five months and more than half the country calls it a hoax.
I never said it was a hoax

I said it was an irrational response to media-driven hysteria. big difference.

For the record, I also opposed PATRIOT and the associated invasion of privacy from the beginning,

And Campaign finance reform in the version W signed

And No Child Left Behind

do I need to go on?
Double Diamond
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It's not an overreaction it was actually a botched reaction. We crashed the economy and didn't touch the problem. I see a lot of the world handling things better and getting back to normal.
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Double Diamond said:

It's not an overreaction it was actually a botched reaction. We crashed the economy and didn't touch the problem. I see a lot of the world handling things better and getting back to normal.

What's your proposed solution?
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aggiepaintrain said:

does this mystery place have a name?
NEXT YEAR IS HERE.......again
Double Diamond
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Too late now. Masks will help but will take much longer. This drawn out version will not help the economy bounce back. I would've gotten things in place in January. Gone to a total shutdown in March. Bet the virus would be gone in six weeks. I know this would've been an economic nightmare. But what we are doing now is a slow bleed out. Other countries figured out the total lockdown.
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fightinag said:

aggiepaintrain said:

does this mystery place have a name?
Oof. That place isn't really new, nor is it really all that good.
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Double Diamond said:

Too late now. Masks will help but will take much longer. This drawn out version will not help the economy bounce back. I would've gotten things in place in January. Gone to a total shutdown in March. Bet the virus would be gone in six weeks. I know this would've been an economic nightmare. But what we are doing now is a slow bleed out. Other countries figured out the total lockdown.
this was never a realistic solution. we do not live in a totalitarian state. At least, were not supposed to.
Class of 65
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Channel 13 yesterday reported that the Houston restaurant owner died of covid 19. On the channel 2 news late last night one of his key employees said he died of a heart attack. He had covid 19 in early june but fully recovered. The news media even at the local level report fake news,
Double Diamond
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Actually our government can use extreme measures to slow an envision.
Double Diamond
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You do understand the virus attacks the heart? The arteries etc.
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