AgBandsman said:AggieBand2004 said:Meximan said:Bifferton Bobber Squat said:The speed at which you travel is not an issue. The issue is that the left lane is for passing only. If you are driving in it and not actively passing someone, regardless of speed, you are breaking the law, impeding the flow of traffic and just being an a-hole. Doing an annoying act you know is not right and not caring about how it affects others is the height of petulant childish activity. My six year old has more maturity than you OP.cevans_40 said:King said:
On the interstate I drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit and stay in the left lane.
If someone is driving faster than me, they can go around. I'm not moving to the slow lane only to have to hit my brakes for the slow cars.
I've pissed a lot of people off over this and I don't care.
I want to become a cop just to pull morons like you over. I would set a world record for tickets issued to dumbasses who drive in the left lane when not passing.
As King pointed out, he's passing all the cars on the right going 65-70. Cops don't care if you're in the left lane if you're passing up the cars on your right. I doo this exact same thing, have passed cops dozens of times, and none run me down for being in the left lane.
The problem isn't people going 80 in the left lane and staying there, the problem is people going 60 or 105 in the left. Maybe y'all shouldn't drop 90 in a 75 like jackasses.
It's not your job to regulate the speed of other cars on the road. If someone is behind you in the left lane and wants to pass, it IS your job to get over and let them pass.
The logic on this is not difficult to grasp.
Listen here, BQ, if I'm going above the speed limit in the left lane and some jackass doing 90 behind me has to get around, I'm not moving from the left lane so he can continue his deadly actions unabated.
You're an ******* that shouldn't be allowed to drive.