Finally stepping forward from the shadows.
Look, to all of those who're complaining about this statue and that cannon and this dislocated ankle, hear me right meow.
I was a 'sip till I got to the A&M campus for fish day, and I watched the pains of the '11 season while having the best time of my life. Yes, the traditions like the Spirit of '02, the torches, and many great and unique traditions have been laid to rest with the new Kyle, one thing remains: The sweaty, smelly, didn't-even-pull-this-seat-but-f***-it-I'm-with-my-friends Aggies to the left and to the right. That is what separates this University from the 'sips in Austin, the Over-grown felines in Wacko, and the corn-dog-eating bengals in Baton Rogue.
You want to get angry, you want to be frustrated with the new 105mm not inside the stadium (where it would blow out our eardrums), then take it somewhere else. We're entering a new age of Aggie Football, and I will not for one second be distracted that I now have to wait till they show the cannon on the screen before I can mug-down, and not blow out my vocal chords every single dead gum game for the Ags on the field.
This is a football forum, talk football, not aesthetics that mean nothing once the ball is snapped.
How'd I do for my first rant?