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"The Halftime of Infamy"

54,083 Views | 141 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by wbt5845
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Never went from high to low so quick in my life.

Plano East Vs Tyler John Tyler in 5A state playoffs.

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I have a friend who was in the MOB for that game. He credits the FTAB for saving many lives by playing the War Hymn and making the Ags in the crowd stop to saw em off while the MOB retreated to the locker rooms.
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Tango Mike
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It was 40 years ago. Let it go. You fools needed a sense of humor then, and apparently you still need one now
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I was there and did not like it at all. The mob is a bunch of cheap shot artists who spend very little time or effort actually acting like a band. They have very little to offer except juvenile BS.

Better be prepared for them to pull some stunt like that on Kyle Field on August 31. It's the only way they can get attention.

They and UH taunt each other before and after most of the games they play against each other (not during the game, because that would require balls). The Cougars usually are smart enough to show them up.

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Plano East Vs Tyler John Tyler in 5A state playoffs.

JT alum here....I WAS AT THAT MIRACLE.


Holy moly. Miracle is right. I've never see. That before, amazing.

[This message has been edited by Ftbendtxag (edited 7/30/2013 6:34p).]
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I have never thought the mob was as clever as they think they are.

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Screw Rice, Tango Mike. Screw 'em. Rice didn't do it to be funny, except to those hippie jerks that went to that Berkley wanna be school. They did it to be mean, and disrespectful to Aggies everywhere, especially those in the military. Remember, in those days A&M was mostly still a military school. If you can't see that, then screw you too.
Frederick Palowaski
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A sense of humor. We needed one.

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I liked when the Mob on Kyle Field made fun of the tsip who ran his car into a building. That was funny.
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I wouldn't piss on a MOB member if he/she was burning.
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I thought it was funny, now that last minute touchdown run, not so funny.
tex 93
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By the time I joined the Band in '89, the OPs story was legend. We were told it was the MOB's fire-hydrant drill while playing "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone" soon after the death of Reveille that lead to the MOB getting run off the field.

As luck would have it I was there for another legendary A&M vs Rice event when the Rice Owl ran across the field during our halftime performance. I have the photo right above my computer where the Yell Leaders are seen dragging the Owl off the field while the Band is performing the drill. Since the Owl did it while the Band's back was turned away from him, none of us knew what had happened till we were back in the stand. Thousands of Aggies joined the BQs and had a great time drowning out the MOB's halftime homecoming performance with a Yell Practice. The Owls blamed us for it and we got hate mail from indignant Rice fans for weeks afterwards. Col Toler and (then) Major Brewer dutifully posted everyone one of them up on the Band Room walls so we could read them for our amusement.

For my part I love parody and satire. I never took college life too seriously so I think the Rice antics are pretty funny. Giving it right back to them is one of the best parts. Great Old Army rivalry.
Tango Mike
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Screw Rice, Tango Mike. Screw 'em. Rice didn't do it to be funny, except to those hippie jerks that went to that Berkley wanna be school. They did it to be mean, and disrespectful to Aggies everywhere, especially those in the military. Remember, in those days A&M was mostly still a military school. If you can't see that, then screw you too.

I'm in the Army. I don't see it as disrespect. You have thin skin
Philip J Fry
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TM, please transport yourself to the 1960s/70s and tell us if you still feel the sane way. Really easy to Monday morning quarterback what happened 40 years ago.
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I was also at the game at Rice Stadium when the band messed up and had to quit the show halfway through.

Rice Stadium had bad mojo for the Ags.
Sid Farkas
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I was also at the game at Rice Stadium when the band messed up and had to quit the show halfway through.

Rice Stadium had bad mojo for the Ags.

Can't remember what year that was. But yes - the event was unforgettable. I seem to remember a flag unfurled from a dorm adjacent to Rice Stadium (visible from inside the stadium) that incorporated the a&m logo...something like this on a three story banner:


I have to admit...I laughed at that.

The CT's in our section were livid over MOB whistles disrupting the band tho.
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The MOB!

My dad, '52, always had great stories of the MOB and their shenanigans. Sure it would irk people but it was all tongue and cheek. He loved a good Aggie joke and ribbing.
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I was a fish in the Aggie Band that game. On a side note, that was the weekend I first met my wife of 32 years.

Lots of legend and misinformation here, I'll attack it in the order mentioned. To set the stage, we as the opposing team, got to do our halftime drill first. So the BQs were mostly back in the stands for the fiasco.

And as many here mention, the MOB was just random people off the street; students, profs and a lot of high school kids. The "Fedora" uniform came later, there was nothing resembling a uniform.

The BQs had almost zero to do with the altercations nor anything after the game. We were, however, getting ready to play The National Anthem ala Baylor 1926 in case a riot broke out. None did. The biggest disturbance I saw was one old Ag in his 30s or 40s jump the wall and head for the field, only to be restrained by Yell Leaders, ODs, etc.

After the game, we were too busy loading our horns on the moving van to get involved with anything, but a hometown buddy said he was one of the guys who stood around where the MOB was holed up until they snuck them out in concession trucks.
Before we go any further into our halftime festivities, the MOB takes time to pay tribute to Mr. Marvin Zindler.
One has to remember that it was only a few months before this that Zindler had forced the closure of the infamous Chicken Ranch brothel. A move that did not endear him to some Aggies. Some claim he closed it because the proprietor refused to employ male homosexual prostitutes for people of his inclination.
From _The Rice Thresher_ Nov 29, 1973...distinctively unmilitary in a variety of silly hats and helmets
Yes, they were goosestepping, and the "silly hats" were German WWII helmets. But my memory is that the helmets and goosestepping did not occur until the end of the "show".
It did start a riot
No, it did not. What damage was done, what injuries caused? None.
As had been stated on this site by older guys, they really weren't mad about the reveille stuff, it was the goosestepping, a-la NAZIs, compare that made them mad.
TRUE! Up until the end of the "show", it was stupid, childish junk, nothing really offensive. But when they formed a "T" like the Aggie Band at the end of the show, slapped on Nazi helmets and started goosestepping, that's when it went from eye-rolling to anger.
Probably the fact that you give them the stage for 10 minutes of halftime in your house
We were at Rice, but the point remains that you are a captive audience. Quite rude to insult your guests.
Wasn't this the incident that led to the victory tree or whatever they called it being chopped down on the Rice campus?
Someone from Squadron 7 might be able to answer that for you. They may even have a section of said tree.
And in early 80"s they screwed up the FATB using whistles on the sideline.
I have heard the story both ways, that the BQs did it to themselves, and that the MOB caused problems. Regardless, a BQ should know his own damn place in the music and on the field and not depend on whistles. I say this as a member of the Band who performed the famous "Block O" at SMU in 1974. A disaster caused by our own misplaced whistle.
Nothing about the paper mache cock?
Wasn't one in 1973 as I recall.
At Kyle Field the next year they used a little better judgement.
As I recall, they were not invited to Kyle Field for several years.
What pissed me off the most (If I remember correctly) was they played “Where has my little dog gone” when one of the reveilles had just died or was terminally sick...

if my memory is right, the MOB made fun of the recently deceased Reville and that was the spark that set things off...

We were told it was the MOB's fire-hydrant drill while playing "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone" soon after the death of Reveille that lead to the MOB getting run off the field...
THE BIGGEST FALLACY REGARDING THIS EVENT. Rev was fine. The previous one had died seven years earlier. The one at the time lived for another year and a half. The "Rev" part of the show was the MOB formed a fire hydrant, their twirlers danced around with empty leashes, and they played Where, o where has my little dog gone. Nothing offensive, slightly amusing, and silly. No one cared.

I first saw Rev mentioned as the cause of the outrage in a Rice web page. My suspicion is that the MOB wanted to avoid admitting that they did an "Aggies are Nazis" halftime show, and wanted to blame the outrage on irrational Aggies. But maybe that's just me. I hate seeing Aggies perpetuate the myth.
I have a friend who was in the MOB for that game. He credits the FTAB for saving many lives by playing the War Hymn and making the Ags in the crowd stop to saw em off while the MOB retreated to the locker rooms.
My memory is vague on this. I do recall preparing to play The Star Spangled Banner in case a riot truly broke out. But I think he may be correct. It certainly sounds like something we would have done, fire up the War Hymn and show those little punks what a real Band sounds like.
tongue and cheek
It's tongue in cheek, and yes, we were laughing at their pitiful little show through 90% of it. Laughing at the small amount of humor, laughing at how stupid it was, mostly.

Nobody cared about their "show" until they formed a "T", put on Nazi helmets, played "Recall", and started goosestepping.

There were guys in the stands in their 40s who fought the Nazis. There were people in the stands who lost friends and relatives to the Nazis.

This was 28 years after the close of hostilities. Think how people would react today if people compared Aggies to Viet Cong or NVA. And that war is 10 years further in the past today than WWII was in 1973.

Maybe folks over-reacted. But maybe the idiots at Rice should have thought a little bit before comparing a Texas College with nearly 1,000 WWII deaths to the people responsible for many of those deaths.

[This message has been edited by CanyonAg77 (edited 7/30/2013 11:00p).]
Mayhaw Jelly
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My dad class of '75 told me about this over 20 years ago.
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It's funny, back when you could kidnap mascots without BS litigation...
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Funniest and greatest half-time show ever in the history of College Football.
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Horse**** canyon, we win and everyone goes home. It was that confounded Carl Swierc that sentenced the MOB to disguide themsenves as hamburger buns.
New Boot Goofin
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My dad would always tell me that story. He was a sophomore in the FTAB at the time.
The Original AG 76
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Like many above, I was there and so was my dad class of 44 who was there with a bunch of his friends.. ALL WWII vets.
As stated above it was the nazi goose-stepping AND the sight of the Rice "cheerleaders" and MANY MANY students doing the stiff arm nazi salute while chanting Sieg-Heil that set off the Aggie WWII vets. They also did this during the ENTIRE FTAB performance. ( we have seen that in Austin also but that was just typical sip behavior) There were also a lot of older Rice grads who were very embarrassed and apologetic for that crap.
In the 70's the stands were full of folks who fought the hun baster&s and lost dads and brothers over there. The sight of a bunch of long haired filthy punks attempting to equate Aggies to the very people that so many in the stands fought and lost fiends fighting was simply too much.
To my dads dying day he never forgot that day and never hired a Rice grad nor returned to that stadium. ( along with a lot of his friends).

[This message has been edited by The Original AG 76 (edited 7/31/2013 5:56a).]

[This message has been edited by The Original AG 76 (edited 7/31/2013 5:57a).]
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I say this as a member of the Band who performed the famous "Block O" at SMU in 1974. A disaster caused by our own misplaced whistle.

Capt Brewer showed us that film one summer.
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Capt Brewer showed us that film one summer.

Nothing quite as distressing as seeing the drum major moving, knowing the whistle was coming, and knowing it was 8 counts too early. A lot of drills it woudn't matter. But doing a "Lost Indian" in the "T", yeah, it was a mess.
Old Ag 74
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I was at the game as a Senior. I can appreciate satire and back-handed humor, but this was anything but. It was, and was meant to be, a massive insult by a bunch pseudo-intellectual twerps who thought they were vastly superior to us. Goose-stepping to a purposely bad rendition of the Aggie War Hymn was a huge put down to the memory of many men who had served this country with honor.
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I was also at the game at Rice Stadium when the band messed up and had to quit the show halfway through.

Rice Stadium had bad mojo for the Ags.

Can't remember what year that was. But yes - the event was unforgettable. I seem to remember a flag unfurled from a dorm adjacent to Rice Stadium (visible from inside the stadium) that incorporated the a&m logo...something like this on a three story banner:


I have to admit...I laughed at that.

The CT's in our section were livid over MOB whistles disrupting the band tho.

1981. I remember hearing whistles coming from all around. I was in between the Two bugle rank members that messed up after they counter marched. As they passed me, they were talking to each other, trying to figure out how to fix it.
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They use whistles? That seems like a crutch. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to do without whistles or some sort of aid.

Never knew that, am a disappointed
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the FTAB should have just gone to the ole block T and finished the show.

That MOB story is awesome, chicken leg and a fire hydrant..haha...pure gold.

Rices 100 year old Victory tree was cut down by some redpots as revenge.

If we do it, it's goodbull! If they do it, they're *******s!
Charlie Moran
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I was there with my fish buds. Long haired non reg but I too was incensed at the attempt to compare our corps to nazis.

It was stupid. We over reacted but they were the immature insensitive hosts who crapped in the party's punch bowl . The meditation / victory tree incident ? Well let's just say I thought it was payback at the time and basically told them that their " traditions" were fair game too. The main trunk was on the drill field but I don't believe it was added to the stack unless it was a last minute addition
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Video of the "Halftime of Infamy!"

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It was 40 years ago. Let it go. You fools needed a sense of humor then, and apparently you still need one now

Were you there? If not, then STFU. What's funny now was not so funny then, in context.
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