I vote for "hot Carl."
Brandon, you have nerves of steal.
Brandon, Pelini has nerve to steal.
Also, what is the deal with people just standing around and not trying to break this up? Everyone appears to have a ho-hum attitude, just watching and not doing anything.
The cover up/denial is always worse than the crime.
I've been dealing with idiots since yesterday on a husker board about this. No matter what you show them they still don't believe it.
Appears to me Carls looked over at the cameraman, saw someone was going to jump the guy from behind, moved to save the guy, but was too late.
I think the guy took and step back and tripped over someone or something and went down.
I'd even go so far as to say, Carl looked over, saw him start to fall and reached out to grab him.
quote:nope, we're complaining about a grown man attacking a defenseless person HOLDING a camera (what a fkg stud you are peloini) which if committed on the street outside would land his insane ass in fkg JAIL.
And you guys are crying about a camera.