Texas A&M Football
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Importance of T-Star from a Traditional Aggie

31,078 Views | 160 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by Leonardo da vinci
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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My current A&M cap of choice is a maroon ballcap with the simple white T, no block ATM. tu thinks they represent all of Texas but they do not.

While I am not a fan of the T-star, it has been with us for a very long time as it is part of the university seal.

I loathe the beveled ATM.
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Ever see this at a game?

Rice always had huge banners:

e.aTm.e or eaTme <---just too easy a mod

That, and the fact that the non-T Star looks like some guy carved it in HS woodshop, led me straight to the T-Star, simple and classy.

No contest, and I'm not New Army.
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Disclaimer: I do marketing for a living. Yes I know I suck.

From the first semester I went to A&M (Class of 06), I absolutely loved the T-Star. From a branding perspective it is so much better than the traditional cash dispensing logo that it's not even funny.

In fact it used to hurt me a little, because I am so into marketing. I would wear my T-Star visor all over campus, and would try to stir up sentiment towards the logo. I bought everything T-Star I could (not much) and really tried to be a T-Star Aggie.

Other Aggies basically thought I was crazy.

And since then I realized that the T-Star is crazy.

I mean on its own it's great, maybe one of the best pieces of marketing ever to come out of A&M. I thank whoever created it. But as far as branding goes, its dead in the water.

The "beveled T" is a established logo with decades of history. Even though it is not nearly as popular in the state as the Longhorn or (recently ) the TT logo, the "beveled T" has an emotional and nostalgic tie to old Aggies that keep them coughing up the bucks.

The more we move towards the T-Star the more we erase A&M's proud history, which leaves us (in football) with our pathetic modern era to represent the university.

Maybe if we were reaching new heights on the gridiron- T-Star it up then! But for now the T-Star (or anything NOT the "beveled T" is dead and needs to die.

A&M might be terrible as a school at marketing, but it still have done a lot of terrible marketing over a long time. You don't just throw away that much mindshare, unless you don't need it.

And we need it fellas. Leave the Beveled T alone...
Angry Beaver
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Texas A&M needs to go back to the days of Bear Bryant and start invoking the term "Texas Aggies" a lot more. We truly are the Texas Aggies from Texas A&M.

Yeah... We've fallen behind when it comes to represent the state (see the sips running out of their tunnel with the Texas flag, them being called the "Texas Longhorns", them calling it "Texas Football", etc.)

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you guys do much marketing? professionally, that is?
aggieband 83
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I 100% agree on using more of the term "Texas Aggies". This includes telling t.v. announcers to use it it instead of saying "Texas A&M Aggies". The same can be said about marketing more shirts and gear with the same wording.

I disagree about the T-star. Any school in this state could use it. Simply because it is a T for the state and a Star for the lone star. The symbol is not and will not be Texas A&M specific. The solid Block T flanked by the A and M is very specific. It is unfortunate that the marketing of these terms and products is not being done enough.
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why the hell are there random squares appearing in posts?
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I agree with the OP

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poofy hair guy- the beveled T is new, from the past 10 years or so as far as I know, the plain block T-AM is older and much better, imo.

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Wait wait wait - you mean Byrne changed our representative names to "Texas A&M Aggies" officially? I just thought the idiot announcers on tv called us that because they don't give a crap. We're the flippin Texas Aggies, and that's all there is to it. Seems kind of like when the University admins tried to change the Spirit of Aggieland to "we are the Aggies, the Aggies so true, we are from Texas AMU." It's dumb, it sounds dumb, nobody likes it, and nobody that cares about Texas A&M is going to say it.

That being said, in response to this
Name a popular logo from a college program that is not just the school's letters or a representation of its mascot?

Aren't you forgetting Tha U. (They are the exception that proves that winning matters more than anything.)
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Start with putting TEXAS AGGIES back in the endzones.

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Aren't you forgetting Tha U. (They are the exception that proves that winning matters more than anything.)

Decent point. It still is U, as in miami University. And it only makes sense because for years its athletes referred to it as such.

Nowhere in the phrase Texas A&M University or its mascot is a "star." The big problem is people unaffiliated can't easily make the connection to what the star represents. People generally don't buy logos for stuff they don't understand what it represents, and/or don't think others generally get it.
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If we're trying to get a national marketing campaign we ought to go the other way and drop the T from the logo and just have A&M. That will differentiate us from that other school more than the T-star will.
viva torrente
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the other way and drop the T from the logo and just have A&M.

Sort of like the S for Mich. State (does the S stand for State or Spartans)?

I saw a hat the other day with just an A&M as the logo. I actually thought it looked pretty good.
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I disagree about the T-star. Any school in this state could use it. Simply because it is a T for the state and a Star for the lone star. The symbol is not and will not be Texas A&M specific. The solid Block T flanked by the A and M is very specific. It is unfortunate that the marketing of these terms and products is not being done enough.

Texas Fight 10
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Gone. Troll. Staff.

[This message has been edited by TexAgs staff (edited 6/24/2010 6:53p).]
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I must be on the wrong website!!!!

I wanted www.texA&Mags.com

I guess this will work.

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Nice job, OP.

And a lot of you younger folks need to understand that the T-Star is NOT new. It is old school Texas A&M.

It is our heritage, as much as the "Fightin' Texas Aggies".

The Block T- it IS Texas A&M!!
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bonghorn, GTFO!!! Not many people were reppin' your bonghorn gear at the end of ol' freddy and the first two macs...I'm pretty sure WE do a fine job of representing the STATE of TEXAS, you just worry about keeping austin weird...let the big boys worry about the real stuff
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The University of Texas is and always will represent our great State of Texas regardless of football success.

You were obviously not around for the sips insignificant, inconsequential, irrelevant, not to mention lackluster mid 80's to mid 90's.

It's all based upon your football success. When you guys suck @ football, you repres.ent nothing and your following falls accordingly
Maroon Dawn
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It's not selling the school, its about selling the state. If this helps, don't call it "T-star" call it "Texas-Star"

Why did @Austin drop the UT brand logo? Because it was 'too school specific"! They didn't want a shirt that would make someone say 'Ooooh wait, this is shirt for a school I didn't go to or have any real connection to" they want "Ooooh this shirt says has a symbol easily identifiable with Texas, the state in which I live and would like to make that fact known to others!"

The same is true of Texas-star, the "T" stands for TEXAS the star is the Lone STAR. The maroon gives it Texas A&M origins, but if it looks like a generic logo for the state of Texas then GREAT! That is the entire point! Put a bunch of maroon shirts with nothing but white Texas-Star logos on it in every major Texas airport and the morons who buy the orange shirts with nothing but the cow head for a state of Texas souvenir will buy that too! Maybe not as many as first, butt he whole idea here is to BUILD THE BRAND.

Get it out there, give it to post cards to shot glasses, to wherever tacky Texas souvenirs are sold and into every Walmart!

The fact that we have sip socks on here posting how "dumb" this idea is (like they did about going to the SEC) just proves its touched a nerve! They make their living off selling Texas Pride and they know we are the only ones who have anything that can challenge that!

We have TEXAS Aggies!
We have TEXAS-Star!

Why is it that Aggies are OK with letting @Austin play with a stacked deck? Where does this belief come from that we can get back to beating them without our OWN deck of equal or greater power?

I suggest we stop bringing a knife to a gun fight and get serious about this instead of waxing nostalgic about "but we've ALWAYS used a knife!" Times change, saying "but we've ALWAYS used the aTm" is just stupid stubbornness costing us one of the few ways we can actually fight back against all of the inherent advantages @Austin has and actually level the playing field just a little in our favor!

[This message has been edited by Maroon Dawn (edited 6/24/2010 4:18p).]
Old Main
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Here is the logo on the baseball uniform. I think it looks sharp and we should use it more. Someone on the baseball uniform told me they now have a patch with the T-Star inside the state of Texas. We should try to find that logo. I think the T-Star inside the state outline on a maroon shirt would sell better than just the T-Star without the outline of Texas.

Maroon Dawn
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Just having the aTm inside a state of Texas outline isn't enough. Hell, BAYLOR does the BU inside a gold/green Texas outline on their uniforms.

aTm is too school specific.

I'm not saying get rid of it forever, @Austin still has their old UT brand, but it is pretty much their tertiary logo behind the cow head and "T" logos (ie the non school specific, generic state of Texas type logos!)

I'm saying that putting aTm in a Texas outline is putting a band aid on a sucking chest wound: It ain't pretty and works even worse.

Texas-Star is what we need to market the state of Texas to non Aggies (ie 99% of the state) not a logo that says "school I didn't go to and have no connection to"

Like I said, keep some aTm stuff available in B/CS for the nostalgics, but on our front porch (everywhere else in the state) market the hell out of Texas-Star!
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There is no importance of the T-star. We are not Texas State. Its ugly, and the only thing you need to be concerned about is aTm.
Maroon Dawn
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^ Sure, if your cool with saying "Nah, it's OK, we're fine with making less money and always being thought of as less important in our own state"

People, this fantasy that if we go on a big time winning streak, the state will suddenly be wearing nothing but maroon aTm's is a pipe dream. It happened once before but that was BEFORE @Austin's brilliant marketing blitz. They have changed the rules while we keep trying to win by the old ones thinking "tradition" will save us.

Here is why the old rules don't work:

If people don't think of you as the hero, then they aren't cheering for you to win, they want you to lose so THEIR team can win. Why has no one embraced Tech? Despite a decade of them winning and us sucking our merchandise sales are still a little higher more than theirs. Their merchandising is nowhere near @Austin's even though they've been HIGHLY competitive and "represented" the state well in all their bowl games. Why is this?

Its because people want TEXAS to win. Not the little school in Austin, but the STATE of TEXAS. @Austin has usurped that mantle for themselves and as long as they have it, THEY are the "good guys", the OFFICIAL representative of the state and the rest of us are the villains who just make it harder for the "official" Texas team to win!

Tech is screwed, people will never identify with them, but WE have a unique opportunity among "the other schools" to lay claim to the title of "representing the state"

We have the name TEXAS AGGIES because we have had it longer than @Austin has been the "horns".

We have a logo uniquely positioned because it represents the school (based DIRECTLY on our seal) AND the state!

If we listen to idiots like this guy then we deserve to never win the hearts and minds of Texas and just let the Horns have what they believe is their birth right and no one else may ever touch.

[This message has been edited by Maroon Dawn (edited 6/24/2010 6:08p).]
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Sorry MD- at best (which is a big IF), T-Star will only mean "Texas A&M" to fans. Why should Joe six pack ever think a random star on a T means "Texas"??

For better or worse "A&M" is our brand. Just like every other state school deals with the same merchandising issue (save for the ones lacking a major U of _____, ie: LSU, Ohio State).

If we stopped sucking at football, many more people will come calling to our stuff that have no affiliation.

Tech is screwed, people will never identify with them, but WE have a unique opportunity among "the other schools" to lay claim to the title of "representing the state"

We have the name TEXAS AGGIES because we have had it longer than @Austin has been the "horns".

You think Joe Six Pack cares that we have claim to "Texas Aggies" longer than the horns. No. Average guy is gonna read that and think,

"uh, don't they mean longhorns? Where's that orange Texas (as in UT) hat written in huge letters all around the cap, that's sweet man." /quote..Joe Bob

[This message has been edited by Aston04 (edited 6/24/2010 6:14p).]
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Maroon Dawn, excellent posts man. Keep it up. I agree 100%.
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I like Texas A&M Aggies
Sublette County
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The T-Star is not unique. It's not recognizable to anyone outside of B/CS. It is somewhat new, with a distinctly different look than the A&M seal.

I personally think it looks hideous, and I will never buy any merchandise with a T-Star on it. Fortunately it seems like adidas has seen the light. Virtually all of their newer merchandise in the MSC bookstore has no T-Star. Three years ago it was hard to find anything without that damn ugly thing slapped on it.

The T-Star is a marketing nightmare. All it does is dilute our brand. It's been on the basketball court for several years, but I'll bet the percentage of basketball fans that can recognize it as our logo is small compared to those who recognize the aTm. It's really bland, and it gives no real indication of who we are. Texas Tech? Texas State? Tarleton!?

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^ my point exactly. I will never buy a single thing with that hideous logo on it. A few years back there was a rumor going around that the t-star was to be the new logo on the side of the football helmets. thank god that idea was shot down like a dead duck.
The Milkman
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Any school in this state could use it. Simply because it is a T for the state and a Star for the lone star. The symbol is not and will not be Texas A&M specific.

It's really bland, and it gives no real indication of who we are. Texas Tech? Texas State? Tarleton!?

I think you guys have missed the point. It shouldnt be overly Aggie specific. It just needs to be sellable...the the buyers minds it could be anybody. Thats why the buy it. They dont want to go buy some TAMU product. They want to buy something that looks good or is generic
The Milkman
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If we're trying to get a national marketing campaign we ought to go the other way and drop the T from the logo and just have A&M.

This is the what Ive been thinking for a while as well. You cant catch up to what the horns have done marketing-wise. Pepsi can't catch Coca-Cola when people are calling their own products "coke". You cant beat UT when everyone around the country just calls them Texas.

If they are Texas...and you are always calling yourself "Texas A&M" you are immediately making yourself sound secondary.

If we just branded everything as simply A&M we could start selling again.

There isnt another state in the country who has a major, national university with "A&M" in the title. That would still be specific to the school, but differentiate us.
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Some of you are overcomplicating things. It's as simple as winning in football. Do you really think all of the tshirt fans buy Texas gear because we "brand" ourselves as Texas? No. It begins and ends with Mack Brown and his perennial 9-10 wins per season.
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NONE of this matters until we get back to being the best football team in the state. That's it. Start winning and the regognition/notoriety/"casual fan" familiarity/etc. will fall in to place.

There is always an ebb and flow through the course of time, but there are plenty of examples where the "University of [insert state name here]" is't the most recognizable program in the state, including the other two of the top 3 football schools in the nation:

Florida (it is today, but hasn't been until recently taking a back seat to Miami and FSU)
California (USC, UCLA)
Virginia (Va. Tech >> UVA)
Arizona (ASU >> UA)

SO, just make t.u. our b**** again and that's exactly what they'll be.

[This message has been edited by JazzAg (edited 6/25/2010 9:26a).]
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I think you are off on USC > UCLA/Cal

You may think that way in football and your thinking might be skewed because of recent history but Cal-Berkley and UCLA are much better schools than USC.

Grandfather is a USC grad
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