Some funny memories come back looking at the photo of the 'tunnel' at Kyle Field. Waiting for us guys in the Aggie Band to wander thru towards the field for the March In. We would combine the normal 12 man rank of Block Band into a 6 man rank which would fan out immediately once the rank cleared the tunnel. Intent was to be in a 12 man rank by the time we hit the back of the end zone. The Band would march down Kyle Field, do a countermarch on the south goal line, and stop coming back north on about the north 40 YL. My best guess after all these years. Our part of the military review for the BQ Cord eval would be over then. We would play stuff as the Corps came into Kyle Field on the track starting at the SE side of the complex. They would march all the way around the track, past the reviewing stand, and then depart once they got to the SW corner. Once the last unit was done the Band would do a right flank and march a bit towards the track and then halt. I think when we halted the basses kept running up to get over the wall and up to their places. I am fuzzy on the next part, either one rank at a time was dismissed or we all just gaggled up together. Someone who remembers better can fix this part for me.
Anyway, it all is done differently now but it still works. How do they 'eval' the Band for the BQ Cord currently if they are in the stands to start with? The whole world wonders.
Why we called it the BQ Cord is another story for another time.
Anyway, it all is done differently now but it still works. How do they 'eval' the Band for the BQ Cord currently if they are in the stands to start with? The whole world wonders.
Why we called it the BQ Cord is another story for another time.