December Update.
First, I really thought we would be further along in this than we are now. The progress really slowed down once school started more than I anticipated. Football season took a couple weekend, prospect steer shows took a couple, and a whole bunch of other smaller things; but the more than likely the real reason was just small distractions piling up. So; we still don't have the cab on the frame as of today, but the checklist to do that is getting shorter.
- Install torque converter
- Install corner height sensors and wires
- Driveshaft
I've measured for the driveshaft and have the slip yoke; so that should be quick. The TC is on order and should ship tomorrow. The tabs to mount the ride height sensors are on backorder - but if they don't arrive soon then angle iron will have to do.
I alluded to a change in plans on the suspension. I gave in and purchased the Accuair E-level system now instead of putting it off because it's easiest installed without the body on. The E-level system used electronic ride height sensors located on each corner and through its own controller maintains that height at varying load conditions. This eliminates air gauges to 'set' the height desired and also returns it to the same position within a fraction of an inch every time greatly helping tire wear issues air rides are known for. The system also has 3 preprogrammed heights that can be selected with the touch of a button AND can be programmed to lay the truck out when the key is removed and raise it ride height when the engine is started.
One of the things I'm learning is that no matter HOW many people have done this before or how much internet research you do - things are going to creep up that require you to 'make it your own' and do some degree of fabricating. Case in point: I ordered compressor mounts from Porterbuilt and the tanks were backordered. I didn't sweat it because I wasn't to that point when I ordered them but as we started on suspension we learned that the tanks used for the mounts we had were discontinued. Great. Porterbuilt was in a holding pattern while they thought through their solution - but we trudged on and with he help of a MIG and some angle iron designed our own mounts for the tanks we could get our hands on. that done it was on to running the air lines and mounting the VU4 valve and controller. I had to tough choice here: Diet Coke or Beer. Beer or Diet Coke. I opted for both. wanted to mount these where they A. wouldn't be near exhaust because of nylon air line B. could be attached to the frame so I could remove bed without having to dismantle air ride and C. weren't in direct line of road debris. To meet those requirements I opted for the very rear of the truck attached to the last crossmember. I angled the valve and cut a widow for the air lines to pass through. This way the lines don't kink and it is all serviceable without removing the bed.
We started working a little more in the evenings. The purple sky over the shop is really pretty some nights.
When agWrangler started looking for another project I decided to the contribute to his delinquency - this is one of 100 candidates I've shot his way...
That and in case you haven't heard, we hired a coach. That was a distraction.
Work does go on with the cab. We did some sanding on the inner firewall to shoot it with some base coat when the weather clears up. The outer firewall area won't be painted - just the protruding part. I'm all about patina, but just don't like where the brake fluid completely took all the paint off the firewall.
The weather. What the actual F? So this happened as close to the equator as you're going to get in TEXAS.
Once the snow melted and the temps got back to about 70 it was time to do al little engine work. CPjr and I recruited a little help for a couple extra hands when we stabbed the cam in. 80 year old eyes find timing marks about as good or better than mine...
HELLLLOOOO DOWN THERE.... Hahaha. No lifters were dropped in this exercise!
This Brian Tooley Racing LS valve spring compressor is my new best friend. Just about the time we got real good at it we ran out of valves to do! Black viton valve seals on INTAKE, Brown seals on Exhaust. Black on intake, brown on exhaust. Don't forget.
I guess that's where we stand for now; the engine is buttoned up (cam installed) and I expect torque coverer/driveline in by Christmas. Hopefully we will be wiring shortly after the New Year rolls around. This may be taking longer than I planned, but so far the enthusiasm hasn't waned on my part or CPjr. Sometimes though my attention does get drawn away....
Have I mentioned I have to drive by this 2-3 times a day. Hmmmmmm.....
Merry Christmas Auto Board.