MAS444 said:
Yes - if there's one thing we need to spend more money on here, it's definitely snow plows and salt trucks.
I'd have been happy with dump trucks and some sand.
Doesn't appear any of the toll road authorities even bothered with that on overpasses. 3 wrecks on the way to the office this morning, all of them on the downhill side of an overpass that had ice on it with no appearance of any treatment at all.
Once I got off and onto 59 the roads were significantly better - even the elevated by GRB was free of ice.
The interchange going from 288 to BW8 was a charlie foxtrot. About halfway up is as far as the cars made it. Part because of ice all over the place, part because [i'm assuming] the cars that were blocking the roads were going too slow to make it up the incline and got to the halfway point where they could go no further.