Voted around 930 this morning. Only person voting then. This was over by City Center.
I'm jealous,but curious what you told her? She's a mouth-breathing, race baiting, staff-berating bucket of corruption that doesn't have enough intellectual gun powder to fill a fire cracker?Ryan the Temp said:
I had the pleasure today of telling SJL to her face I wasn't voting for her and why. She looked like I slapped her. I'm sure she doesn't care, but it was satisfying.
I was going to ignore her, but she engaged me. I started off by saying I had been her constituent for close to 20 years and she got very excited about that. I then said the mailpiece where she basically called John Whitmire a Trumper was where she lost me and I voted for Whitmire as a result. I closed by telling her she should be ashamed of herself. She couldn't get away from me fast enough.Booma94 said:I'm jealous,but curious what you told her? She's a mouth-breathing, race baiting, staff-berating bucket of corruption that doesn't have enogh intellectual gun powder to fill a fire cracker?Ryan the Temp said:
I had the pleasure today of telling SJL to her face I wasn't voting for her and why. She looked like I slapped her. I'm sure she doesn't care, but it was satisfying.
Something like 75% probably voted early. Then we'll wait for the Fort Bend boxes to come in and see if they have any surprises.vbl said:
Can you please explain. I assume you mean the early voting tallies will be so lopsided that the triple crown can't possibly cheat enough to win.
Booma94 said:I'm jealous,but curious what you told her? She's a mouth-breathing, race baiting, staff-berating bucket of corruption that doesn't have enough intellectual gun powder to fill a fire cracker?Ryan the Temp said:
I had the pleasure today of telling SJL to her face I wasn't voting for her and why. She looked like I slapped her. I'm sure she doesn't care, but it was satisfying.
TX04Aggie said:
Lina bout to check back into rehab tonight if Whitmire wins.
maroon barchetta said:TX04Aggie said:
Lina bout to check back into rehab tonight if Whitmire wins.
Her poor boyfriend will have to dip into his savings again.
EV totals hold almost every time. The chances of the result changing is almost non-existent with today's low turnout.vbl said:
Can you please explain. I assume you mean the early voting tallies will be so lopsided that the triple crown can't possibly cheat enough to win.
Ryan the Temp said:
Whitmire 65%
SJL 35%
You have 7hrs left to vote Houston! Go vote Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor!
— Sheila Jackson Lee (@SJacksonLee) December 9, 2023
Ryan the Temp said:
Whitmire 65%
SJL 35%
I wanna know where I can buy some QUIZ-AH-NEEN Is it on sale at Target?
— Michelle GCR (@theshellbelle) December 8, 2023
Bluto said:
I wonder why SJL isn't winning this one by a all her other races?
I'm sure this has been discussed here before. I haven't read the entire thread. But damn, I used to live in her district and was always "shocked" with her margins of victory.