The only issue I've heard is from some older conservative friends saying "we don't have anyone to vote for" in the mayor's race. Of course, nobody should need a party label to tell them to vote against Sheila Jackson Lee.
Don't forget the other races if you haven't voted yet. Chris Collins was Rodney Ellis' guy to take over elections administration when they ran off Diane Trautman, and he has Sylvester Turner's endorsement.
The city council races fall pretty clear down partisan lines.
You can see the Democrat party endorsed candidates here, if you're curious: endorsed candidates: endorsements: Professional Fir Fighters Association doesn't seem to keep their website current, but from their facebook:
Even if I cared nothing about the city races, would be pretty easy to vote against all of Sylvester Turner's and Lina Hidalgo's endorsed candidates, which include SJL and all the Harris County Democrats candidates.