Still a group out there creating opposition.
If you're on Facebook please go like this page. It's also a great way to get information on what's going on.
The goal right now is to get 2 At Large Councilmembers to request a halt on the project. There's some momentum so it's possible. I know that Abbie Kamin's team is actively listening to the opposition.
If you're serious send daily or weekly emails to the following:
Simply state you're opposed to the plan and would like more information if you haven't already.
You can also ask the following questions in your own words:
1) How did the city go about getting resident feedback and did they quantify that resident feedback?
2) Is this a bike lane project or a roadway safety project?
3) Was 14th ever seriously considered for these bike lanes if the City feels additional bike access is needed in the Heights?
4) Data shows that 70% of the crashes being used to help justify this project occurred at 6 intersections. If that data is true are those six intersections a major focus for safety? Does all of 11th have to be altered to make those intersections safer?
5) What other cities have they researched for this traffic calming project and what did they find?
6) What lessons have been learned from similar roadways in Houston where similar plans have already been implemented?
7) Who killed Epstein?
If you're on Facebook please go like this page. It's also a great way to get information on what's going on.
The goal right now is to get 2 At Large Councilmembers to request a halt on the project. There's some momentum so it's possible. I know that Abbie Kamin's team is actively listening to the opposition.
If you're serious send daily or weekly emails to the following:
Simply state you're opposed to the plan and would like more information if you haven't already.
You can also ask the following questions in your own words:
1) How did the city go about getting resident feedback and did they quantify that resident feedback?
2) Is this a bike lane project or a roadway safety project?
3) Was 14th ever seriously considered for these bike lanes if the City feels additional bike access is needed in the Heights?
4) Data shows that 70% of the crashes being used to help justify this project occurred at 6 intersections. If that data is true are those six intersections a major focus for safety? Does all of 11th have to be altered to make those intersections safer?
5) What other cities have they researched for this traffic calming project and what did they find?
6) What lessons have been learned from similar roadways in Houston where similar plans have already been implemented?
7) Who killed Epstein?