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Tine Coronavirus thread

2,602,071 Views | 20959 Replies | Last: 7 mo ago by Ciboag96
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TarponChaser said:

AgLA06 said:

It was discussed at length on the Covid board. Combination they weren't working with Omicron and political because Red states used the majority of it and it was pulled in favor of the east coast.

I was reading other stuff and there were studies claiming they were effective vs. Omicron.

There was one of the three working against Omicron, but it was lumped in with the other two so as not to compete with Plaxivod and to screw those dirty, unvaxxed red states.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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AgLA06 said:

Reality is probably closer to not preventing infection with Omicron, but lessoning severity, hospitalization and death.
Problem here is at what risk of known side effects?

Yeah it might lessen risk of severity, but it also seems like it may be more risk than its worth at the end of the day.

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AgLA06 said:

No idea what they will do. I'm also not near as political as most of you on here.

Far right says vaccines are worthless, far left thinks they are a deity. Reality is probably closer to not preventing infection with Omicron, but lessoning severity, hospitalization and death.

My personal opinion is the oral treatment is probably more important if they can ever ramp up production.
Uh, except the "far left" was against the vaccines when it was Trump pushing them out. I think more people are against making stuff mandated, having vaccine passes, etc. And I hate that everyone has to be "far left" or "far right." I think there are far more in the middle than people think.
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Like anything else the answer is maybe.

Kids under 10, I tend to agree.

Over the age of 40 and I'd probably disagree, but that's just personal opinion.

We're basically a year into the vaccine at this point and data tends to point towards risk due to vaccine being insignificant. The problem is that argument doesn't make much sense unless you also study long term impacts of having a bad case of Covid (in the un-vaxxed) and comparing the long term effects of both to see which is better.

Reality is you can't arm chair quarterback the future and based on all the issues people talk about long after having Covid, i'm guessing the shot risk is the lesser of the 2 evils.
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BohunkAg said:

AgLA06 said:

No idea what they will do. I'm also not near as political as most of you on here.

Far right says vaccines are worthless, far left thinks they are a deity. Reality is probably closer to not preventing infection with Omicron, but lessoning severity, hospitalization and death.

My personal opinion is the oral treatment is probably more important if they can ever ramp up production.
Uh, except the "far left" was against the vaccines when it was Trump pushing them out. I think more people are against making stuff mandated, having vaccine passes, etc. And I hate that everyone has to be "far left" or "far right." I think there are far more in the middle than people think.
The vast majority of us are stuck in the middle.

That's not who tends to do the news or make all the noise. It's why elections are the mess they are.
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Looks like the entire mandate except for HC workers has officially been scrapped by the Biden administration.

Sea Speed
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After the damage has been done.
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Sea Speed said:

After the damage has been done.

The cynical "conspiracy theorist" in me is pretty confident that the Biden administration 100% knew this would happen but they plowed ahead because they knew a bunch of milquetoast corporations who fear the Twitterverse more than anything would institute their own corporate mandates and force employees to decide between getting the jab or losing their job. And by the time it got to SCOTUS the damage would have been done because people would chose to get jabbed rather than lose their livelihoods.

It's sort of the reverse of the "sue & settle" tactics that were huge in the Obama administration with the radical environmental left has used to advance their agenda without actually getting laws and policy passed into law. In this case some environmental group would sue to stop something from happening they didn't like (or force an action they wanted). They then settled with friendly lawyers from the EPA, BLM, Forest Service, etc and those legal settlements then had the force of law to enact policies they wanted but couldn't get passed in legislatures.
Quincey P. Morris
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I thought they've been pretty brazen about it. There was another policy that I can't remember for the life of me where Biden flat said he didn't think they had the authority but they'd get a few months out of it.
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Eviction Moratorium?
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TarponChaser said:

Sea Speed said:

After the damage has been done.

The cynical "conspiracy theorist" in me is pretty confident that the Biden administration 100% knew this would happen but they plowed ahead because they knew a bunch of milquetoast corporations who fear the Twitterverse more than anything would institute their own corporate mandates and force employees to decide between getting the jab or losing their job. And by the time it got to SCOTUS the damage would have been done because people would chose to get jabbed rather than lose their livelihoods.

It's sort of the reverse of the "sue & settle" tactics that were huge in the Obama administration with the radical environmental left has used to advance their agenda without actually getting laws and policy passed into law. In this case some environmental group would sue to stop something from happening they didn't like (or force an action they wanted). They then settled with friendly lawyers from the EPA, BLM, Forest Service, etc and those legal settlements then had the force of law to enact policies they wanted but couldn't get passed in legislatures.

I don't feel like this is even a conspiracy theory to be honest.

The only terrible thing is that the Supreme Court let it go into effect for a couple days before staying it. Should have killed it before it went into effect.
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Quincey P. Morris said:

I thought they've been pretty brazen about it. There was another policy that I can't remember for the life of me where Biden flat said he didn't think they had the authority but they'd get a few months out of it.

It was the Vax mandate. He said he couldn't do it, then did it anyway. They knew full well it was going to get struck down the instant they made the policy. That's not a conspiracy theory at all.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Coming up on the 2-year anniversary of this little gem.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Coming up on the 2-year anniversary of this little gem.

That's right up there with the "go hug a Chinese person" from about the same time. I can't recall if it was Cuomo or DeBlasio in NYC or Pelosi in San Fran though. Regardless it was utterly stupid pandering.
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Sea Speed
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Pelosi definitely did a Chinatown photo op
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There was definitely a drain on visitors to Chinatown in Houston. I have a friend who works over there.

While the politicians showing up for the cameras was definitely nothing more than a stunt, there was a real decline in business that hurt people.
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AgLiving06 said:

TarponChaser said:

Sea Speed said:

After the damage has been done.

The cynical "conspiracy theorist" in me is pretty confident that the Biden administration 100% knew this would happen but they plowed ahead because they knew a bunch of milquetoast corporations who fear the Twitterverse more than anything would institute their own corporate mandates and force employees to decide between getting the jab or losing their job. And by the time it got to SCOTUS the damage would have been done because people would chose to get jabbed rather than lose their livelihoods.

It's sort of the reverse of the "sue & settle" tactics that were huge in the Obama administration with the radical environmental left has used to advance their agenda without actually getting laws and policy passed into law. In this case some environmental group would sue to stop something from happening they didn't like (or force an action they wanted). They then settled with friendly lawyers from the EPA, BLM, Forest Service, etc and those legal settlements then had the force of law to enact policies they wanted but couldn't get passed in legislatures.

I don't feel like this is even a conspiracy theory to be honest.

The only terrible thing is that the Supreme Court let it go into effect for a couple days before staying it. Should have killed it before it went into effect.

Which is why I put "conspiracy theorist" in quotes.

There have been so many "conspiracies" regarding covid that have either been proven correct or are now accepted fact that it's hard to keep track. Like the lab-leak origin, the deliberate misinformation/misdirection from Fauci (as seen in his FOIA emails), emails leaked discussing the hostile nature of government/media/some in medical community towards early-intervention therapeutics, and the government and media conspiring to quash the Barrington Declaration.
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jetch17 said:


Damn, suckers should have held out.

I might see about getting the J&J again for a $1000.
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jetch17 said:

Every time I see the price go up, I'm simultaneously more tempted and more skeptical.

Do we at least know what kind of gift card it is?
Al Bula
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Rita and Samica had the fear porn machine going full blast talking about the new stealth variant.
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Also clickbait. You're only entered into a weekly drawing. Not guaranteed.

Houston Health Department offering $1,000 incentive to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates - ABC13 Houston

I'm out.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

AgLA06 said:

Reality is probably closer to not preventing infection with Omicron, but lessoning severity, hospitalization and death.
Problem here is at what risk of known side effects?

Yeah it might lessen risk of severity, but it also seems like it may be more risk than its worth at the end of the day.

Here is the thing I don't get about this argument - if you believe the vaccine wasn't evaluated long enough and could have significant side effects, whether short or long term, then you also have to believe that contracting the virus has the same unknown side effects.

Vaccines have been around a long time. Our understanding of how they work and what side effects they may cause is as good as our understanding of the human immune system. Because it's not really a specific vaccine that causes the side effects - it's the body's immune response to it.

And our understanding of immune responses is just like every other health condition or health treatment - we have data that represents a large section of the population but there are ALWAYS outliers.

Just like a Covid infection causes variable symptoms in infected people, the vaccine (and other viruses, for that matter) also causes variable reactions.

Viruses, not just Covid, are complicated vectors for infection that can cause all sorts of other problems in the human body. It's known that viral infections can cause heart inflammation (the flu), cancer (HPV), liver disease, and diabetes. A recent study just suggested that Epstein Barr virus (a form of herpes that lies dormant in the body after infection) causes MS in some people.

One might argue that some of these conditions aren't always a direct result of the virus itself, but an indirect consequence of the body's response to the virus. When your immune system is weakened, it can affect all sorts of other things.

There is nothing inherently unsafe about the use of mRNA vaccine. The mechanism for protein formation via the mRNA vaccine is the same as the mechanism that would occur if you were infected with the virus. The vaccine is just a much lower, controlled dose.

If you have a bad response to the vaccine, that's a function of your immune system. And it stands to reason that you would have an even worse reaction of you were to contract the virus.

But you can't logically argue that the vaccine has the risk of long-term side effects and not conclude the same for the virus.
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Vaccines have been around a long time.

Respectfully, not this type of vaccine, and that is the issue most everyone has.
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There is nothing inherently unsafe about the use of mRNA vaccine.

Respectfully, again, when the inventor of mRNA tech says this is a bad idea, it tends to raise a red flag.
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TXTransplant said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

AgLA06 said:

Reality is probably closer to not preventing infection with Omicron, but lessoning severity, hospitalization and death.
Problem here is at what risk of known side effects?

Yeah it might lessen risk of severity, but it also seems like it may be more risk than its worth at the end of the day.

But you can't logically argue that the vaccine has the risk of long-term side effects and not conclude the same for the virus.
I think you can, but that is another issue. To most people, the side effects from the virus are a sunk cost at this point because most of us have already had it.
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Daddy-O5 said:

Also clickbait. You're only entered into a weekly drawing. Not guaranteed.

Houston Health Department offering $1,000 incentive to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates - ABC13 Houston

I'm out.


Thought I'd make a a quick G but I'm out.
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CDUB98 said:


There is nothing inherently unsafe about the use of mRNA vaccine.

Respectfully, again, when the inventor of mRNA tech says this is a bad idea, it tends to raise a red flag.

Except Malone didn't "invent" mRNA technology. He did a series of experiments that mixed mRNA with fat and injected that into human cells in order to produce proteins. There were researchers before him who used liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse and human cells. And the lipid nanoparticle delivery method used in today's vaccines has been improved multiple times since his experiments in the 80s.

Did he contribute…sure. Did he "invent" the vaccine…no. He probably should have been named on some early patents, but it looks like he had a falling out with his coworkers and/or supervisors that also contributed.

But if you read up on him it is clear that he is a very bitter man who feels he was slighted of credit that he deserves.

It also doesn't appear that he has any research experience related to the safety of the vaccines in their current embodiment. He never finished his PhD, but after completing med school, he tried to continue his research on mRNA vaccines but couldn't secure funding. After the mid-90s, his work shifted to DNA vaccines. Then he moved into the consulting industry.

It is the subsequent improvements to the lipid delivery method, specifically the lipid nanoparticles, that actually improved the safety of the vaccines compared to the delivery methods Malone used in his experiments.

All of his theories are just that, theories. He has not directly worked with this technology in quite some time and is just parroting information he's read, much of it anecdotal, and his own biased hypotheses.

As far as I'm concerned, he has a personal agenda, much like many others on both sides of this issue. I put about as much stock in what he says as I do in what Fauci says. Both are flawed men who only care about their own reputations.
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CDUB98 said:


Vaccines have been around a long time.

Respectfully, not this type of vaccine, and that is the issue most everyone has.

That's because most people don't understand mRNA. It's exactly the same mechanism by which the virus creates the spike protein and replicates when it infects your body. The vaccine isn't doing anything the virus itself doesn't do, but the vaccine is delivered in a much more controlled dose. And since there is no live virus to replicate, the amount of mRNA and protein is fixed.
Sea Speed
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Its not even about the vaccine to me, its about forced compliance under threat of losing everything you have worked for and unwillingness to recognize nuance. Its either you're morally superior and vaccinated or you're a disgusting unclean antivaxx heathen. For 2 years no one was willing to recognize natural immunity. And don't even get me started on trying to give this unnecessary bull**** to children, whom have already basically been sacrificed for the benefit of the oldest and least healthy in this country.
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I don't recall ever seeing TXTransplant advocating for forced/mandate vaxx.
Sea Speed
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If that's in response to me, I wasn't insinuating that at all, to be clear. I meant in the national sense, which is still very much a conversation being had unfortunately
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Sea Speed said:

For 2 years no one was willing to recognize natural immunity.

Definitely my biggest gripe about the whole situation with vax status. More reports coming out now about longer lasting effectiveness of having it vs being vaxxed. Major issue that's still ongoing and needs to change.
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I may be squeezed into a corner come the end of April.

I have a trip to Portugal planned the second week of May. The EU is updating their requirements on entry. Before, you had to test no matter what, now, if you can prove you're "up to date" within the last 270 days, no testing requirement and more liberty in the region.

Guess who has two thumbs and doesn't want a booster....this guy. This would be a pleasure trip and my first time to Portugal. I really don't want to cancel and no telling how many thousands I'd lose, even with trip insurance. I can get in the country, but I don't know if I'll be barred from certain activities.
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